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Judgment Free Gym?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 3:02 am
by SciFi Chick
On the contrary - I'd call it a hypocritical gym that just wants to turn the judgment around on those who are fit. Very unimpressed.

Re: Judgment Free Gym?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 3:12 am
by Cyborg Girl
IMO that is a disgusting level of sophistry, as well as thoroughly hypocritical. Yes, telling a person that the mere sight of her body is "intimidating" is absolutely nonjudgmental. No shaming there at all. Right.


Planet Fitness does have its detractors who say that some of their policies go too far. In November 2006 Albert Argibay was removed by police from the Planet Fitness in Wappingers Falls, NY. Reportedly, Argibay had broken the gym’s rule of no grunting, though he says that he was just breathing heavily. The no grunting policy may be what Planet Fitness is most known for. The gym sounds its “lunk alarm,” a siren and flashing lights, whenever a gym-goer is found displaying lunk-like behavior. Posters are said to define a lunk as “one who grunts, drops weights, or judges.

God forbid anyone of any level of fitness should ever emit an undignified grunt of effort when lifting weights. Sound the alarm!

Absolutely nonjudgmental, I tell you. No shaming involved at all. Zero, zilch, nada. :roll:

Re: Judgment Free Gym?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 3:27 am
by Cyborg Girl
... This really pisses me off actually. I know it's just a gym, but... judging people in the name of being nonjudgmental? Intimidating gym members for the sake of keeping them from intimidating others? This is exactly the wrong way to create an inclusive atmosphere.

In fact

[rant mode]

I'd go so far as to say it's everything I've ever seen that's wrong with sociology and the study of privilege, or at least the way some people in those fields behave. It exemplifies the failure to recognize that two wrongs do not make a right. Giving people a taste of their own medicine can be satisfying on a primitive level, but past a certain point it stops being okay and starts being irresponsible and dangerous.

[/rant mode]

Re: Judgment Free Gym?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 12:30 pm
by SciFi Chick
Yup. You just summed up everything I felt and thought when reading the article, but was too tired to elaborate on. :D