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Re: The Weather Thread

PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 3:26 am
Don't panic. I'm fine.
You know I'm indestructible right?
Just checking.
It's true. look it up in the dictionary, you'll see my picture.
Along with a link to exponential pain.
A theory I'm working on that's for comedic value. :D

Re: The Weather Thread

PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 4:10 am
by pumpkinpi
What a storm. We got about 10" of snow and schools actually closed! It was around freezing when it started, but then got frigid cold so everything is slick ice. Very windy, too. State Patrols advised no travel today, and are recommending we stay off the roads all weekend. It's going to take that long to chip away!

We have some Massive snow drifts in our yard- one as high as my waist. And its going to stick around. Minus double digits again next week!

Season's change...

PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 6:01 am
by cid
Last week...

...this week...

Re: The Weather Thread

PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 6:20 pm
The weather has turned to crap again.
Expecting -1F to -8F here tonight. That's -18DegC to -22DegC for all you metric people.
Perfect sailing weather if you're an Eskimo living on Pluto apparently.
Coldest night of this winter so far.

Expecting snow every day and night from Wed till Sunday.
Supposedly getting 8 inches today. I can say the roads are completely iced up.
The snow plows just take the top loose layer off and leave the ice on the road.

Re: The Weather Thread

PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 7:02 pm
by pumpkinpi
FZR1KG wrote:The weather has turned to crap again.
Expecting -1F to -8F here tonight. That's -18DegC to -22DegC for all you metric people.
Perfect sailing weather if you're an Eskimo living on Pluto apparently.
Coldest night of this winter so far.

Expecting snow every day and night from Wed till Sunday.
Supposedly getting 8 inches today. I can say the roads are completely iced up.
The snow plows just take the top loose layer off and leave the ice on the road.

That's ridiculous. Virginia in March should not be subject to Minnesota January temperatures. I mean, below zero at this time of year is uncommon here, but not surprising when it happens (we just reached 0 at noon.) But for you?? I'm so, so sorry.

Re: The Weather Thread

PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:34 pm
Thanks pumpkin, you know it's decided to be this bad only because I'm trying to get the boat fixed.
If we didn't have that to do the weather would be sunny and warm. lol

Re: The Weather Thread

PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 5:19 am
by SciFi Chick
Gullible Jones wrote:Umm tornado watch? Shelter? Now? Fucking hello?

FYI - you only have to seek shelter if it's a warning. A watch is just a notification that the conditions are right for a tornado. I've lived in tornado land my whole life and only been in one tornado. A watch is definitely nothing to be afraid of. :D

Re: The Weather Thread

PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:59 pm
SciFi Chick wrote:
Gullible Jones wrote:Umm tornado watch? Shelter? Now? Fucking hello?

FYI - you only have to seek shelter if it's a warning. A watch is just a notification that the conditions are right for a tornado. I've lived in tornado land my whole life and only been in one tornado. A watch is definitely nothing to be afraid of. :D

On that day they actually said "tornado warning" as well as watch.
It got pretty wild but no tornado. At least where I was.
The Marina was hit by one last year though, before our time.

Re: The Weather Thread

PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:30 pm
Well, it got cold last night but no more snow so not 8innches all up. Probably about 4.
Next week however they are forecasting the snow from Wed thru Sunday.
I'll be at the boat trying to finish it since we depart on the Monday after. Typical.

Re: The Weather Thread

PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 3:10 am
by cid

...'nuff said...

Re: The Weather Thread

PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 3:15 am
Yeah, getting pretty tired of this.
I still don't know if I'll be starting the trip in snow.

Re: The Weather Thread

PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 3:12 pm
According to Weatherunderground :
On March 4th we experienced about -27 to -36F (-15 to -20C) below average.
We've had about two weeks of this sort of trend and it's going to keep staying cold till the 17th of March.
Looks like snow on the boat for our departure. Sure wasn't expecting that.

Re: The Weather Thread

PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 3:35 pm
by Rommie
Damn, wish I could send some nice weather over your way after reading that. We're having a really nice early spring right now here, the sort where you'd be happy if it was this kind of weather at the end of the month.

Re: The Weather Thread

PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 4:35 pm
by pumpkinpi
Rommie wrote:Damn, wish I could send some nice weather over your way after reading that. We're having a really nice early spring right now here, the sort where you'd be happy if it was this kind of weather at the end of the month.

We had nice weather yesterday! It was 8 degrees with no wind, so I took my hat off for the first time in months to give my head some fresh air! It was so liberating.

And yes, I am still reporting in Fahrenheit....

