Hey Millenials, it's ALL your fault!

Hey Millenials, it's ALL your fault!

Postby Sigma_Orionis » Fri Apr 11, 2014 5:22 pm

Why can't the selfie generation find jobs?

A study by the employment and recruiting company Adecco found that hiring managers are three times less likely to hire a millennial than a mature worker because they see older workers as more "reliable" and "professional".

I can describe those hiring managers in three words: Full of Shit.
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Re: Hey Millenials, it's ALL your fault!

Postby Swift » Fri Apr 11, 2014 6:34 pm

Sigma_Orionis wrote:Why can't the selfie generation find jobs?

A study by the employment and recruiting company Adecco found that hiring managers are three times less likely to hire a millennial than a mature worker because they see older workers as more "reliable" and "professional".

I can describe those hiring managers in three words: Full of Shit.

I'm not saying the hiring managers are right, but it actually seems something they might think.

On the flip side, as a broad general statement, recruiting companies seem more unwilling than ever to pay the differential for the mature, reliable (experienced) workers. My wife has been looking for months, and a lot of the positions are being offered as temporary or contract positions (no benefits), at wages that would be slightly insulting to an unexperienced person, and completely insulting to one with experience.
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Re: Hey Millenials, it's ALL your fault!

Postby The Supreme Canuck » Fri Apr 11, 2014 6:43 pm

Well, I am lazy, entitled, and vain. Never think of anyone else. Never put any hard work into anything. Always waiting for someone to hand me that next trophy. Don't even have an education, by god!


Honestly... these Millennial hit pieces strike me as things that people write because they don't want to admit that their generation fucked things up. Recession? No, it must be that Millennials are lazy! No jobs available? No, it must be that Millennials are irresponsible and can't get hired! You're being criticized for hiring people without pay because you can get away with it? No, it must be that Millennials are entitled!

Seriously... these people can blow me.
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Re: Hey Millenials, it's ALL your fault!

Postby Swift » Fri Apr 11, 2014 9:17 pm

The Supreme Canuck wrote:Seriously... these people can blow me.

So, you think you're entitled to a blow job? :o
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Re: Hey Millenials, it's ALL your fault!

Postby FZR1KG » Fri Apr 11, 2014 10:11 pm

Funny how things work.
When I was younger no one wanted to hire younger people because they had a lack of experience.
The systems been the same for years. Only the reasons change.

You also have to factor that older generations have been through more shit overall that the younger ones so take any opportunity they get because it may not happen again or not for a long time.
As an example TSC, you had the choice to be a lawyer but didn't because of reason X.
An older generation person who didn't get the chance to go further than high school and had to do some of the crappiest jobs around in order to pay for shelter and eat isn't going to be too sympathetic to you and your choice to forego on a position he'd almost kill to have.

That's not me trying making a condemnation of your choice, it's just reality as some people see it and they just like you have a point.

Re: Hey Millenials, it's ALL your fault!

Postby The Supreme Canuck » Fri Apr 11, 2014 11:36 pm

Oh, I understand where they're coming from. I'm just saying they can go to hell with it. Especially since they aren't saying "I am envious of the opportunities you have, and will therefore bellow incoherently at you about my envy," they're saying "I am envious of the opportunities you have, and will therefore attack your character and slander you instead of being truthful about my envy."

I would have some sympathy for the former. Because their lack of options at my age was terrible. But the latter? Blow me. I won't take that sort of bullying, duplicitous bullcrap lying down.

I'm not lazy/entitled/unpatriotic/post-ethical/whatever the hell lies they want to tar me with. I am simply turning down options they didn't have in order to pursue different options they didn't have. Because I like them better. If they don't like that, I don't care. My life, my choices. Butt the hell out and stop making crap up about my moral character. I'm sorry they didn't have similar opportunities (I mean it), but it's no excuse to tear me down for doing things differently than how they would have. You'd think people would be happy that each new generation, for the most part, has more options than theirs. Of course even that's not assured for Millennials.

And, I mean, it's not like they've actively done things that take away opportunities for people my age. Nope. Nothing. Can't imagine.

Oh. And think it's unfair that I'm blaming entire generations for those fuck-ups? Yes. It is. Entirely. That's my point. Welcome to my world.

...I think you'll find I have some emotions about this particular issue.
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Re: Hey Millenials, it's ALL your fault!

Postby FZR1KG » Sat Apr 12, 2014 1:22 am

Eh, I had the same thing when I was younger.

You get over it. Then you become sarcastic and cranky then bitter and then sarcastic again.
The reality is that no choice you make is likely to make any real difference long term to the future of humanity so just go and enjoy your life instead.
I wish I worked that out 30 years ago.

Re: Hey Millenials, it's ALL your fault!

Postby Cyborg Girl » Sat Apr 12, 2014 2:06 am

With all due respect FZ, that doesn't exactly work when your generation is the first to really bear the brunt of the cumulative fuckups.

And frankly I feel we have an ethical obligation - I repeat, obligation - to try and fix things up just a little for the next few generations. Because they will exist, despite the best efforst of various lunatics, and they will have to live with the shit we leave behind.
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Re: Hey Millenials, it's ALL your fault!

Postby The Supreme Canuck » Sat Apr 12, 2014 2:15 am

I do think there's a distinction to be made between the tangible things Millennials are facing (climate change, lower lifetime earning potentials, etc.) and the intangible nonsense that every generation faces (Millennials are entitled, Gen-Xers are slackers, Boomers are immoral sex-maniacs, etc.).

The latter will go away with time, as you say, FZ. Always does. Inter-generational shit-slinging is inevitable. But the former won't go away with time. We're stuck with them. That's reality from now on.
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Re: Hey Millenials, it's ALL your fault!

