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Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 6:24 pm
by SciFiFisher
Interestingly we have an IT guy who broke an ankle and is using the knee scooter thing to get around. The scooter is all blinged up with silver gemstones (pretty sure they are fake) and looks quite glamorous. I teased him about all the bling and he laughed... then told me the knee scooter had been used by his wife who gave it to him when he needed it.

Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 7:37 pm
by pumpkinpi
Many people have told me I should put racing stripes on mine. I respond that it's a rental. So I'm stickering up my boot!

Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 5:00 am
by pumpkinpi
Unless I get on my bike in the next two hours, my streak is over. I rode my bike at least once per month for 57 months, starting in April 2014.
On to the next streak! Maybe I can start it in February, but most likely not until March.

I get an X-Ray 3 weeks from today. I hope I can walk on it by then, and am well on my way out of this boot. I need to be out of it and walking without pain by March 28, when we head to England!

Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 1:05 pm
by Thumper
I think your streak just needs an asterisk. Let me confer with the rules committee and sanctioning body. :P

Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 11:41 pm
by pumpkinpi
4 weeks and 3 days in.....2 weeks and 1 day until I learn my fate through an xray. I'm getting a little nervous about what it's going to be like when I start walking again after that much time! My calf and thigh are noticeably thinner. Even my left leg will be a little weak because I really don't have to exert a lot of energy to move the scooter. I am doing some walking on crutches, and I've actually started to do some extended time walking in circles for "exercise." It's good for my shoulders and upper back, too!

Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 2:41 pm
by code monkey
pumpkinpi wrote:4 weeks and 3 days in.....2 weeks and 1 day until I learn my fate through an xray. I'm getting a little nervous about what it's going to be like when I start walking again after that much time! My calf and thigh are noticeably thinner. Even my left leg will be a little weak because I really don't have to exert a lot of energy to move the scooter. I am doing some walking on crutches, and I've actually started to do some extended time walking in circles for "exercise." It's good for my shoulders and upper back, too!

since we are adults we lose muscle fairly rapidly when we stop exercising and it takes more work to build muscle than when we were young. however, we can get it back. yes, I speak from personal experience. you are determined and you were very active. with everything you're more active than most in your position. just be careful and don't take chances. all the best.

Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 5:45 pm
by Rommie
code monkey wrote:
pumpkinpi wrote:4 weeks and 3 days in.....2 weeks and 1 day until I learn my fate through an xray. I'm getting a little nervous about what it's going to be like when I start walking again after that much time! My calf and thigh are noticeably thinner. Even my left leg will be a little weak because I really don't have to exert a lot of energy to move the scooter. I am doing some walking on crutches, and I've actually started to do some extended time walking in circles for "exercise." It's good for my shoulders and upper back, too!

since we are adults we lose muscle fairly rapidly when we stop exercising and it takes more work to build muscle than when we were young. however, we can get it back. yes, I speak from personal experience. you are determined and you were very active. with everything you're more active than most in your position. just be careful and don't take chances. all the best.

Yeah, a few years back when I sprained my ankle badly enough to be immobile a few weeks I remember being surprised to realize I was losing weight despite hardly moving. Didn't take long to realize it was because I was losing muscle over anything else.

Slow and steady, pumpkinpi. Which I say totally knowing I'd be beyond frustrated if I was in your position and not follow that advice. :)

Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 6:11 pm
by pumpkinpi
I can't believe I am SO FRICKIN EXCITED to go to the Mall of America this weekend!

I wish I had the opportunity to get out more. The weather's been such a pain that it's really not worth the hassle of any major outings. Last weekend was a trip to Barnes and Noble to spend our holiday gift cards. And we'll go out to dinner once a week. But MrPi spends the weekends shuttling the kids around to activities, and in between that I give him some well-deserved time to himself. I really miss my freedom, I can't go anywhere alone. I can't even make a quick run to Target to see if they have any cadbury mini eggs yet!

But this weekend is something fun. The Minnesota United is our Major League soccer team entering its third year, and this year is a big one because they move into their new stadium. We have season tickets. And they are doing a "kit reveal" at the Mall of America. (The "kit" is their uniform, and teams in all sports have made a bigger deal of their uniforms in recent years, playing up the releases and introducing new versions throughout the year. $$$, of course.) MrPi got tickets through his work to a VIP event along with it, where we'll get to meet with some of the players. Buster is over the Moon!

I generally like going to MOA, and we go every other month or so. I probably wouldn't want to make a normal visit in my condition. So I'm glad there is something extra that makes it worth it!

Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 6:24 pm
by pumpkinpi
Oh, and I wish I've been losing weight. Overall I feel like I'm eating less because I am not getting tempted while passing through the kitchen.....but I'm doing almost zero activity each day, so that probably balances out. I don't put much faith on the accuracy of a bathroom scale, but I may have gained a pound or two.

Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 2:34 pm
by SciFiFisher
pumpkinpi wrote:Oh, and I wish I've been losing weight. Overall I feel like I'm eating less because I am not getting tempted while passing through the kitchen.....but I'm doing almost zero activity each day, so that probably balances out. I don't put much faith on the accuracy of a bathroom scale, but I may have gained a pound or two.

If it is only a pound or two consider it to be within the margin of error. ;)

Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 12:59 pm
by Thumper
As soon as you're cleared, I'd recommend swimming. Low impact, lots of cardio, and all major muscle groups addressed. Plus it doesn't matter well or crappy you swim (or flail). You still get a good workout.

Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 2:36 pm
by pumpkinpi
Yeah, I can come up with all kinds of excuses for not swimming.....I don't belong to a gym; I don't like to pay to exercise when I can get a quick, good workout for free. (I run a couple miles and/or I have cardio videos I do at home.) I could join one somewhat near my work. But my hair...It's not wash and go. I can't leave it to air dry, and even if I do I have to use a straightener to finish it off. That just takes too much time when I've got other obligations during the week. Even wearing a swim cap messes it up enough to take too long to fix it. Just a little bit wet, and boink!

This may sound vain, but I've tried everything. Different hair products, different haircuts. It's Rooster's fault. It was fine before I had her!

Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 3:05 pm
by Thumper
Yeah, there is the getting wet part. I can't go too long without swimming. It just loosens me up nicely. My back would just go on strike if I missed too many swims. I had to skip about a month back around Thanksgiving. That wasn't fun. I was just trying to think of something low impact that you could do before you're cleared to run. Maybe something like stationary bike, or you'll be cleared to bike outright before running. Good luck.

Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 3:23 pm
by pumpkinpi
Thanks. I know I'll figure it out! I was in decent shape before this so it won't take too long to get back into it. Especially because I'll be looking forward to it.

Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 2:42 pm
by pumpkinpi
24.5 hours until my x-ray, and hopefully I'll be able to start walking again!

What am I looking forward to most?
Showering on two legs?
Not having to maneuver my scooter into small meeting rooms? And having my colleagues have to accommodate me?
Starting to exercise again?

No, what I'm most looking forward to is freedom. Being able to drive myself places, not having to work my schedule around when MrPi or others can drive me. Oh, getting into a car by myself for the first time is going to be heaven! I really don't know when that will happen, though. I'm sure I'll still have the boot on for a while, but maybe I'll be able to take it off to drive once I get my strength back. I'm hoping that's just another week or so. We'll see what the doctor says!

I have a couple colleagues who are permanently in this situation, having to depend on others for rides. One (our awesome director of operations) has narcolepsy and cataplexy so she can't drive. She and I are always waiting for our husbands at the end of the day! I feel for her, though, because she will always have to.

Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 6:39 pm
by Rommie
I hope it goes well!

My office mate from Minnesota told me you guys are 4 inches of snow off the record for amount of snowfall ever. Not the best season to break your leg!

Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 7:44 pm
by pumpkinpi
Snowiest February, but that's still saying something. Usually when January and February roll around, it's too cold and dry to have any significant snowfalls. I think it's November and March that are historically snowiest. But with another storm coming this weekend, we could move up to the top 7 of snowiest months!

Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 2:43 am
by pumpkinpi
Actually what I'll looking forward to most is cleaning!!

I'm not saying MrPi isn't a good housekeeper. He does his fair share on a regular basis-- sometimes even more than I do. Cooking, dishes groceries, laundry...but now I notice the little things he doesn't get to.

Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 7:40 pm
by Thumper
pumpkinpi wrote:24.5 hours until my x-ray, and hopefully I'll be able to start walking again!
Do we have good news?

Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 7:54 pm
by pumpkinpi
I'm walking!
It's healing appropriately, but apparently it can take up to a year before it's back to full form.
I am walking in the boot, no restrictions on the amount of weight to put on it. For now I'm using crutches to get used to it, because I have quite a distance to walk around my office from meeting to meeting. But I can ditch those as soon as I feel comfortable.
I can try walking without the boot in 2-3 weeks.
So yay, there is an end in sight! We are going to England in 5 weeks. The doctor gave me a special ankle brace and recommended wearing boots with good ankle support, so I should be walking normally then.

Oh, it feels so good. Lots of smiles on me today!

Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 7:58 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
Great News :)

Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 8:10 pm
by Thumper
That sounds like the best possible news.

Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 1:58 am
by geonuc
Good to hear!

Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 3:49 pm
by SciFiFisher
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Healing within normal limits is FANTASTIC news.

Re: My Leg Log

PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 4:41 pm
by pumpkinpi
Walking is cumbersome in the boot, I'll be limping for a while. But it's better than scooting!
You know what I'm loving most? Standing on two feet! I feel normal when I'm doing so.
In fact, hey. I'm going to do something right now I haven't since January 3: raise my sit-to stand desk.