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Re: Middle age, or Pi's fitness thread

PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:35 pm
by pumpkinpi
geonuc wrote:
pumpkinpi wrote:Ugh. I thought it was supposed to be warmer today, but the windchill was 7 this morning! So no biking today. Tomorrow--snow. Hopefully I'll get some in Thursday/Friday. I just have to coordinate my load correctly. I have to bring a big heavy laptop home for use Friday, which I won't take on the bike.

I've decided I'm not going to challenge myself for a reward. I'm going to live by the rule of not going three days without exercising. I've been able to find a half hour three times a week for 12 weeks, so unless I am sick I should be able to fit that in when I need to on my 3rd day. Which will be tonight! The "reward" will be not disappointing myself.

Potato chips are good as a reward, too. :mrgreen:

Food and exercise are in completely different domains for me. I eat well often enough, but I also eat way too much candy, pizza, and fries. Food is my "reward" for just about everything. :lol:

I honestly did not expect to lose any weight during this challenge, because the only time I have in the past was when deliberately watching what I eat. Which I didn't feel like doing this time. But I ended up losing over 5lbs. I had been slowly going down before that, so I'm down about 10 lbs in the past year.

Re: Middle age, or Pi's fitness thread

PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 7:24 pm
by SciFi Chick
How to lose weight and get fit: Sail to Australia. ;)

Re: Middle age, or Pi's fitness thread

PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 7:55 pm
by Loresinger
I don't know if this helps you but it helped me loose 50 pounds.

1. Walk everywhere possible. In my office I never call a person - I walk to them
2. Use the stairs
3. Have a low-cal food day every other day of the week - a good salad, soup whatever. The other days you get to enjoy normal meals.
4. drink more water

That was really it. While I gained back a few pounds in the last few years since I have never gone above 168 (I was over 200). GOOD LUCK making the decision is awesome

Re: Middle age, or Pi's fitness thread

PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:13 pm
by pumpkinpi
Well, I ended up taking my whole post-challenge week off, except for riding my bike to work one day. It was nice not having to schedule in my 3 workouts among everything else.

The next week (last week) I did 1 interval session (boy were my muscles sore after almost 2 weeks off!) and rode my bike to work 3 times. Unfortunately, I only rode it home twice. On the last commute I ran over a sharp stone, as I discovered when I went to go home that evening. Flat tire! MrPi picked me up from the bus stop, and now I have to get my tire fixed. No bike riding this week. I probably wouldn't have anyway, because it's going to rain and/or snow every day until Saturday. So it's a good time to have a flat tire! Now I just have to get back to those pesky interval sessions. :evil: