Texas on gay fathers

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Texas on gay fathers

Postby FZR1KG » Thu Jun 19, 2014 2:40 pm


Re: Texas on gay fathers

Postby gethen » Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:32 pm

Sad. Just sad.
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Re: Texas on gay fathers

Postby Swift » Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:41 pm

I would expect nothing else from Texas.
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Re: Texas on gay fathers

Postby SciFi Chick » Fri Jun 20, 2014 9:57 pm

I would say, why did they risk going to Texas to do this, but it's where their family is, and they have friends that have successfully done this in Texas, so the fact that it's down to the whim of the judge is very disturbing.

And the fact that neither of them are at least on the respective birth certificate of their biological child is incredibly disturbing.
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Re: Texas on gay fathers

Postby FZR1KG » Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:23 am

What I find disturbing is that the State decides who is eligible to be a parent regardless of the actual linage that is indisputable via DNA testing.
What next?
You can't be a parent because you are a Democrat.
You can't be a parent because you're a furiner.
You can't be a parent because you're not a Christian.
You can't be a parent because you're an Atheist.
Fuck them and the retarded sperm they rode in on.

Re: Texas on gay fathers

Postby SciFiFisher » Sat Jun 21, 2014 2:56 pm

SciFi Chick wrote:I would say, why did they risk going to Texas to do this, but it's where their family is, and they have friends that have successfully done this in Texas, so the fact that it's down to the whim of the judge is very disturbing.

And the fact that neither of them are at least on the respective birth certificate of their biological child is incredibly disturbing.

I want more information. For example, did Texas explicitly ban them being on the certificate? I understand that Texas says no you can't have two fathers on the certificate. But, why wasn't each primary father on the respective certificate? Because in this day and age all you have to do is be at the hospital and have the mother say you are the father. As long as you sign a statement saying "yes, that's my baby" they put you on the certificate. :?
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Re: Texas on gay fathers

Postby SciFi Chick » Sat Jun 21, 2014 3:20 pm

SciFiFisher wrote:
SciFi Chick wrote:I would say, why did they risk going to Texas to do this, but it's where their family is, and they have friends that have successfully done this in Texas, so the fact that it's down to the whim of the judge is very disturbing.

And the fact that neither of them are at least on the respective birth certificate of their biological child is incredibly disturbing.

I want more information. For example, did Texas explicitly ban them being on the certificate? I understand that Texas says no you can't have two fathers on the certificate. But, why wasn't each primary father on the respective certificate? Because in this day and age all you have to do is be at the hospital and have the mother say you are the father. As long as you sign a statement saying "yes, that's my baby" they put you on the certificate. :?

That's exactly one of the things I find strange.
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Re: Texas on gay fathers

Postby FZR1KG » Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:20 pm

SciFiFisher wrote:
I want more information. For example, did Texas explicitly ban them being on the certificate? I understand that Texas says no you can't have two fathers on the certificate. But, why wasn't each primary father on the respective certificate? Because in this day and age all you have to do is be at the hospital and have the mother say you are the father. As long as you sign a statement saying "yes, that's my baby" they put you on the certificate. :?

From the article:
“As of right now in Texas two men cannot be on the birth certificate,” Jason Hanna explained in an interview with me on SiriusXM Progress. “So our attorney followed the letter of the law. We petitioned the court. We had DNA testing there [in court] and petitioned the judge to ultimately remove the surrogate mother from the birth certificate, who has no biological ties to the boys. We would like each biological dad to be placed on the birth certificate of our own son, and then ultimately proceed to the second-parent adoption. The entire petition was denied.

They tried the one biological father per certificate path and it was denied.
In a nutshell, the sate of Texas has legally denied a person who is the biological father of a child the right to be the father of that child legally, based on the courts political views.
That is scary as fuck.
That is really fucked up scary just like any other extremist organisation.
Denying a biological parent the right to raise their own child.
Had an Islamic nation done this for whatever reason there would be human rights violations cited everywhere.
Here it's, "Oh, that's just Texas".
As far as I'm concerned the state of Texas is acting like an extremist organisation.
It should be called and treated as such.
Not let them also decide school books for the rest of the country.
If it wasn't so bad it would be comical in its lunacy.

Re: Texas on gay fathers

Postby SciFi Chick » Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:51 pm

I don't think you can blame the state of Texas for what one crazy judge does.
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Re: Texas on gay fathers

Postby The Supreme Canuck » Sat Jun 21, 2014 6:38 pm

You can blame Texas for having elected judges. This is exactly the sort of political bullshit that happens when judges are elected rather than appointed through an apolitical process.

You can also blame Texas for having a state constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.
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Re: Texas on gay fathers

Postby FZR1KG » Sat Jun 21, 2014 11:57 pm

I can also blame Texas for executing innocent men and not giving a fuck even when they find conclusive evidence of innocence and the Governor Prick Perry not giving a shit to even look over the facts.
The state is broken.
It kills innocent citizens, it strips legitimate parents of their parenting rights and it does this because of the legal systems in place there and the ruling government there.
It is an extremist organisation by any reasonable measure.
I'm just calling it openly.
They are a fanatical group that kills its citizens and strips them of basic rights based on their own political and religious agendas.
Extremist, fanatical and in power, the End.
Call it what it is.

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