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New Installment of Brain cancer Chronicles

PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 3:19 pm
by Loresinger
http://brain-cancer-chronicles.blogspot ... l?spref=fb

not sure if you guys are interested but I'm trying to post daily. Eventually I hope Paul will get his fingers in the pot.

Re: New Installment of Brain cancer Chronicles

PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 5:00 pm
by pumpkinpi
Those are some amazing words Trish.

Re: New Installment of Brain cancer Chronicles

PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 8:27 pm
by Loresinger
thanks. I'm hoping some random people will stumble across the blog and get some help they need.

Re: New Installment of Brain cancer Chronicles

PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:26 pm
by OldCM
Good advice. When my mother was in the hospitals for the last month of her life, I spent a week in DFW visiting her at every mealtime for I could help her eat by cutting up her meat for her. Nurses don't do that anymore. And not much of anything else I used to do. My Mom was 91 years old, with a familial tremor in her hands that made trying to cut even the softest meat almost impossible for her. She was in the acute hospital, then a nursing home, then back to the acute hospital, then a different nursing home, then back to the acute hospital and finally to a hospice in another hospital in downtown Fort Worth. That had been her choice. That was where Dad had died. And she wanted the same place where he had been. When you live with the same person for 70 years, it is really hard to get by without them. She tried very hard for three years. But finally just gave up on all the treatments and prodding and poking and sticking and, well, you know. I really, really miss her and Dad. But there always comes a time when the final good-bye comes along.

Anyhow, I think the "go home and get some sleep" advice was good advice.

Re: New Installment of Brain cancer Chronicles

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:06 pm
by Loresinger - Working with Different Providers (Or "Everybody Come Together")

Re: New Installment of Brain cancer Chronicles

PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 7:32 pm
by Ikyoto
It was SOCool! My aunt told ME y\to do my comedy the way I wanted to! No censors!!

So I let loose....

And People I haven't seen on 25 + showed!

Fun? oh yeah.

and sfc ans z - Bravo!

Re: New Installment of Brain cancer Chronicles

PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 7:50 pm
by SciFi Chick
And you were funny too! :mrgreen:

Re: New Installment of Brain cancer Chronicles

PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 8:13 pm
It was a good night.
Iky was funny and everyone had a great time.

what happened in the bathroom, stays sealed with us...

In three weeks, we get to do a mini version of it all as well. :D
Except the bathroom thing.

Re: New Installment of Brain cancer Chronicles

PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:03 pm
by pumpkinpi
I've been waiting for the post-benefit review! Share your stories!

Re: New Installment of Brain cancer Chronicles

PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:36 pm
I can give you a little review.
We loaded up the ute with the goodies and took it to the VFW.
I took iky in the ute and SFC and Loresinger went in Loresingers car.
We met some really great people there.
The band was awesome. Irish rock music and the lead singer was a friend of Iky's from his Pensic days.
Great guy. Turns out he was an Army ranger.
There was another band but I didn't get to hear much of them as I took Iky home shortly after they started playing.
They had belly dancers and two comedians.
Iky was way funnier than the comedians, Lets just leave it at that.

I've mentioned to the bands lead singer about this forum and asked him if he wanted to join.
The guy hasn't seen Iky in over two decades and made it out to make the night great for everyone.
Yosh may meet him at Pensic in three weeks too, though I think they know each other.

The auction was fun. SFC and I were putting in FWIS members names so it didn't look like we were just putting in for ourselves and if any FWISers won we'd send their stuff to them instead of keeping it.
It was fun but only the two of us got to get any humour from it.
Two of the FWIS members won so we'll be sending their items to them.

It was funny hearing FWIS monikers being called out as winners! LOL

Iky had more to eat and drink than he's had in a long time and was doing really well.
We wheeled him around and helped him walk sections where the wheel chair wasn't able to go and I had some fun at his expense doing so too.
Like, wheeling him right in front when one of the belly dancers was performing, against his will mind you.
Then I locked his wheels so he couldn't escape. LOL

It was just a great night for everybody there.

Iky has his full wits about him, not sure how that works since they took out what little brains he had, but it didn't affect him mentally. Lifes mysteries I guess.
He's still Iky, still funny and still has a sharp mind.
With some exercise he'll be back to his old antics in no time at all.

I'm sure I missed a load of stuff but SFC can fill in the rest.

As for the bathroom incident, what happens to two guys in a single bathroom is best left between themselves :P

Oh, we managed to fix his laptop so he has no excuses not posting here more regularly. :D

Re: New Installment of Brain cancer Chronicles

PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:45 pm
by SciFi Chick
FZ hit most of the highlights. Except for where he was a bastard. ;)

One of the belly dancers wanted to get the audience involved, so before each song, she had three volunteers come up. One picked a prop, one picked a song (pick a number between 1 and 11 'cause that's how many songs she brought), and one picked a style - like tango for example.

I volunteered the first time around, and I could see she was having trouble getting volunteers, so I got FZ to volunteer. I explained that he wouldn't have to do anything in front of the audience, but he was still cranky about it. He went up, and his choice was prop. She had brought several props with her, but what she said was, "You can pick one of these props or anything in the room." He pointed at me and said, "I choose her."

So there I was, learning to belly dance. The person who got to pick style picked metal, so in between belly dancing, I had to do head banging maneuvers and play air guitar. Quite hilarious. :D

Re: New Installment of Brain cancer Chronicles

PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:53 pm
by Ikyoto
i managed to be funny AND keep mah pants on!

Re: New Installment of Brain cancer Chronicles

PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 1:18 am
by cid
The idea of you being funny without pants has disturbing overtones... :think:

Re: New Installment of Brain cancer Chronicles

PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:45 am
by SciFi Chick
Ikyoto wrote:i managed to be funny AND keep mah pants on!

Thanks to the suspenders. :P

Re: New Installment of Brain cancer Chronicles

PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 12:55 pm
by Loresinger
Z did a great recap - the Irish band was incredible. Paul's childhood friend Chris also did a great job keeping people entertained. Our staff was the best in the universe.

I only wish there's been more people but who came MATTERED a lot to Paul. And it is so good to see him on his computer thanks to Z/SFC's help (I was pretty useless for that).