Ahh, youth

Ahh, youth

Postby Thumper » Mon Mar 23, 2015 5:19 pm

The Kid got a nice new road bike for Christmas. Until then she just had an entry level "mountain bike" that has never seen a mountain. We noticed she was wanting to go on longer and longer road rides and on multi use paths. So now of course she wants to go on long rides and Mrs. T is rightly a bit anxious about turning her loose on the open roads unsupervised. Cue Old Former Rider. With a completely full spring break schedule, Saturday was the only day we might be able to ride. I was hoping for bad weather or that something else might grab her attention. No such luck.
I didn't have time to do any maintenance on my bike, it's only really been on the trainer recently. It's in desperate need of new tires, but it was either ride with what I had or miss the opportunity. It was cool, brisk, and windy when we started out. As she led me on a meandering route towards a bike path, I remembered everything I used to love, and not love so much about road riding. After two nut busting hours on rough winter ravaged roads (with as much riding as I used to do, it's just short of a miracle that there even IS a Kid. :D ) I led her on a return home trip over some fairly busy roads. The wind shifted, as it often does, so we fought it on the way out, and again on the way back. 32 miles I believe is the longest ride I've been on in several years. The old man was a little proud in the last few miles when The Kid couldn't keep up. Enough wind and hills, and me keeping a quick pace left her coming in pretty slow. She was a bit upset that she couldn't keep up until I admitted how tired I was and how sore I was later in the day. She'd never pushed that hard on a bike ride before. Just another near bonk ride for me, I've had plenty. Left me feeling pretty good. She dusted me in a 3 mile run a couple days before. Of course she played 10 hours of Volleyball the next day. And she's leaving for a 4 day lacrosse preseason training camp as I write this. But for a few minutes early Saturday afternoon, I still had it. :P
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Re: Ahh, youth

Postby Swift » Mon Mar 23, 2015 8:23 pm


Thumper wrote:I was hoping for bad weather or that something else might grab her attention. No such luck.

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Re: Ahh, youth

Postby Rommie » Fri Mar 27, 2015 7:57 am

Very cool! She sounds super athletic these days. How old is she now again?
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Re: Ahh, youth

Postby Thumper » Mon Mar 30, 2015 11:37 am

She turns 15 in May. But she's been a teenager for about ten years now.
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Re: Ahh, youth

Postby Rommie » Mon Mar 30, 2015 12:58 pm

Damn. Time flies. :) College hunting is just around the corner!
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Re: Ahh, youth

Postby brite » Mon Mar 30, 2015 3:57 pm

Thumper wrote:She turns 15 in May. But she's been a teenager for about ten years now.

Sorry... she's 3... which makes Cookie.... 13... No wait... that doesn't work... then I have to somehow justify the Crumb.... And I loves me the Crumb.... the Crumb is AWESOME!

Where did the time go? We turned into "responsible adults" somewhere along the way! I want it to STOP! LMAO
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Re: Ahh, youth

Postby Thumper » Mon Mar 30, 2015 4:46 pm

Rommie wrote:Damn. Time flies. :) College hunting is just around the corner!

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Re: Ahh, youth

Postby Thumper » Mon Mar 30, 2015 4:47 pm

brite wrote:
Thumper wrote:She turns 15 in May. But she's been a teenager for about ten years now.

Sorry... she's 3... which makes Cookie.... 13... No wait... that doesn't work... then I have to somehow justify the Crumb.... And I loves me the Crumb.... the Crumb is AWESOME!

Where did the time go? We turned into "responsible adults" somewhere along the way! I want it to STOP! LMAO
I'm still trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up...
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Re: Ahh, youth

Postby brite » Mon Mar 30, 2015 7:16 pm

You and me both... I'm hoping to decide before I graduate and have to choose a master's program... that's 3 years away...
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Re: Ahh, youth

Postby Thumper » Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:23 am

Do what my buddy did. He kept changing his major each time graduation approached...
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Re: Ahh, youth

Postby brite » Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:13 pm

Thumper wrote:Do what my buddy did. He kept changing his major each time graduation approached...

That's what dual majors are for... LOL
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Re: Ahh, youth

Postby squ1d » Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:39 am

The kid is 15??? That's crazy.

Oh right, I'm 35 this year.

Brite's age estimations seemed more realistic to my mind.

For a while I was doing lunchtime rides with other social members of my cycling club. Including one particularly determined young intern nicknamed "bootcamp". After arriving back at work close to death after a 70km odd roll around the river I felt slightly better hearing how exhausted she was.
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Re: Ahh, youth

Postby brite » Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:04 am

squ1d wrote:The kid is 15??? That's crazy.

Oh right, I'm 35 this year.

Brite's age estimations seemed more realistic to my mind.

For a while I was doing lunchtime rides with other social members of my cycling club. Including one particularly determined young intern nicknamed "bootcamp". After arriving back at work close to death after a 70km odd roll around the river I felt slightly better hearing how exhausted she was.

Here's my issue... Our beloved Cookie is now the mother of the Crumb, so she can't be 13 anymore. And she met the Kid when she was about 13... As heavy as it makes my heart, I'm going to have to admit that the Kid may have grown up while we weren't looking and personally, I blame Thumper...
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Re: Ahh, youth

Postby squ1d » Tue Apr 21, 2015 9:41 am

Seems fair
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Re: Ahh, youth

Postby Thumper » Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:22 am

I never trust a guy with a ponytail.
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Re: Ahh, youth

Postby brite » Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:22 pm

Thumper wrote:I never trust a guy with a ponytail.

Yeah... but you were a really cute guy with a ponytail... and your wife wasn't bad either... and I'm betting that hasn't changed all that much!
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Re: Ahh, youth

Postby code monkey » Wed Apr 22, 2015 2:25 am

brite wrote:
squ1d wrote:The kid is 15??? That's crazy.

Oh right, I'm 35 this year.

Brite's age estimations seemed more realistic to my mind.

Here's my issue... Our beloved Cookie is now the mother of the Crumb, so she can't be 13 anymore. And she met the Kid when she was about 13... As heavy as it makes my heart, I'm going to have to admit that the Kid may have grown up while we weren't looking and personally, I blame Thumper...

please, people. you make such heavy weather of this.

allow me, to provide some instruction. age is just a number. therefore, one should pick one that one likes. (and does not evoke snickers when one claims it.)
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Re: Ahh, youth

Postby Thumper » Fri Jul 10, 2015 6:19 pm

Had another nice ride on July 4th. We were going to watch a parade at a friend's house in town. The Kid and I saddled up just after 7:00am and headed in. Nice weather and light traffic aided our ride. I led to the bike path, then she zoomed past me and I trailed her until we left the path for the last mile to our friend's house. We were the first people at the party. Mrs. T showed up a bit later with the truck and a change of clothes. Parade was great, visiting friends and later family was great, getting a nice truck ride home with the bikes in back was great. ;) It was a rockin 20.5 miles. Still on those old tires....
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