We had your kind of weather two years early thaw around this time of year or earlier. Nice to have warm weather early, but it froze again and continued an extended freeze/thaw cycle. Bad for crops.

We haven't had a "normal" winter/spring in three years. Last year, the final big snowstorm was in May, and we didn't reach the 60s until mid-June.

So now I'm just going to expect every year to have an anomalous trend, and just dig in and deal with it.

Re: The Weather Thread

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:58 pm
by Rommie
Yeah, two years ago here it got so cold the canals froze for the first time in Amsterdam since 1997. So it all comes around I guess.

I'm similar in that I've noticed it's unusual to just have a "normal" season these days, and find it crazy that so many people don't seem to pick up on these extremes. The unusually warm weather these past few months make me wonder what kinda weather the rest of the year has in store for us... I guess it rained a lot, but short of just being annoying it's not like this country floods unlike the UK.

Btw, I read an article today on how the moose in Minnesota are all dying out- used to be they had a few thousand, but now they're down to a few hundred and they don't reproduce at a fast enough rate to replace the dying ones. Apparently it's because it's warmer in Minnesota these past few years than usual which stresses them, and then white tailed deer which carry parasites that kill moose are going further and further north. :(

Re: The Weather Thread

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 4:30 pm
by pumpkinpi
Rommie wrote:Yeah, two years ago here it got so cold the canals froze for the first time in Amsterdam since 1997. So it all comes around I guess.

I'm similar in that I've noticed it's unusual to just have a "normal" season these days, and find it crazy that so many people don't seem to pick up on these extremes. The unusually warm weather these past few months make me wonder what kinda weather the rest of the year has in store for us... I guess it rained a lot, but short of just being annoying it's not like this country floods unlike the UK.

Btw, I read an article today on how the moose in Minnesota are all dying out- used to be they had a few thousand, but now they're down to a few hundred and they don't reproduce at a fast enough rate to replace the dying ones. Apparently it's because it's warmer in Minnesota these past few years than usual which stresses them, and then white tailed deer which carry parasites that kill moose are going further and further north. :(

Yes, that is a serious issue. My museum has an exhibit about it, with help from one of the researchers at the University of Minnesota who is working on this problem. It's not crystal-clear that it's solely due to warming and disease.

The wolf has been a protected species for a while here in MN, and their population is doing well so that could be a major factor. MN lifted the ban on wolf hunting last year, not just for this reason, but because they are becoming a nuisance all over the state. That issue itself is very controversial in the state.

All three combined, this is a serious problem. But it is very hard to pin down which is the primary factor. Researchers tag the moose--both adults and the young--so they can track those that die. With all of the wolves, the moose are reduced to carcasses by the time the researchers get to them so there is very little chance of determining the cause of death.

Re: The Weather Thread

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 8:53 pm
Sad about the moose. :(
I didn't know anything about it.

Re: The Weather Thread

PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 12:38 pm
by Rommie
Yeah, it's starting to creep into NH as well is how I heard of it (tho there there are no wolves to eat the moose). People are now starting to draw up estimates on how many more years it will be until there are no more moose in the continental US.

I had no idea there were that many wolves in Minnesota btw.

Re: The Weather Thread

PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:48 pm
by Rommie
Wow oh wow, it's warm out here- popped up into the 60s, and I walked around in a t-shirt today! :mrgreen:

Sorry, I know you all really wanted to hear that. :P

Re: The Weather Thread

PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 4:20 am
by pumpkinpi
Hey, I'll take my 40s. 60s just wouldn't seem right with over a foot of snow still on the ground!

Re: The Weather Thread

PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 1:03 am
by cid
Rommie wrote:Wow oh wow, it's warm out here- popped up into the 60s, and I walked around in a t-shirt today! :mrgreen:

Sorry, I know you all really wanted to hear that. :P

This thread is worthless without pictures...

Re: The Weather Thread

PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 1:46 am
by SciFiFisher
pumpkinpi wrote:Hey, I'll take my 40s. 60s just wouldn't seem right with over a foot of snow still on the ground!

It wouldn't be not right for long. ;)

Re: The Weather Thread

PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 12:42 pm
by Rommie
67F and sunny today!

Funny thing, one of the phrases I learned when I moved here was "Skirt Day," defined as the day when all the women of the country simultaneously decide to wear a skirt for the first time (and if you're a girl might as well be called "Catcall Day" based on my morning bicycle commute). Pretty early this year!

Re: The Weather Thread

PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 10:55 pm
by geonuc
Why would anyone call a cat? They never come when you do. ;)

Re: The Weather Thread

PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 10:58 pm
by cid
geonuc wrote:Why would anyone call a cat? They never come when you do. ;)

Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.