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Laundry query

PostPosted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 2:48 am
by cid
Yes, I do laundry. I can still put a knife crease with a steam iron on a pair of GI fatigues, good enough to pass an inspection...

That being said...a friend recently knitted me a very nice scarf (there are days when a beard just ain't enough to keep the cold out).
The instructions for cleaning detailed handwashing, and I already have that down (a small tub of lukewarm water, a bottle of Woolite,
squeeze, don't wring, flat dry).
However -- she said not to use Woolite as it has bleach in it.


No one else in the know has ever heard of this. Woolite's website specifically says it has no bleach.
While I will not disregard the instructions given me (am double checking to see just what I CAN use),
does anyone else have any info on the Woolite/bleach controversy?
The knit caps that I launder with Woolite have suffered no ill effects.


Re: Laundry query

PostPosted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 3:26 am
by The Supreme Canuck
I can't imagine that it would. And from looking at the ingredient list on Wikipedia, it appears there's no bleach. So...

Re: Laundry query

PostPosted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 4:56 am
by code monkey
several (> 15) years ago i was told by a professional designer to avoid woolite as it contained bleach. it is possible/likely that they have changed their formulation.

Re: Laundry query

PostPosted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 5:36 am
by code monkey
since i'd gotten the same advice i wondered if this was an urban legend or if they'd changed the product. couldn't find anything enlightening. easy to test. pour some woolite into a jar and put something made of wool in it - a strand of yarn, a scrap etc. if the item dissolves(this won't happen immediately) then there's bleach in the woolite.

Re: Laundry query

PostPosted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 10:00 pm
by code monkey
wait a minute. you do laundry - even hand laundry - and you iron? learn how to cook with fresh vegetables and i'll hire you as my combination housekeeper/handyman. no ironing required.

Re: Laundry query

PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 3:09 am
by cid
code monkey wrote:wait a minute. you do laundry - even hand laundry - and you iron? learn how to cook with fresh vegetables and i'll hire you as my combination housekeeper/handyman. no ironing required.

"laundry"...yes, gotta keep the supply of tighty whities current...

"hand laundry"...when needed, yes.

"iron"...I can still do it, just haven't actually done it in awhile...

"fresh"..."vegetables"...I am unfamiliar with these terms... :confused: :think: :shrug: