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Landlords from Hell

PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 3:35 pm
by Rommie
Ever hear something which sounds really awful but actually just makes you laugh cause it's so ridiculous? This article got into that category for me-

The Macys had purchased the building in San Francisco’s up-and-coming South of Market district in 2005 and sought to boot its five occupants so they could renovate and sell the individual units, authorities said.

After a failed effort to evict the first tenant, Scott Morrow, the couple on two occasions sawed holes in his floor. Gascon recounted the tenant’s shock as he and a friend saw a saw blade emerge through the floorboards, then grabbed a hammer and smashed it.

Something about the visual imagery of suddenly seeing a saw poke through your floor as you're chilling on your sofa got to me.

edited to fix link

Re: Landlords from Hell

PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:02 pm
by Rebis
I saw that headline yesterday. :shock:

It makes me wonder (for the umpteenth time) how some people figure they'll get away with such outrageous behaviors.

Well, let's see how they like renovating their prison cells.

Re: Landlords from Hell

PostPosted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 1:14 pm
by SciFi Chick
Rommie wrote:Something about the visual imagery of suddenly seeing a saw poke through your floor as you're chilling on your sofa got to me.

And I love how the tenant just jumps up and grabs a hammer and smashes the saw. :lol: