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Crime in Ottawa

PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 5:15 pm
by The Supreme Canuck
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Johnny Scratch:

The 39-year-old had just pulled into his Raymond Street driveway early Wednesday morning when he was approached by three men who demanded the keys to his car. When Scratch refused to hand them over, the men attacked and a fight ensued.


Whether by luck or because he outmatched his attackers in height, weight and adrenalin-fuelled moxy, Scratch was able to fend off the three assailants, who fled west down Raymond Street.

The condition of the assailants, who are still at large, remains unknown, but Scratch sustained only one injury: A scratch on his knuckle, from breaking the tooth of one of the men, which he threw at them as they fled.


Despite success holding his own against three carjackers and a slew of other attackers over the years, Scratch, a vaudeville stage performer with the troupe The Mansfield Brothers, condemns violence.

“I don’t like violence, violence sucks,” he said. “It does. It’s brutal. But I’m not going to be pushed around.”

Ottawa police are searching for the suspects.

...there's a lot of WTF there.

Re: Crime in Ottawa

PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:28 pm
Welcome to the USA :P

Re: Crime in Ottawa

PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 9:24 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
If it had been in Caracas, it would have involved guns and at least one casualty.

Re: Crime in Ottawa

PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 11:08 pm
If it was in the USA it would be either a black guy that got shot or a black guy that did the shooting.
At least it seems that way going by the news.