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Just... what?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 9:30 pm
by The Supreme Canuck
This is one of the most bizarre news stories that I've seen in a long time. It would be funny... if it weren't about a kid being forced out of school by systemic bullying on the part of his teachers. No matter how strange the reason for the bullying is, that's fucked up.

Mocked for his red-and-white gym gear and derided for hailing from a nation of seal clubbers, an Ottawa-born teenager says he dropped out of a Christian school in Upstate New York because staff relentlessly teased him over his Canadian background.

“I think it started as joking and then it went too far,” said Noah Kilpatrick, speaking by phone from Watertown, New York.

Attending Faith Fellowship Christian School was otherwise fine, said Noah, but in class the teacher would often lampoon Canada as a cartoonishly small country filled with communists and people who club seals for fun.

“History class and sometimes math class … they were stereotyping Canadians and saying we were all stupid — it was offensive,” he said.

When Noah paid for his school lunch with a toonie after forgetting to bring greenbacks (the two currencies were at par, he noted later), the same teacher, who is also the school’s principal, allegedly held up the coin at an assembly to publicly remind students that toonies are not legal tender.

“Of course, everybody looked at Noah. … Why not take the kid aside and be concerned why the kid has no lunch?” said his mother, Tina Kilpatrick, owner of Brushstrokes, a Watertown face-painting contractor.

“In class, Noah would make a comment and the [teacher] would say, ‘Oh yeah, that’s because you’re Canadian’ — those things aren’t funny,” she added.


Increasingly alarmed at the encounters (which Noah had begun to catalogue in verbatim in his notebook), Ms. Kilpatrick said she began requesting a meeting with school administration.

Instead, she said, the school’s pastor simply assured her that he had “commanded” the staff in question to leave Noah alone until the end of the year.

“But then it seemed like they were completely ignoring me — I felt like an outcast,” said Noah.

Alleging that her attempts to follow up on the matter were rebuffed, Ms. Kilpatrick said she immediately pulled Noah from the school then took the story to a local TV affiliate.

“[The principal] would make fun of the way I dressed and he’d say, ‘Oh, you’re wearing Canadian colours,’ and I’d be like, ‘Yeah, I am. Thanks, Mr. Curinga.’ He’d say, ‘That wasn’t a compliment,’” said Noah, dressed in a T-shirt emblazoned with a waving U.S. flag, appearing in the Tuesday night broadcast.


Regardless, amid the community backlash caused by the story, Ms. Kilpatrick said she is mulling a move back to Canada.

“This is so intense right now that if it stays this way … if we feel ostracized this way, then we won’t stay,” she said.


I mean... huh? Teachers bully kid for weird reason, kid's mother goes to the media with it since the administration does nothing to solve the problem, community reacts with backlash against kid and mother? What in hell?

Re: Just... what?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 10:40 pm
by OldCM
Well, that's one reason not to send your kid (or child) to a "Christian school". Makes we wonder what branch of that faith they belong to. :(

Re: Just... what?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:25 pm
I was thinking this may be disturbing but then realised the kid was Canadian. ;)

Re: Just... what?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:30 pm
by The Supreme Canuck
Well, yeah. It's not like we have souls or feelings. I mean... look at me!


Re: Just... what?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:32 pm
My first thought on reading it is, That's mighty Christian of them.

Re: Just... what?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:19 am
by Hap

Re: Just... what?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 3:10 am
by Swift
OldCM wrote:Well, that's one reason not to send your kid (or child) to a "Christian school". Makes we wonder what branch of that faith they belong to. :(

Hap wrote:Apropos


That's exactly what I was thinking of!

Re: Just... what?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:29 am
by Rommie
How very bizarre. Not like there's a lack of Canadians in upstate New York.

A good reminder of how oppression starts if you ask me; one person likely started this and others jumped onto the bandwagon without thinking about it.

Re: Just... what?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:55 pm
by geonuc
I think it's a Canadian plot to make us Americans look bad.

Re: Just... what?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 3:14 am
by Swift
geonuc wrote:I think it's a Canadian plot to make us Americans look bad.

Yeah! That's our job! :cuss: