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False Flag

PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:04 pm
by SciFi Chick
Alrighty then, can someone tell me why this is crazy? Because it seems to make sense...

Re: False Flag

PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:10 pm
by SciFi Chick
And yes, I realize this guy is a nut job, but that doesn't change that this seems to make sense. I'm sure it doesn't make sense, but I just can't work it out, which is why I posted it here. :D

Re: False Flag

PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:41 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
It could be as simple as that some people in law enforcement got word on the last minute that a bomb could go off, and the panic that could ensue if they made that public in the middle of the marathon would be much worse than the actual bomb going off.

What would be the cover-up? that they discreetly tried to get to the bomber but failed to do so in time?

As for "several people" wearing the same outfit as the nutjob who had the bomb, how about an actual count?

Re: False Flag

PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:13 pm
by Cyborg Girl
Maybe the date/time of the photos was misidentified, and the backpacks were confiscated ones?

Or maybe it was a photoshop job, or the images were completely unrelated to the bombing. I mean, we're talking about 4chan... Not exactly a trustworthy source.

Anyway I doubt it was a false flag op, because it reflects really shittily on the intelligence agencies. I mean, they track everyone's browsing habits, but didn't notice that the older brother was reading tons of jihadist agit-prop? They let an amateur terrorist and his kid brother fly under the radar, despite a vast spy network and a tip-off from the Russians? That doesn't look like an excuse to expand their power, it looks like incompetence.

My suspicion is that the intelligence community would like nothing better than for people to forget this ever happened.

Granted, I am a layperson. But then, those are the lines I'd expect most laypeople to think along.

Re: False Flag

PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 12:01 am
by SciFiFisher
SciFi Chick wrote:Alrighty then, can someone tell me why this is crazy? Because it seems to make sense...

1. Suggesting that someone (?) official had foreknowledge that the Boston bombing might occur.
1a. evidence offered of this is random people with black backpacks that are very common both in and out of the military.
1b. random people wearing baseball caps just like what Navy Seals like to wear. from this we can deduce that everyone who wears a hat that Navy Seals like is ipso facto a Navy Seal.
1c. Some people wearing Navy Seal Hats and Black Backpacks carrying electronic devices which are obviously detonators. Or not. They are some kind of device but to infer that they are detonators is a stretch.
1d. People on roof tops with binoculars. Gee, is it possible that there were people on rooftops with binoculars watching the race?
1e. Bomb sniffing dogs were at the start and the finish as part of a drill. And mysteriously none of the bomb sniffing dogs detected the real bomb?

2. All of number one is used to support the argument that the Boston bombing was conducted by rogue(?) elements in the government as part of a larger operation designed to scare the American people into granting more power to the TSA and other national security agencies.

3. The commentator spends several minutes going over the conspiracy theory and how the Boston bombing is a false flag operation that has been totally blown and no one should believe it.

The commentator comes off as credible because he is dressed like an authority figure. He is speaking calmly and in a matter of fact manner. He claims he doesn't want this to be true but...

Think about it:

Conspiracy theory #1: Our government is willing to kill it's own citizens (innocent victims) in order to gain more power for the TSA and Homeland Security.
Conspiracy theory #2: Members of the military sworn to protect our country from all enemies, foreign and domestic, are willing to engage in a secret black ops mission to carry out the murder of innocent civilians.
Conspiracy theory #3: Members of the congress, homeland security, government officials at all levels of the government are willing to plan and carry out this false flag operation.

All of this without a single leak or anyone releasing the documents proving it. Yet, this is the same government that couldn't keep a simple burglary quiet, couldn't keep secret the fact that we spy on other countries and allowed a PFC with a top secret clearance to release massive amounts of highly sensitive documents to Wiki Leaks.

Nope, I don't see a thing wrong with this story. :P

Re: False Flag

PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 12:50 am
by brite
Infowars -- one of the biggest whack job conspiracy theory websites out there. They are the people that bring you the FEMA death camps, the "black helicopters" and the government is going to come and take away all of our guns... Not to mention that 9/11 was an inside job.

Totally credible....

Re: False Flag

PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 2:01 am
by cid
Well, let's just see here...
These all come from the same website...quality reportage, you betcha...

"...two middle eastern looking individuals..."
Profiling at its finest...

" Caucasian and another middle eastern looking individual wearing identical clothing, carrying large black backpacks and speaking into cellphones moments after the bombing...."

"...the two individuals are likely to be employees of Craft International, a Blackwater-style private military/security firm...."
They are also likely to be two guys who wanted to come down and just watch the race...

"...Another image shows an individual dressed in the same fashion placing a black backpack on the ground in the moments after the nearby explosion...."
He also might just be hiding in case another bomb might go off...

"...The men appear to be wearing Navy Seal attire which is also the same standard issue Craft International uniform used by the private security firm..."
Oh bullsqueezin''s from a comic book, fer cripes' sake, and naturally popular with those of the "kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out" mindset. Evidentlty these clowns have never heard of 'The Punisher'.

Can these types be any more paranoid?

Re: False Flag

PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 2:06 am
by Sigma_Orionis
SciFiFisher wrote:All of this without a single leak or anyone releasing the documents proving it. Yet, this is the same government that couldn't keep a simple burglary quiet, couldn't keep secret the fact that we spy on other countries and allowed a PFC with a top secret clearance to release massive amounts of highly sensitive documents to Wiki Leaks.

Nope, I don't see a thing wrong with this story. :P

I ALWAYS miss that one :P

Re: False Flag

PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 2:26 am
by Swift
SciFi Chick wrote:Alrighty then, can someone tell me why this is crazy?

Because it comes from crazy people?

Re: False Flag

PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 2:38 am
by SciFi Chick
Well, when you all put it that way. rofl

I don't know what I was thinking. Just a bit bored today and unable to get warm and I guess my brain was partially frozen too. :lol:

Re: False Flag

PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 3:12 am
by Swift
SciFi Chick wrote:Well, when you all put it that way. rofl

I don't know what I was thinking. Just a bit bored today and unable to get warm and I guess my brain was partially frozen too. :lol:

Furnace is out (bad igniter and the repair guy didn't have the right spare), so I can appreciate the frozen. Actually, its not too bad, probably around 55F in the house.

Re: False Flag

PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 4:25 pm
SciFi Chick wrote:Alrighty then, can someone tell me why this is crazy? Because it seems to make sense...
