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Dick Boden

PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 8:17 pm
by Thumper
Don't worry, you don't know him, you've never even heard of him. Hell I didn't know him. Friday I escaped off property to do some banking at the credit union in my old building. Before I headed home I headed down the walking path a bit to a maple tree with a small stone plaque in front of it. It reads, "In Memory of Richard Boden P.E. In celebration of 31 years of dedicated service."
Back when our headquarters were downtown, Dick died at his desk working late one Friday night. They didn't find him until Monday morning. When we moved out to the west side closer to our other offices and shops, they transplanted his stone to the new walking path. Over my last couple three years at ODOT, while I was contemplating retiring, I'd stop by his stone. "I don't want to be you, Dick."
Friday after I stood there pondering for a few moments, then brushed some leaves and twigs away from the stone, I thanked Dick. Thank you for helping me make the decision to move on and try something else before it was too late.

Re: Dick Boden

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2022 10:45 pm
by SciFiFisher
Well, that was one of the best "Don't be like Dick" stories I have heard. :dance:

Re: Dick Boden

PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2022 9:59 pm
by geonuc
Dick is an inspiration.

Re: Dick Boden

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 1:02 pm
by Thumper
A change in plans had me heading across town to the old office for a visit to the credit union right after Labor Day. I did my business then took a jaunt down the walking path to Dick's stone. I pulled some grass, cleaned off a couple sticks and leaves. then stood there quietly under the Maple tree. It almost 4 years to the day that I had retired. Over 1400 days that I have had after ODOT that he did not. Made me want to make each of those days count even more.