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Apollo Encounter wrap up.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:02 pm
by pumpkinpi
I just attended a geology seminar entitled "Field Geology in the Valley of Taurus-Littrow on the Moon," given by Jack Schmitt. It took place in the auditorium in my building, so I only had to walk downstairs! Afterward I attended the informal refreshments session, and had a chance to introduce myself and shake his hand. I don't have a bucket list, but if I did that would be one to cross off.

It was a technical talk, and I could keep up with most of it. I learned some new things both about geology and his personal experiences on the Moon. I think I was the most excited about this one of my three opportunities to gather with Apollo astronauts. It was very nice to see him in an academic setting. When I talked with him, I told him about flying kids to the Moon in my planetarium and that I just got trained to borrow lunar samples for my museum. Just this Monday I was holding in my hand a disc with samples that he brought back!

Next up: the fancy-schmancy gala tonight with him and Buzz Aldrin. I don't know what kind of access there will be to them, so I'm glad I got the chance to meet Schmitt today.

Tomorrow is the public expo, and I'll be bringing Buster. I bought both of their books to get autographed, so I know I'll at least be able to give him a little exposure to both of them, and snap some photos. Hopefully when he's older he'll appreciate this opportunity. Unfortunately, it's during Russter's naptime so she and MrPi will be staying home.

I'll report back and add pictures when I can!

Re: Apollo Encounter, Part I

PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:19 pm
by Swift
:rockon: Absolutely cool. But this is over the top cool:
Just this Monday I was holding in my hand a disc with samples that he brought back!

Re: Apollo Encounter, Part I

PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 9:59 am
by geonuc
You had me at 'geology seminar'.

Re: Apollo Encounter, Part I

PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 12:11 pm
You had me at hello. lol

Re: Apollo Encounter wrap up.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 5:03 am
by pumpkinpi
It's been a pretty fascinating couple of days! Two days ago I was someone who hadn't met an Apollo astronaut, and now I'm someone who has. It's like I lost my Apollo virginity!

The fancy schmancy gala was fun. Generically, it was nice for MrPi and I to get out and be adults for a nice dinner, open bar, and meeting new people. But then you add a casual conversation between two moonwalkers into the program and it becomes fun on a whole different level! I'll have to come back and share some of the things they said.

The expo today was quite a good time. I got to hear both of them talk again and see some cool aerospace exhibits, and get books autographed. Buster was the hit of the show in his astronaut costume. Everyone loved it, and he made both Buzz and Jack smile! Buzz just signed his name in his book, but Jack personalized it so I had him write it to Buster. I don't know if he will remember this day, but at least he will have the picture and book as keepsakes. When he grows up there aren't going to be many people his age with pictures taken with moonwalkers. That's pretty special.

We also got a good shot with a shuttle astronaut, Curt Brown, in his blue flightsuit. That might make some PR for this event!

It's so hard for me to get a really good shot because Buster is always moving. I'll have to settle with the blur that he is.

I feel bad that Russter missed out, but it all took place during naptime and involved a lot of sitting and waiting, which I knew she wouldn't handle well. It's kind of like the time my parents took my sister to meet Boss Hogg at our local mall, but they left me home because I was too young. I got over it.

Re: Apollo Encounter wrap up.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 3:31 pm
by Loresinger
Color me green... growing up all I wanted was to be an astronaut. Unfortunately higher physics really conflobulated me (yes that is sort of a word)

When I look to the night sky I feel oddly like I am looking home (please do not think me nuts) but I am with Sagan in his thoughts.

Re: Apollo Encounter wrap up.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 2:18 pm
by Swift
Those pictures are over the top cute pp.

Re: Apollo Encounter wrap up.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 2:21 pm
by pumpkinpi
Twenty years from now I'll forget this, but the reason Buster was smiling wasn't because he was happy. He was being shy so I had to use reverse psychology, telling him "don't you dare smile!"

Re: Apollo Encounter wrap up.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:15 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
Extremely cool :)

Re: Apollo Encounter wrap up.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:04 pm
by Swift
pumpkinpi wrote:Twenty years from now I'll forget this, but the reason Buster was smiling wasn't because he was happy. He was being shy so I had to use reverse psychology, telling him "don't you dare smile!"

"Don't you dare earn that triple degree of MD/JD/PhD! I'm warning you young man, don't make me turn this Rhode Scholarship around!" Image