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It's The Economy Stupid

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:58 pm
by SciFiFisher
and it's about what kind of jobs are being adding.

The employment report for October, released on Friday, reflects a steady-as-she-goes economy. And that is a problem, because for most Americans, more of the same is not good enough. Since the recovery began in mid-2009, inflation-adjusted figures show that the economy has grown by 12 percent; corporate profits, by 46 percent; and the broad stock market, by 92 percent. Median household income has contracted by 3 percent.

And they wonder why more kids are still living with their parents longer? :roll:

Re: It's The Economy Stupid

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 10:39 pm
by SciFi Chick
I know. I'm very over the Facebook photos casting President Obama as a hero for the current economy. Now, I don't blame him personally for the state of the economy, but he hasn't helmed some grand recovery by any means.

Re: It's The Economy Stupid

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 10:47 pm
by brite
So.... you think that perhaps McCain or Romeny could/would have pulled it off?

Re: It's The Economy Stupid

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:09 pm
by geonuc
The economy may still need a whole lot of improvement but it had a long way to go from where Bush left it. Obama's done pretty well, especially if you also throw in a GOP in Congress solely focused on thwarting his every initiative.

Re: It's The Economy Stupid

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:22 pm
by SciFiFisher
geonuc wrote:The economy may still need a whole lot of improvement but it had a long way to go from where Bush left it. Obama's done pretty well, especially if you also throw in a GOP in Congress solely focused on thwarting his every initiative.

The weird thing is that the president often gets a lot of the blame when the economy is not doing well. For example, I still hate Carter because he was the guy who was in charge when inflation hit something like 20% in the U.S. I think if Romney had won he would have gotten a lot of blame for the economy if it had not done well. Though I might consider admitting that it seems Obama is getting more than the usual amount of Presidential blame. :?

Re: It's The Economy Stupid

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:26 pm
by SciFiFisher
SciFi Chick wrote:I know. I'm very over the Facebook photos casting President Obama as a hero for the current economy. Now, I don't blame him personally for the state of the economy, but he hasn't helmed some grand recovery by any means.

It's not just him. I think the democrats as a whole seem to have missed the fact that they could have been the champions of JOB recovery not just economic recovery. If they had gone after the bad apples vigorously in 2008-2009 and championed putting people back to work, instead of a vapid economic stimulus package that only enriched the same bad actors who caused the economic crisis, I think they would have been firmly in control of the senate and house right now.

Re: It's The Economy Stupid

PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 3:38 am
by Sigma_Orionis
SciFiFisher wrote:and it's about what kind of jobs are being adding.

The employment report for October, released on Friday, reflects a steady-as-she-goes economy. And that is a problem, because for most Americans, more of the same is not good enough. Since the recovery began in mid-2009, inflation-adjusted figures show that the economy has grown by 12 percent; corporate profits, by 46 percent; and the broad stock market, by 92 percent. Median household income has contracted by 3 percent.

And they wonder why more kids are still living with their parents longer? :roll:

Don't worry, HR departments all over the US are offering their services to the US Secretary of Labor as to setup an "unemployment engagement program". Since their "employee engagement initiatives" have worked so well at those companies that have had their profits up by 46% while household income has contracted by 3%.

Re: It's The Economy Stupid

PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 4:33 am
by SciFi Chick
SciFiFisher wrote:
SciFi Chick wrote:I know. I'm very over the Facebook photos casting President Obama as a hero for the current economy. Now, I don't blame him personally for the state of the economy, but he hasn't helmed some grand recovery by any means.

It's not just him. I think the democrats as a whole seem to have missed the fact that they could have been the champions of JOB recovery not just economic recovery. If they had gone after the bad apples vigorously in 2008-2009 and championed putting people back to work, instead of a vapid economic stimulus package that only enriched the same bad actors who caused the economic crisis, I think they would have been firmly in control of the senate and house right now.

And what's incredibly amazing is that none of them seem to realize this, which makes me legitimately wonder if they're ALL paid off by someone. Because, I honestly can't believe they're all that stupid.