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FWISer Sightings
Thu Sep 14, 2017 12:14 pm
by Thumper
Last night Mrs. T and I had a very nice dinner with Code Monkey and two of her friends. That was our 3rd visit with Code Monkey. Not bad given the fact that we live approximately 2500 miles apart. I believe we also saw CiD three times. Russ holds the record. We saw him at least a half dozen times. Possibly one or two more. But we only lived an hour and a half apart. Same with Charlie. So it's disappointing that I haven't made a better effort to see Swift and Mrs. Swift. We were lucky to get to see Michael once, the first time we saw Code Monkey when we were at Mrs. T's conference in Portland. (Although she was undercover at the time, we didn't know she was Code Monkey.)
Others we've seen are Ikyoto, Trish and the entire Ikyoto-Trish clan: We took a spring break trip to my old stomping grounds in Buffalo and showed The Kid Nigara Falls and Toronto. Brite and Cookie: We're in Sarasota FL almost every year and arranged to meet them for dinner once. And Russter, Buster, and Pi: I went to Minneapolis with Mrs. T for her conference, and a very brave Pi, brought two very young, and very active (and of course very adorable) kids out to meet us for dinner. Another connection there, when we were at Mrs. T's conference in Baltimore, my Mom, The Kid, Mrs. T and I had dinner at Maisy's. And somewhere is a photograph of The Kid sitting in "Maisy's Seat." (Otherwise known as "The Cowgirl.")
Re: FWISer Sightings
Thu Sep 14, 2017 2:58 pm
by SciFiFisher
I have met a couple of FWISer's in RL. It's nice to know that we all aren't ghosts in the machine.
Re: FWISer Sightings
Thu Sep 14, 2017 3:10 pm
by pumpkinpi
I was just thinking about this topic a few days ago.
Thumper described our family's get together, although I'm sad that The Kid and MrPi weren't there.
I met Rommie on a layover in Amsterdam last year. She graciously came to the airport on a Sunday morning!
11 years ago MrPi and I had dinner with Z, SFC, as well as Morrolan (who still pops around on occasion) and his wife Tulip, in Melbourne.
ToSeek was once a member of this board, so I think this counts. I met him when the BA gave a presentation at Goddard about 11-12 years ago.
Who will be next?
I am sorry I never met our guiding lights. I considered Russ the uncle I never had, and I'll never forget CiD's yearly advertisements of the BABBFDSWUEjisiS BBQ meetup, which I think had something to do with an Ohio region astronomical society event. He and CiD sent me a goodie bag from one of them, and I still have the tiny note that came with it.
Mike's memory lives for me on thanks to his published works that I have copies of, as well as mementos shared by CM and her friendship here.
Re: FWISer Sightings
Thu Sep 14, 2017 8:02 pm
by Rommie
I met Iky's entire clan at the FWIS BBQ a few times. Then while there over the years I also met Russ, Yosh, brite, Fisher, and first time I met SFC and Zee.
A few months ago, geonuc was kind enough to drive all the way to Toronto to hear my public lecture.
So we had a pretty nice time at a microbrewery the evening before!
Met Swift once for coffee the first time it looked like I was gonna leave Cleveland. Never met Thumper despite being like a few hours apart.
pumpkinpi, you're not the first person I met Sunday morning at Shiphol for a coffee! First person who wasn't a blood relative though.
Re: FWISer Sightings
Sun Sep 17, 2017 4:08 pm
by geonuc
Swift/Ms. Swift - met them for dinner up in their stomping grounds when I was delivering art work for my wife.
SFC/Z - twice. Stopped in at their restaurant in Virginia (awesome food) on the way to Philadelphia and later spent two delightful weeks on the Spaz Cat with Z. SFC and her mother were there at the start, so everyone met my wife, too.
Rommie - Driving up to Toronto to attend an astronomy talk seemed a reasonable thing to do (it was!), so I got to spend an evening with Rommie. I missed seeing her in Washington DC during the Stewart/Colbert rally. Too much already planned to make that happen.
And I threatened to drop in on Brite when she was in Charlotte. I did get up there once while she was there but it was a work trip and I had to spend time with my incredibly interesting bosses instead. Those were busy times for me.
I have a couple of trips either planned or gestating that might take me within shouting distance of other FWISers, including a trip to Western Australia. I'd love to see the new Bell planetarium when it opens.
Re: FWISer Sightings
Mon Sep 18, 2017 11:34 am
by Thumper
Well, I'll put the spike strips down the next time you drive by us so I can add you to my list.
Re: FWISer Sightings
Mon Sep 25, 2017 3:22 am
by code monkey
thanks, thumper. It was great to get together again.
darn it, pumpkin pi. you've got me close to tears.
I've met thumper(obviously), mrs t, the kid, yosh (surely y'all remember him), sfc, vendic (aka z), ikyoto, trish and their children, brite, fisher and gj. I apologize if I've left anyone out. please understand that it isn't that you didn't make an impression of that I have memory problems; it's just that I have a great forgettory. I never actually met cid although we spoke on the telephone many times. he was *not* enjoying being back in school and I was encouraging him to stick with it. and reviewing math with him. and trying to convince him to take care of himself. (oh my gosh - my sister's right. I *am* pushy.)
Re: FWISer Sightings
Mon Sep 25, 2017 7:44 pm
by SciFiFisher
code monkey wrote: (oh my gosh - my sister's right. I *am* pushy.)
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Re: FWISer Sightings
Mon Sep 25, 2017 7:56 pm
by Thumper
SciFiFisher wrote:code monkey wrote: (oh my gosh - my sister's right. I *am* pushy.)
You say that like it's a bad thing.
I had a very similar comment lined up, the computer hung up and I had to go to two meetings...