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Happy Thanksgiving!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 11:00 am
by Rommie
This is my fifth Thanksgiving abroad (I missed the last one when I still lived in the USA because I was in Argentina instead- ye gods, I was there four years ago?!), so kinda getting nostalgic for the holiday at home this year. Unfortunately it is waaaaay too close to Christmas to make that trans-Atlantic journey twice in such quick succession- I mean hey, on the plus side, I'll be back Stateside in three weeks!- so unless I decide to miss Christmas (and fat chance of that happening, it's the one holiday I've yet to miss and I'm still single) I guess Thanksgiving will be sans family.

But hey, don't worry, not missing out on turkey and such- I have two Thanksgivings this year! One today hosted at the American bookstore (€20 for turkey+trimmings, and booze), and one Sunday at an expat's house. Was kinda thinking of skipping today in favor of the one with friends, but fat chance of that happening when push comes to shove. :P Still, kinda weird to be at work on Thanksgiving Day! Guess I should be thankful for the good job, and for finally getting this paper off my back. ;)

Happy Turkey Day to all!

Re: Happy Thanksgiving!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 4:50 pm
by Swift
Happy Thanksgiving to you Rommie and everyone else.

I don't recall anything about Thanksgiving when I was overseas... I might have done nothing. I do remember that we had assignment in my French class at the Aliance Francaise to describe a "native" meal from your homeland, so I described Thanksgiving dinner. I still remember turkey in French is "dinde".

Re: Happy Thanksgiving!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 7:47 pm
by Parrothead
Happy Thanksgiving, to all you south of the 49th! Enjoy the time with family, friends, loved ones and all the food, football and shopping!


Re: Happy Thanksgiving!

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 6:41 pm
by Loresinger
you couldn't drag me to a store at this time of year but for food