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Re: The Olympics

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 12:48 pm
by Thumper
Saw some good rowing, noticed, at least in the 4's some interesting oar positions. Asked my sister about it and looks like it's called "Italian Rigging," or "German Rigging." Instead of evenly matched Lrft-Right-Left-Right, they go Left-Right-Right-Left. There are also strange riggings on the 8's. Apparently it helps cancel the side loads or wiggles and makes the boats travel straighter.
Some good track and field. Unfortunately, I missed most of day 1 decathlon. Only saw the 400. Good 400 hundred and 110 meter hurdles. Bolt continues to amaze, even teasing, smiling and laughing with a competitor as he cruises to a 200 semi-final win. Had to go to bed and miss most of the platform diving.

Re: The Olympics

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 8:05 pm
by Parrothead
Some of the not so nice side of things: Egyptian not shaking hands with Israeli, Hope Solo calling Swedish women's soccer team "cowards" after match, Lochte and others apologizing after made up story, one athlete caught doping (from one of the "stans" ) IIRC.

That out of the way, Canada did good advancing from pool play in men's volleyball, until they met the Ruskies in the QF. The Italy vs US SF match, what a match! Very entertaining to watch. The 100m and 200m races, DeGrasse getting silver in both races. Kudos to Bolt on a third double gold, in both races. Loads of entertaing things, going into the final days of these Games.

Re: The Olympics

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 10:04 pm
by geonuc
Mens tennis gold match was pretty good. I didn't see the women play. Mens golf was superb and the women are putting on a show this week.

One other stupid thing was the ridiculous criticism Gabby Douglas got on social media because she didn't put her hand over her heart during the national anthem. People are stupid.

Re: The Olympics

PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 5:10 pm
by Swift
geonuc wrote:One other stupid thing was the ridiculous criticism Gabby Douglas got on social media because she didn't put her hand over her heart during the national anthem. People are stupid.


My understanding is that you put your hand over your heart for the Pledge of Allegiance, not the national anthem. For the anthem you stand with respect, sing along if you like, and if you are wearing a hat you take it off; uniformed service personnel salute.

Re: The Olympics

PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 8:55 pm
by SciFiFisher
Swift wrote:
geonuc wrote:One other stupid thing was the ridiculous criticism Gabby Douglas got on social media because she didn't put her hand over her heart during the national anthem. People are stupid.


My understanding is that you put your hand over your heart for the Pledge of Allegiance, not the national anthem. For the anthem you stand with respect, sing along if you like, and if you are wearing a hat you take it off; uniformed service personnel salute.

Actually the U.S. Code says that if the Flag is present you stand and place your hand over your heart while facing the flag. If you are a service member you salute. If the flag is not present everyone faces the music and presents as noted.

ETA: But, as long as people are genuinely attempting to show honor and respect for the flag, anthem, pledge... by standing, etc. I don’t think we should harsh their chi just because they freaking forgot the proper drill and ceremony. 8-)

Re: The Olympics

PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 11:30 am
by Thumper
Well I missed most of the end with a busy weekend. Worked outside until late Friday, out of town for a concert Saturday, then had to catch up, help a friend, and chase down a F up most of Sunday. Got in about 9:00pm and pretty much fell asleep for the opening ceremonies. But caught a few highlights. Bolt's triple triple is just d@mn impressive. There was a highlight reel Costas played at the end that was just inspiring. It showed clips of the action, exuberant celebration, emotional release, the disappointment of loss, sportsmanship. It was well cut. Just wish I could have seen all that live. Also heard that a local wrestler won gold.

We may hear different in the coming weeks and months, but for all the doom predictions, I think the games went off pretty darn well.

Re: The Olympics

PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 12:02 pm
by Rommie
I feel like usually for the Olympics I'm really into it the first week, then it kinda peters out as it goes. It was doubly true this year as all the track and field stuff was at like 3am, so I didn't see any of it (plus I guess I'm just more interested in swimming and gymnastics).

All in all, pretty fun though. :) And I can't believe the Ryan Lochte stuff- talk about summer drama!