Summer Solstice Plans?

Summer Solstice Plans?

Postby Rebis » Thu Jun 20, 2013 6:22 pm

It's come up so quickly, and I've only just come on the Pagan path, that I really don't have any plans...except wanting to make homemade strawberry shortcake. :)

Big whoop, right?

Otherwise will be weather watching (hopefully thunderstorms; we need rain) and quietly marking the day. I'm always attune to weather and changes in the year.

What plans might others have?
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Re: Summer Solstice Plans?

Postby brite » Thu Jun 20, 2013 6:32 pm

For the Solstice (June 21, for those of you who don't have a clue of what we are talking about... ) I have every intention of just being quiet and listening. It is the longest day of the year. I have seeds to replant (thanks the Poe and the dogs), so I'll probably do that, make some popsicles for the Poe, clean up the altar and put out new offerings for Ganesh and Lakshmi, new candles, change the altar cloth to something more... summer like.

Dinner will be very vegetarian... lots of summer veggies. And I will start making iced tea and aqua vita...

As a solitary, I tend to spend my days quietly... though there has been talk about reopening an old chat room, and doing an online ritual with a group that I was very involved with... I may end up involved with that... I'm very good at ritual by the seat of my robes....
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Re: Summer Solstice Plans?

Postby pumpkinpi » Thu Jun 20, 2013 6:44 pm

Nothing except mourn the fact that days will be getting shorter starting Saturday....
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Re: Summer Solstice Plans?

Postby SciFi Chick » Thu Jun 20, 2013 7:40 pm

pumpkinpi wrote:Nothing except mourn the fact that days will be getting shorter starting Saturday....

My thoughts exactly.
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Re: Summer Solstice Plans?

Postby FZR1KG » Thu Jun 20, 2013 7:47 pm

On a completely unrelated matter, so like, when does Summer start here?

Re: Summer Solstice Plans?

Postby Rebis » Thu Jun 20, 2013 7:55 pm

It's actually weird to think tomorrow begins Summer; *here* it's "been Summer" the past 7 weeks at least.

Today is the last day of Spring? Not at 102 F. :-p
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Re: Summer Solstice Plans?

Postby pumpkinpi » Thu Jun 20, 2013 8:18 pm

That's why I think meteorological seasons make more sense in terms of weather. Summer begins June 1, Fall September 1, Winter December 1, and Spring March 1.

Minnesotalogical seasons: Winter begins October 1, Spring begins May 15, Summer begins July 15, and Fall begins September 1. Hey, at least one season is in line with the others!

By the way, has anyone heard from Meteora?
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Re: Summer Solstice Plans?

Postby Rommie » Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:24 pm

Solstice Party- we show up at someone's around when it gets dark, ie 11pm, then leave when it starts getting light around 4am.

Mind this isn't a pagan thing, this is a part astronomers and part we love the novelty thing. :cheers:
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Re: Summer Solstice Plans?

Postby FZR1KG » Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:04 pm

pumpkinpi wrote:That's why I think meteorological seasons make more sense in terms of weather. Summer begins June 1, Fall September 1, Winter December 1, and Spring March 1.

Minnesotalogical seasons: Winter begins October 1, Spring begins May 15, Summer begins July 15, and Fall begins September 1. Hey, at least one season is in line with the others!

By the way, has anyone heard from Meteora?

Australia follows meteorological seasons. Works out far better.

Its been ages since she's been on the forum.
She wasn't emailed according to SFC because SFC emailed only posters that posted in the last two years.
IOW, we forgot about her. But she forgot about us first. :P

Re: Summer Solstice Plans?

Postby Thumper » Fri Jun 21, 2013 11:29 am

I'll go home after work and hack away at some brush until I can't take it anymore, mow for a while, then drink beer. Hopefully, there will be a fire. If the skies cooperate, I'd like to get the scope out and look at Saturn. But I don't see that kind of effort happening realistically.
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Re: Summer Solstice Plans?

Postby cid » Fri Jun 21, 2013 7:18 pm

The big plans are for the weekend. FIELD DAY!!!
We take all our radio gear out into the wild (so to speak) and get on the air for 24 hours, voice/morse code/digital. Most contacts wins.
We'll be out at the Beavercreek Fire Station #1 doing a combined show'n'tell with the fire dept. There will be a 250-ft tall vertical antenna
(a weather balloon with a wire on it), numerous stations, and lotza people. The FD is letting us use their generator and fuel, which means that
we can afford to feed them'n'us prime rib for Sat din-din.
I'll have my giant astro-binoculars there to look at teh moon (at perigee, the biggest view of the year -- 11% larger than normal to the naked eye).
A good time is expected by all.
About Saturday 9pm EDST sundown, Mercury and Venus will be just about to set in the west, Saturn will be in the south, and the moon will be just rising.
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Re: Summer Solstice Plans?

Postby pumpkinpi » Fri Jun 21, 2013 8:22 pm

cid, Does the BABBBBQUSNNKLNGONS happen anymore?
I still have the goodie grab bag that you and Russ sent me. The note with it, too. "^)
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Re: Summer Solstice Plans?

Postby pumpkinpi » Fri Jun 21, 2013 8:23 pm

pumpkinpi wrote:cid, Does the BABBBBQUSNNKLNGONS happen anymore?
I still have the goodie grab bag that you and Russ sent me. The note with it, too. "^)

HOLY CRAP!!! After BABBBBQ the letters were totally random. I did not mean to almost write Klingons.
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Re: Summer Solstice Plans?

Postby cid » Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:43 pm

it's been awhile since the Big get together at the Apollo Rendezvous happened. AR has gone thru some tough times,
and is not quite the event it used to be (this year's was two weeks ago). But that's not saying it won't come back someday.

In other Summer Solstice News:
It's not coming in for a landing, but it will seem much bigger than normal.
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Re: Summer Solstice Plans?

Postby FZR1KG » Sat Jun 22, 2013 3:33 am

Sunday I'll be changing the front shocks and the lower control arm.
With beer.
Working on a car in Summer requires beer.
its the law in Oz.

Re: Summer Solstice Plans?

Postby pumpkinpi » Sat Jun 22, 2013 3:36 am

The summer solstice is a good night for the power to go out. 9:30 and still not completely dark
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Re: Summer Solstice Plans?

Postby brite » Sat Jun 22, 2013 3:49 am

FZR1KG wrote:Sunday I'll be changing the front shocks and the lower control arm.
With beer.
Working on a car in Summer requires beer.
its the law in Oz.

Last FWIS FWY (in Buffalo) it also required smoked salmon and a peanut gallery...
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Re: Summer Solstice Plans?

Postby Rommie » Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:12 pm

I miss Field Day :( was gonna go this year back to Cleveland for it since the long-awaited-wedding is next weekend, but teaching interfered so I am not leaving until Wednesday. Real shame that.
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Re: Summer Solstice Plans?

Postby FZR1KG » Sat Jun 22, 2013 3:56 pm

brite wrote:
FZR1KG wrote:Sunday I'll be changing the front shocks and the lower control arm.
With beer.
Working on a car in Summer requires beer.
its the law in Oz.

Last FWIS FWY (in Buffalo) it also required smoked salmon and a peanut gallery...


I remember that!
Everyone sitting outside eating that smoked salmon, drinking beer and making funny comments that I ignored while I was changing the rear shocks on the MIL's car.
That's a good memory of fun times. :D

Re: Summer Solstice Plans?

Postby Parrothead » Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:22 pm

cid wrote:it's been awhile since the Big get together at the Apollo Rendezvous happened. AR has gone thru some tough times,
and is not quite the event it used to be (this year's was two weeks ago). But that's not saying it won't come back someday.

In other Summer Solstice News:
It's not coming in for a landing, but it will seem much bigger than normal.

For Solstice, late afternoon yesterday, I was pulling weeds from the garden, it was nice and sunny, I was playing "summery" tunes, like "Summer In The City", "Dancing In The Streets", "French Toast (Soleil Trop Chaud)", "Summertime Blues", etc. Today it is raining, some rumbling in the distance, I'm continuing playing the summery music.
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This thread is worthless...

Postby cid » Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:06 pm

Dear Algebra -- stop asking us to find your x. She's not coming back - ever. Get over it.
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