Postby Sigma_Orionis » Sat Apr 12, 2014 2:08 pm

The Supreme Canuck wrote:Well, I am lazy, entitled, and vain. Never think of anyone else. Never put any hard work into anything. Always waiting for someone to hand me that next trophy. Don't even have an education, by god!

And yer also a whiny pinko commie liberal, you probably also believe that Global Warming is real :P

The Supreme Canuck wrote:I do think there's a distinction to be made between the tangible things Millennials are facing (climate change, lower lifetime earning potentials, etc.)...

See? I was right. Now go bitch while making a selfie.

Swift wrote:I'm not saying the hiring managers are right, but it actually seems something they might think.

On the flip side, as a broad general statement, recruiting companies seem more unwilling than ever to pay the differential for the mature, reliable (experienced) workers. My wife has been looking for months, and a lot of the positions are being offered as temporary or contract positions (no benefits), at wages that would be slightly insulting to an unexperienced person, and completely insulting to one with experience.

That's why I say they're full of shit. Because the whole story is "we want experienced workers, but will only pay entry-level wages". Like the classic one about recruiters searching for people with 7 years experience in a piece of technology was 5 years old at the time.
I've seen that in IT for years, you see that most people in the business here tend to be young. Most people with experience have either left the country or become managers (disregarding the disastrous economic mess we're in, it's been ALWAYS like that.)

The Supreme Canuck wrote:The latter will go away with time, as you say, FZ. Always does. Inter-generational shit-slinging is inevitable. But the former won't go away with time. We're stuck with them. That's reality from now on.

IMHO The current economic stagnation will end one way or the other. The only question is whether or not it will need a war like the last time it happened.

Global Warming is real, no doubt about it, if you ask me the idiots that are denying it are the same that say refuse to do what's necessary to boost the global economy. I think that the patience with those is wearing thin, even the IMF is telling them to move now.

My point is: the GI generation had to deal with The Great Depression and WWII, the Boomers and the Gen-Xers had to deal with the Cold War, Pollution and The Ozone Layer. You've got your own pile of shit to deal with (yeah, handed down from the older generation, it's ALWAYS like that).
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Re: Hey Millenials, it's ALL your fault!

Postby The Supreme Canuck » Sat Apr 12, 2014 3:48 pm

And, you know, I wouldn't mind that so much if the people who made the mess admitted it instead of blaming me. That's what really wrinkles, frankly.
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Re: Hey Millenials, it's ALL your fault!

Postby SciFi Chick » Sat Apr 12, 2014 4:03 pm

The Supreme Canuck wrote:And, you know, I wouldn't mind that so much if the people who made the mess admitted it instead of blaming me. That's what really wrinkles, frankly.

Who is blaming you for that?
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Re: Hey Millenials, it's ALL your fault!

Postby Sigma_Orionis » Sat Apr 12, 2014 4:15 pm

The media that sort of claims that Millenials are a bunch of whiny slackers and focuses on bitchy Gen-Y girls and stupid Gen-Y boys.

He'll grow out of it, we all did.
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Re: Hey Millenials, it's ALL your fault!

Postby Rommie » Sat Apr 12, 2014 5:34 pm

I don't really give a crap when people call my generation lazy because I truly can't see it being any different than what their parents said about them, and what our kids will have said about them. I do idly wonder what fuck-ups our kids will blame our generation for though, and look forward to complaining in their awful tastes in music and fashion.

I guess my point is I've long ago concluded you can't please everyone, so no need to get my panties in a twist over articles like this one.
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Re: Hey Millenials, it's ALL your fault!

Postby The Supreme Canuck » Sat Apr 12, 2014 7:17 pm

SciFi Chick wrote:
The Supreme Canuck wrote:And, you know, I wouldn't mind that so much if the people who made the mess admitted it instead of blaming me. That's what really wrinkles, frankly.

Who is blaming you for that?

Pretty much any article with "Millennials" in the title. Less so global warming (since that's harder to pin on us, and since the people writing these things are often deniers), but definitely the economy. "Why is the economy still in the pits? Why are debt loads so high? Why is spending down? Who's screwing over real people? Millennials, that's who!"

I mean, for god's sake, think about the common criticism that Millennials suck because "they were all given 'trophies' for doing nothing."

A) That's not true.
B) Even if it were true, why's that our fault? Shouldn't the fault be with the adults handing out those so-called "trophies" to kids?
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Re: Hey Millenials, it's ALL your fault!

Postby Sigma_Orionis » Sat Apr 12, 2014 8:34 pm

Sounds like the usual inter-generational shit slinging.

Doesn't make it any less irritating, I know.

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Re: Hey Millenials, it's ALL your fault!

Postby Swift » Sat Apr 12, 2014 8:50 pm

The Supreme Canuck wrote:And, you know, I wouldn't mind that so much if the people who made the mess admitted it instead of blaming me. That's what really wrinkles, frankly.

It won't happen. It never does.
Rommie wrote:I don't really give a crap when people call my generation lazy because I truly can't see it being any different than what their parents said about them, and what our kids will have said about them. I do idly wonder what fuck-ups our kids will blame our generation for though, and look forward to complaining in their awful tastes in music and fashion.

I guess my point is I've long ago concluded you can't please everyone, so no need to get my panties in a twist over articles like this one.

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Re: Hey Millenials, it's ALL your fault!

Postby The Supreme Canuck » Sat Apr 12, 2014 8:54 pm

Swift wrote:It won't happen. It never does.

I get that. I'm just not going to sit down and take it like a good little boy. I'm going to tell them to blow me.
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