pumpkinpi wrote:geonuc wrote:pumpkinpi wrote:geonuc wrote:pumpkinpi wrote:We just arrived back from over the pond! Thanks for thinking of me.
The trip was actually about the best thing that could have helped my leg's healing. I was forced to stay active, and it got noticeably stronger throughout the week. I look forward to walking in to work again next week.
I'll post updates after a good night's sleep. (I couldn't figure out why spellcheck was telling me the word "udpates" was wrong. It looked fine to me.)
Looking forward to your trip report.
And you're on Instagram now!
Yes, and I have to admit I don't really know how that works. I don't have facebook on my phone so I didn't check it or post at all during vacation. But I do have instagram, which I use to follow my niece's art and Celeste Barber. (Check her out, seriously.) I also follow my college roommate and my sister, so I figured I'd post some for their sake. But I guess instagram and fb are somehow linked, so people I'm fb friends with can find my instagram?
I don't have fb on my phone for security reasons, so I guess I shouldn't have instagram either.
Anywhoo, pics to come....
Facebook owns Instagram but I don't think FB friends automatically get IG access.
Then I'm not sure how various people that I've never reached out to on IG, but are my fb friends, are following me. But whatever. I signed up to be fb's product so they can do with me what they choose!
Facebook informs people when their FB friends are on IG, but they still have to poke the 'follow' button to get your IG posts in their feed.