PM ousted

Poli-meaning many
Tics-blood sucking insects

Yep... that about sums up the Government...

Re: PM ousted

Postby FZR1KG » Sat Jul 06, 2013 9:54 pm

Can you give examples of the sexist remarks made about her?

The worst abuse I know of was when her father died, but that wasn't sexual in nature at all.
It was just an obnoxious comment from an asshole that is Australia's version of Pat Robinson.

Re: PM ousted

Postby SciFi Chick » Sat Jul 06, 2013 11:16 pm

Here's another article on the so-called shockingly sexist comments leveled at JG.

And here is a comment in response to that article that I agree with wholeheartedly.

So it’s okay to call Howard all sorts of names, but it is NOT okay to call Gillard all sorts of names because she is a woman. Give me a break!!! This whole gender argument is insulting to women as a whole. We should be judged on our competence and if you can reach the top job as Ms Gillard has, then she should speak of her achievements and forget the chauvinistic remarks which is what I did during my middle management career (no children by choice) and very successful I might add where both men and women admired my capabilities as a person. Gender should not be an issue and can only be an issue if you make it so. Gillard needs to talk about her personal achievements which are many (she has the top job) and not about sexism. The latter is a cop out and belittling of her true self imo.
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Re: PM ousted

Postby squ1d » Sun Jul 07, 2013 11:49 am

A fair bit of sexism was dished out to JG, high profile politicians always have petty and pejorative abuse leveled at them, but if you look at things in context, as the leader of Labor she got enough votes to form government so the people clearly weren't too worried about her being a woman. It was only when the same voters became unhappy with the way the government was handling things that the gender issue really came to the forefront. I don't think sexism bought her down, but it was certainly around.
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Re: PM ousted

Postby FZR1KG » Sun Jul 07, 2013 2:45 pm

I'm just getting the impression lately that sexism is like Bible codes.
If you try to find something, you will.
Doesn't however mean it was there.

I'm not saying she didn't get sexist remarks, just on the grand scheme of things the sexist remarks were petty compared to some other insults she got and other male PM's got before her.

Also, here's an example that bugs me, ever seen Julia giving a guy the bird. Yes, the one finger salute.
Yep she's guilty. Have a look and no its not photoshopped: one finger Gillard

Where was the outcry?
Now imagine if the guy she did that to was the one that gave her the finger.
There would be an barrage of articles about how poor Julia has to deal with Aussie sexists in the workplace.
Note that the photo was taken in the workplace.

I've seen outcries over "ditch the witch" comments.
Never seen any such movements when other prime ministers were called pricks, assholes, liars etc.

For a list of the things other Aussie politicians have been called look here
Plenty worse than julia being called a witch.

But more to the point, where is the fuss about the assholes that attacked her by using her recently deceased father?
That's way worse than "ditch the witch".
So are the comments of stuffing her into a bag and tossing her into the Sea.

All that however doesn't count apparently because it could apply to anyone, but, use the witch word and its a serious case of sexism...but wait...
Its not a sexist insult, and it can also apply to a male.
Its an misconception that male witches are called warlocks.
They are witches as well. It applies to both men and women.

Bible codes and sexism. One and the fucking same if you want it to be.

Re: PM ousted

Postby FZR1KG » Sun Jul 07, 2013 3:05 pm

More bible codes and sexism: hypocrisy

The boys’ club always wins in politics - Julia Gillard is the latest victim
Julia Gillard’s brutal ousting as Australian prime minister by Kevin Rudd shows that politics is still a jealously guarded man’s world.

Oh for fucks sake. Who ousted who?
Rudd was ousted by Gillard for her to become the first female PM of Australia, remember...
So what now, once she's in she can't have be ousted herself by the guy she ousted without people accusing "boys club" winning in politics?
Who comes up with this bullshit?
Who BELIEVES this shit?

Yet again, bible code sexism comes into play.

Re: PM ousted

Postby FZR1KG » Sun Jul 07, 2013 3:11 pm

And for the record, SFC and I were both really happy that a female PM got into power.
Like a lot of other people.
Too bad she didn't have the balls to do the job right. (Deliberate sexual remark, just so ya know how its done proper like)

She got booted because she was unpopular. The same reason she booted Rudd to become PM.
Lets not make her booting a case of sexism when its perfectly and correctly attributed to the nature of politics.


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