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Yep... that about sums up the Government...

Re: 1A

Postby Cyborg Girl » Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:49 pm

Oh look, I'm starting to repeat myself.

I wrote wrote:"No Nazis" is a lie. White supremacists these days don't actually call themselves white supremacists, or even white nationalists necessarily; that well is poisoned in the public eye, so they talk more obliquely. A lot of these guys believe in a white ethno-state but also hate skinhead Nazis and Klansmen, because those latter have a habit of being too obvious and making everyone involved look stupid.

Just because someone says it's about free speech, doesn't mean they aren't lying.

Accommodating and embracing Nazis (and neo-Confederates, and all that shit) at a "free speech" event, however, makes one a sympathizer and accomplice at best. Want to not be called a Nazi? THEN DON'T FUCKING STAND SIDE BY SIDE WITH NAZIS. It's that fucking simple.

Somehow you do not seem to be processing this text. Like I said: they will lie. Bigots do not usually consider themselves bigoted, and those that do usually know better than to say so. Look at what they do, not at what they say about themselves, like you would with an IRL friend who claimed to be an honest person but got caught shoplifting four or five times.
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Re: 1A

Postby Cyborg Girl » Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:01 pm

Again, in case you missed it due to pagination:

https://newrepublic.com/article/139004/ ... till-nazis

Seriously, it's that important.
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Re: 1A

Postby SciFi Chick » Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:59 pm

Gullible Jones wrote:Oh look, I'm starting to repeat myself.

I wrote wrote:"No Nazis" is a lie. White supremacists these days don't actually call themselves white supremacists, or even white nationalists necessarily; that well is poisoned in the public eye, so they talk more obliquely. A lot of these guys believe in a white ethno-state but also hate skinhead Nazis and Klansmen, because those latter have a habit of being too obvious and making everyone involved look stupid.

Just because someone says it's about free speech, doesn't mean they aren't lying.

Accommodating and embracing Nazis (and neo-Confederates, and all that shit) at a "free speech" event, however, makes one a sympathizer and accomplice at best. Want to not be called a Nazi? THEN DON'T FUCKING STAND SIDE BY SIDE WITH NAZIS. It's that fucking simple.

Somehow you do not seem to be processing this text. Like I said: they will lie. Bigots do not usually consider themselves bigoted, and those that do usually know better than to say so. Look at what they do, not at what they say about themselves, like you would with an IRL friend who claimed to be an honest person but got caught shoplifting four or five times.

Then why were all the white nationalists, KKK, and Nazis honest about it in Charlottesville? I can show you footage from the Boston rally (not protest) with an Indian guy who was in the untouchable caste over in India who said they are all about peace and love. And you want to call that lying?

They specifically said they weren't like the people in Charlottesville. There's a great documentary on HBO from the show Vice about the white supremacists in the Charlottesville protest. I assure you they were dead honest and unafraid to be so. I don't know how the reporter kept a straight face. Vicious hateful honest vitriol. You can't keep calling everyone who supports free speech a lying white nationalist especially when you have no evidence! You just can't!

I'll tell you a group of people who do lie regularly about their agenda - Islamists.
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Re: 1A

Postby SciFi Chick » Thu Aug 24, 2017 12:06 am

Gullible Jones wrote:Again, in case you missed it due to pagination:

https://newrepublic.com/article/139004/ ... till-nazis

Seriously, it's that important.

But Richard Spencer is an open white identitarian. How is that lying?
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Re: 1A

Postby Cyborg Girl » Thu Aug 24, 2017 12:40 am

Argh. Yes, Spencer is a white identitarian, i.e. a white supremacist, i.e. a fucking Nazi who literally says Seig Heil when he thinks nobody is recording him. Now look who he associates with. Look where his statements and stuff appear in the RightWingoSphere. Look at his stupid Pepe the Frog pin.

Then why were all the white nationalists, KKK, and Nazis honest about it in Charlottesville? I can show you footage from the Boston rally (not protest) with an Indian guy who was in the untouchable caste over in India who said they are all about peace and love. And you want to call that lying?

