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Dutch medical experience

PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:57 pm
by Rommie
So how about today I went to the doctor for the first time outside of the USA, not counting an ER trip in Hungary when I was nine years old (hey I don't get sick often!). Nothing serious, just a sore throat I haven't been able to shake...

Anyway reason I mention it here is the weirdest thing about the entire experience was not being given a single form to fill out or sign the entire time I was there- I asked when I left just to make sure, but turns out since they got my Dutch insurance info when I requested an appointment online along with my address so that was fine. (I also like how they never actually checked my card- presumably I was looked up in a database, but there's a chance they just never bothered.)

Oh, and no copay. :cheer:

Makes me wonder when we'll reach that point in the USA since they are switching to essentially the Dutch system... probably not soon unfortunately.

Re: Dutch medical experience

PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 3:57 pm
by Swift
Rommie wrote:Makes me wonder when we'll reach that point in the USA since they are switching to essentially the Dutch system... probably not soon unfortunately.

What!?! You want us have that Commie Health Care? That's how the gov'ment controls your mind and turns you gay. smack:

Serious answer... I suspect never (at least not in my lifetime).

Re: Dutch medical experience

PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 12:37 am
by geonuc
Swift wrote:
Rommie wrote:Makes me wonder when we'll reach that point in the USA since they are switching to essentially the Dutch system... probably not soon unfortunately.

What!?! You want us have that Commie Health Care? That's how the gov'ment controls your mind and turns you gay. smack:

Serious answer... I suspect never (at least not in my lifetime).

^^^^ What he said.

Re: Dutch medical experience

PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:09 am
by The Supreme Canuck
There are forms when you go to the doctor in the US? What sort of things do they ask about? Insurance related stuff, I gather, but I have no idea what that involves.

Re: Dutch medical experience

PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:24 am
by geonuc
Normally you have to fill out two forms. One, who you are, what insurance you have, who your next of kin is, where you work, etc. They often ask for a social security number, which aggravates the crap out of me. Two, a medical history (have you ever had this, this or this, etc).

Re: Dutch medical experience

PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:35 am
by Rommie
Yeah, I've realized the trick is even if you get rid of the medical insurance one in the USA (as I've said, it's probably just all the info is in a computer database in the Netherlands so no need for paper) I doubt you'll ever get rid of the one with all your medical history. Malpractice is just too big a threat so they need to make sure they have a paper trail.

I mean here I just had the doctor when he heard the sore throat issue just ask me four questions, my age, any allergies, if I'm taking any drugs, and if I'm by any chance pregnant. No notes, no nothing- I mean maybe if I had a more serious problem he'd write something down, but what's the point really?

Re: Dutch medical experience

PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 2:05 pm
by Swift
geonuc wrote:Normally you have to fill out two forms. One, who you are, what insurance you have, who your next of kin is, where you work, etc. They often ask for a social security number, which aggravates the crap out of me. Two, a medical history (have you ever had this, this or this, etc).

Even more stupid... I just went back to my GP for my annual check-up, and they make you do the entire forms again, in case something has changed. They don't give you a print-out of your current record and ask "mark what has changed" or anything smart like that.

And that is pretty common with just about any doctor. If you haven't seen them in a year or more, you do the paperwork again. And you do the same info for every doctor.

Re: Dutch medical experience

PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:43 pm
by The Supreme Canuck
Huh. That is interesting. I expected the insurance form, but the medical history one is odd. I mean... surely they have your medical records to look at. Is it really a malpractice cover-your-ass thing, or is that just conjecture?

Re: Dutch medical experience

PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:47 pm
by Swift
The Supreme Canuck wrote:Huh. That is interesting. I expected the insurance form, but the medical history one is odd. I mean... surely they have your medical records to look at. Is it really a malpractice cover-your-ass thing, or is that just conjecture?

Honestly, I have no idea.

Re: Dutch medical experience

PostPosted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 3:21 am
by SciFiFisher
The Supreme Canuck wrote:Huh. That is interesting. I expected the insurance form, but the medical history one is odd. I mean... surely they have your medical records to look at. Is it really a malpractice cover-your-ass thing, or is that just conjecture?

Because things change. If you had a significant change in your medical condition since the last time you visited the provider has to evaluate that in context of why you are there for that particular visit. Maybe you lost 50 pounds overnight. Need to know that... it may be a serious medical condition that you need treatment for. etc.

Plus there are things we are mandated to ask EVERYTIME you come visit. Allergies, medications, and whether you have depression are three such things. Every time. Every visit. If you are a special population we have to ask you other things.

Also, because your doctor, the hospital, and even your pharmacy don't talk to each other.

Having you fill out the form lets us focus on the reason for your visit. Oh, just want something for the sore throat? Ok, BTW, are you worried about that nail in your head? I notice on your paperwork you stated you had pounding headaches recently. :P

Re: Dutch medical experience

PostPosted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:58 am
by Rommie
The Supreme Canuck wrote:Huh. That is interesting. I expected the insurance form, but the medical history one is odd. I mean... surely they have your medical records to look at. Is it really a malpractice cover-your-ass thing, or is that just conjecture?

To be fair that varies office to office- I never had to fill out such a form at my regular one in Pittsburgh which I'd been going to since I was a kid, just when I went to a new office.

The odd thing about this Dutch one though for me was they clearly had none of my medical records as I'd never gone in this country before, nor did they ask for me to fill anything out.

Re: Dutch medical experience

PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:58 pm
I'm not sure how we'll cope having to go through the Australian medical system after living in the USA for two years.


Sorry. Had to laugh. I'm leaving. I can laugh. I've been crying long enough.