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Bus etiquette

PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2017 8:25 pm
by pumpkinpi
I ride the bus to work some days. The majority of the riders are associated with the university--mostly students, but some faculty and staff (like me.) Other riders come from various urban demographics.

I often sit on the outside seat. If the rider beside me is getting off at the next stop, usually they will move to get up before the bus stops or even has started slowing down. I prefer to wait until the bus has stopped to move, so I'm not jolted back and forth. When that is the case, I'll tell the rider, "I'll move when the bus has stopped." The only drawback I can perceive is that it delays their exit of the bus by a couple seconds. Am I being rude, or just cautious?

Re: Bus etiquette

PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2017 11:24 pm
by geonuc
My base response is that it's never, or seldom, rude to give notice of your intentions.

Re: Bus etiquette

PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 12:19 am
by SciFiFisher
Does the bus have a sign saying to stay seated until the bus comes to a stop? If so, you can always say you prefer to follow the rules and point at the sign. Otherwise, since you are letting them know you prefer to exercise a bit of caution I don't think that is rude.

May I assume that some people seem a bit put out when you do that? ;)

Re: Bus etiquette

PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 2:26 pm
by pumpkinpi
SciFiFisher wrote:Does the bus have a sign saying to stay seated until the bus comes to a stop? If so, you can always say you prefer to follow the rules and point at the sign. Otherwise, since you are letting them know you prefer to exercise a bit of caution I don't think that is rude.

I haven't seen a sign as such--I'll look.
SciFiFisher wrote:
May I assume that some people seem a bit put out when you do that? ;)

I always assume people are put out by anything I do. It's a major flaw of mine. :oops: :lol:

Re: Bus etiquette

PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 5:52 pm
by Rommie
I think as long as the bus isn't then speeding off too quickly it's perfectly fine. The drivers in the Netherlands were pretty notorious for not stopping long enough. That's the only reason I always jump up when the bus is still in motion, I worry I won't have enough time to get off.

But then, I certainly wouldn't hold it against you if you waited, just we need to do a bit of shouting together if I didn't have enough time to get off.

Re: Bus etiquette

PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2017 1:13 am
by grapes
Bus etiquette? This morning I was going to work and saw a school bus lumbering up ahead. I switched lanes and moved ahead of it, plenty of room, but I heard a honk. Then when we pulled up to a stop light it sharply switched lanes to pull up beside me, a little bit ahead of me. I thought, uh-oh. I could see the driver's face looking daggers at me, I turned my attention to the road. When the light changed the bus came over the line, I would've been forced off, but my turn lane came up. Bus 124, road warrior.

Re: Bus etiquette

PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2017 10:27 am
by geonuc
grapes wrote:Bus etiquette? This morning I was going to work and saw a school bus lumbering up ahead. I switched lanes and moved ahead of it, plenty of room, but I heard a honk. Then when we pulled up to a stop light it sharply switched lanes to pull up beside me, a little bit ahead of me. I thought, uh-oh. I could see the driver's face looking daggers at me, I turned my attention to the road. When the light changed the bus came over the line, I would've been forced off, but my turn lane came up. Bus 124, road warrior.

So, you're saying a school bus beat you off the line at a light? :D

Re: Bus etiquette

PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2017 11:33 am
by Thumper
geonuc wrote:So, you're saying a school bus beat you off the line at a light? :D
I see that every day. :P

Re: Bus etiquette

PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2017 3:08 am
by code monkey
just cautious. if your seatmate is really twitchy about getting up before the bus comes to a stop can you swivel so that your feet are in the aisle to allow him/her to get up without you having to get up as well?