Kenya Terror Attack

Kenya Terror Attack

Postby Rommie » Mon Sep 23, 2013 11:34 am

Still ongoing, and it sounds awful-

Craziest part? I've actually been to this mall- had a night to kill before my brother showed up and we went on safari together, so I went there to get some shopping done and have dinner (hell I actually had sushi in Nairobi- an adventurous thing in itself, though it was actually perfectly fine- and I've since seen soldiers helping a woman out of an air vent in said sushi restaurant). It was, frankly, a pretty upscale kind of mall even if it had been in the US, and the prices matched, but quite a big thing in a place like Kenya to have a place like that.

So no serious "OMG!" moments here- how many random nights at random malls do you remember?- but I guess there's just always a slight pause when something like this happens in a place you've been.
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Re: Kenya Terror Attack

Postby geonuc » Mon Sep 23, 2013 9:57 pm

I'm thinking 90% of what happens in the world happens in a place you've been.
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Re: Kenya Terror Attack

Postby Rommie » Tue Sep 24, 2013 10:41 am

Not quite, cause I'm not crazy enough to visit Somalia/Iraq/Libya/Syria/ you get the idea. :P

Actually though sad note, turns out a friend of a friend was murdered there along with her husband- they were both NGO workers, she was 8 months pregnant.

I am at an absolute loss of words to describe the kind of evil that guns down two people who are only trying to good in the world and their unborn child- all that hope gone in an instant. Their poor families...
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Re: Kenya Terror Attack

Postby Swift » Tue Sep 24, 2013 1:31 pm

Rommie wrote:Actually though sad note, turns out a friend of a friend was murdered there along with her husband- they were both NGO workers, she was 8 months pregnant.

I am at an absolute loss of words to describe the kind of evil that guns down two people who are only trying to good in the world and their unborn child- all that hope gone in an instant. Their poor families...

Wait a minute - you had a connection to that woman? I heard about her on TV. A very small world.
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Re: Kenya Terror Attack

Postby FZR1KG » Fri Oct 11, 2013 6:51 pm

Rommie wrote:Not quite, cause I'm not crazy enough to visit Somalia/Iraq/Libya/Syria/ you get the idea. :P

You didn't want to visit libertarian paradise?

Completely off topic, remember the libertarian island proposal?
If you give us a ton of money and resources we can make an island and prove that self sustainability by living off it.
Hmmm...if you give me a 10 million dollars, I too can prove that I don't need to get a job and work anymore and I don't need to build a fucking island to do it.
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Re: Kenya Terror Attack

Postby Rommie » Sun Oct 13, 2013 7:38 pm

Hah no don't remember that one...

I always figured Libertarian Paradise was Amsterdam on Queen's Day (now King's Day), the one day of the year when there's no VAT and you can sell stuff on the street so all the Dutch go out and try to sell their old crap and beer without a license. It works for a day though because the cops are on high alert and the next day it looks like the apocalypse came through.
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