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Orion and Charlie

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 12:08 pm
by Thumper
As we all know, Charlie had a way with words. Some of us could get annoyed with "bull-squeezins" and the like. Others slightly irritated with "the interwebs" and what not. But when Charlie spoke about astronomy, stars, constellations, it was...

It was almost like a slightly thwarted lover trying to get back in the good graces of his object of affection. It was romantic. I remember once him talking about Orion first appearing in the morning sky in the late summer. It was part anticipation of the return of a friend, part surrender to the coming of fall and then winter.

Since then every year I find myself starting to look to the east in the mornings for its coming. I'm sure it's been visible around here for some time, but as I walk from my house to the garage in the mornings I have a high, close treeline to the east. Monday morning was exceptionally cool, crisp, and clear, and there He was, just above the treetops. I stopped, and gazed for a few seconds. I thought of Russ. I thought of Michael. But most of all, I thought about the man who was the reason I was even looking up that morning, Charles Cotterman.

Re: Orion and Charlie

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 1:18 pm
by Rommie
Damn. :(

Haven't seen Orion yet- I don't wake up too early. Usually I get my first good look in October, though, so will spare a thought for Charlie when that happens.

Re: Orion and Charlie

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 11:57 pm
by code monkey
charlie had an amazing capacity for enjoying things. i remember talking with him shortly before he died. a visitor had brought him some grapes. now we all remember charlie's grocery favorites, don't we? fresh fruits and vegetables were conspicuous by their absence. he couldn't get over how good the grapes tasted and what a pleasure it was to have them.

Re: Orion and Charlie

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:45 am
by Thumper
code monkey wrote:charlie had an amazing capacity for enjoying things. i remember talking with him shortly before he died. a visitor had brought him some grapes. now we all remember charlie's grocery favorites, don't we? fresh fruits and vegetables were conspicuous by their absence. he couldn't get over how good the grapes tasted and what a pleasure it was to have them.