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I got a new elctric shaver!

PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 4:34 pm
by Ikyoto
My new cardboard Chinese puzzle box ( with new shaver hidden in it) wrapped in ballistic plastic, deep inside a layer of childproof heat shielding (designed by a sadistic 7 year old, operable only with Acme Explosive Bolts (Not Included) arrived! oh yeah... instruction included in what I think are ancient cuneiform.

Who the fuck designs "modern safety packaging"? King of the evil flying fucking monkey's?? It's easier to get into a virgin's pants!

KA-BAR to the rescue! Best opening tool I ever found.

Re: I got a new elctric shaver!

PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 10:48 pm
by cid
I have a real old Ka-Bar in the car that I got ahold of (somehow) while in the service...kept it in the bike toolbag for opening oil cans.
Someday I'll tell ya the story of me terrorizin' two ole ladies in Canada...

But if I was gonna get something to hang on the CharlieBelt, if it was to be a tool, it'd be the Tactool...

Re: I got a new elctric shaver!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 11:07 am
by Ikyoto
needs a built in whistle and cup holder.

Re: I got a new elctric shaver!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 1:44 am
by code monkey
Ikyoto wrote:... Who the fuck designs "modern safety packaging"? King of the evil flying fucking monkey's?? It's easier to get into a virgin's pants!

KA-BAR to the rescue! Best opening tool I ever found.

hey! i'm a flying monkey (flew to ny twice in april) and i am not evil.

Re: I got a new elctric shaver!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 9:40 pm
by cid
code monkey wrote:
Ikyoto wrote:... Who the fuck designs "modern safety packaging"? King of the evil flying fucking monkey's?? It's easier to get into a virgin's pants!

KA-BAR to the rescue! Best opening tool I ever found.

hey! i'm a flying monkey (flew to ny twice in april) and i am not evil.

A -- the exception proves the rule.
B -- the jury's still out on that'un...

Reader's choice...

Re: I got a new elctric shaver!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:45 pm
by code monkey
cid wrote:
code monkey wrote:
hey! i'm a flying monkey (flew to ny twice in april) and i am not evil.

A -- the exception proves the rule.
B -- the jury's still out on that'un...

Reader's choice...

a. the word 'proof' in that context means that it tests and not that it demonstrates.
b. only the fact that you have introduced me to black cherry jello gives you a pass on that one.

and i'm flying again next month! look out.

Re: I got a new elctric shaver!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 11:32 pm
by cid
code monkey wrote:
cid wrote:
code monkey wrote:
hey! i'm a flying monkey (flew to ny twice in april) and i am not evil.

A -- the exception proves the rule.
B -- the jury's still out on that'un...

Reader's choice...

a. the word 'proof' in that context means that it tests and not that it demonstrates.
b. only the fact that you have introduced me to black cherry jello gives you a pass on that one.

and i'm flying again next month! look out.

A -- I understand the context of the word here...
B -- wait 'til I finish that chili-spaghetti recipe...

Flying again? Who do we warn? TSA? NORAD? :confused: ...(oooh, he's in a nasty little mood...)

Re: I got a new elctric shaver!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 5:26 am
by code monkey
cid wrote:A -- I understand the context of the word here...
B -- wait 'til I finish that chili-spaghetti recipe...

Flying again? Who do we warn? TSA? NORAD? :confused: ...(oooh, he's in a nasty little mood...)

a. no, not evil. not even drawn that way.
b. carbs!

warn anyone you like. tsa? they know and will give me the traditional pat-down and then send me on my way. can't stop me!

Re: I got a new elctric shaver!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 6:00 am
by cid
code monkey wrote:...tsa? they know and will give me the traditional pat-down and then send me on my way. can't stop me!

...must...resist...temptation... :scream: