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Re: Honestly curious

PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 12:31 am
by Yosh
SciFi Chick wrote:
squ1d wrote:
Personally, I would get extremely annoyed and leave.

Same here. But, here in the U.S., especially in rural areas, people assume that you're a Christian.

I thought it was bad where I live, but while I was on my trip to visit my uncle, in either Tennessee or Georgia (can't remember which), I saw a billboard that said, "Jesus is Lord. And you know it!"

Pissed me off.

Hey, you should have seen one of the "Welcome" billboards just over the border in North Dakota as came out of Minnesota:

"95,000 Lutherans within 50 miles of this sign!"

I always thought there should be some fine print: "And ready to march on your house..."

Re: Honestly curious

PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:05 am
Republican billboard behind it: put them into camps now!

Re: Honestly curious

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 11:56 pm
by cid
1 -- beware of gangs of roving Unitarians buring flaming question marks on peoples' front lawns...

2 -- heard the start of the Herman Cain show today...he's up in arms about efforts to remove the words "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance...he's of the vociferous opinion that "we're a Christian nation"...

No we're not (or at least not supposed to be)...we're a nationof laws, not religion...the Pledge was written in 1892, and formally adopted by Congress in 1942. The words "under God" were added in 1954, according to Wikipedia -- The introduction of "under God" in the 1950s was done during the Cold War, as a way to differentiate the U.S. from the concept of communist state atheism.

The idea of "freedom of Religion" on the Cain show was bruited as 'freedom from someone else not wanting to be religious'...which is a ration of h0rs3sh!t, as far as I'm concerned.

Even as a veteran of my country's armed forces, I have my limits about personal public display of my patriotism...when reciting the Pledge, I simply don't say the words 'under God', and then finish it off. Someone holding alternative opinions on this are welcome to have them...I get itchy when they get in my face and antagonize/try to intimidate/threaten because I don't believe as they do.

Re: Honestly curious

PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 1:51 pm
by grapes
Yosh wrote:A group called the Freedom from Religion Foundation in Wisconsin stirred the pot Tuesday by releasing a letter accusing Mary's Gourmet Diner owner Mary Haglund of violating the Civil Rights Act by denying "customers who do not pray and nonbelievers the right to 'full and equal' enjoyment of Mary's Gourmet Diner."

What if Dawkin's Decent Diner gave discounts to those who don't say thanks? Who'd sue?