IDK, maybe that guy is serious. Maybe he's an early recruit. Maybe he's the one dude there who isn't a Nazi sympathizer, okay, cool. Look at the others who were involved. When the thing is organized by "Based Stickman" and his buddies you cannot possibly say it's really about Free Speech.

Also never forget that racist sympathizers can be of backgrounds that the racists hate. Those are usually folks who trade their integrity for cred with their would-be oppressors, as a way of trying to escape that persecution; it happens in almost every historic case of oppression.

Come on. I know you are smarter than this. You cannot just look at the statements about Free Speech, you have to also look at what they are using that free speech to say, and what they do when they think there won't be consequences.
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Re: 1A

Postby Cyborg Girl » Thu Aug 24, 2017 12:45 am

Here, this Kyle Chapman guy again:

http://www.masslive.com/news/index.ssf/ ... speak.html

Right there. This is a guy known as "Based Stickman" for wearing baseball gear and whacking leftists with a wooden flagstaff. And he was invited to speak at the Boston rally. Yes, the one on the 19th.

The dude is literally a violent, racist criminal. People do not invite an unreformed guy like that as a speaker just to demonstrate their love for freedom of speech, unless they're waaaaaay the hell stupider than you seem to give them credit for.
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Re: 1A

Postby vendic » Thu Aug 24, 2017 2:00 am

Personallly at this point wacking Nazi's and extreme leftists sounds like a sport I could get into.
Dickheads. The lot of them.

Any group that disagrees with me should be met with blind violence. Its the only way to promote peace.
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Re: 1A

Postby SciFi Chick » Fri Aug 25, 2017 5:16 pm

GJ - there were twenty people at that rally. 20. Two zero.

By comparison, there were 40,000 counter protesters. Yet, you want to tell me that the white supremacists and Nazis are taking over. I can point you to leaders of the white supremacists who say you are doing their work for them. The more violent and angry the counter protesters get. The more they destroy property and scream at anyone who walks near them, the more they beat up reporters, the more they are driving otherwise bored people into the white supremacist movement.

20 people holding a rally, of which one might have been a white supremacist. The people at the rally were holding signs that said, "No GMO's" and "Black Lives DO Matter."

The reality is that the counter protesters were misled by the media and this could have been a non-event. All this rioting and violence is only serving as an excuse for the government to crack down on our freedom.
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Re: 1A

Postby Cyborg Girl » Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:23 pm

I told you the story already. People began pulling out as the projected protest attendance ballooned. If there were pro BLM signs in the "Free Speech Rally" I sure didn't see 'em, and would like to know where you saw them (because I'm pretty sure "Black Lives DO Matter" was one of our own). Keep in mind that I had a good view of the bandstand they were hanging out in for, like, almost the entire time I was there.

Keep in mind also that trolls are often good with Photoshop. There have been a few cases already of doctored photos being used as black propaganda. (And seriously, read that link - the only thing new about this is that cheap computing makes such tactics available to trolls and conmen when it used to be the province of governments.)

Re white supremacists. Saying they're taking over would be inaccurate, because they've had a major say in US governance since the country's founding. There have been minima of their power recently, now we're rising above those minima again. If you hadn't noticed, the Attorney General of the United States is about as racist as you can respectably be in federal politics these days; and that's not an outlier, that's a regression to the mean (and a metric shit-ton of power in the hands of a very fucked up guy).

So, no, they're not taking over. They're taking over MORE.

As far as violence and rioting, the only people I saw getting read to fuck shit up were police, and some of the rally group AFTER they left the rally. (This happened last time too, they usually cause more trouble when they're not so visible and can corner protesters on the street.)

Short version: I was in the protest and saw this stuff directly. You were not, and have been seeing it through news media . Please stop trying to convince me that I'm bullshitting you, it's extremely disingenuous and won't work.
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Re: 1A

Postby SciFi Chick » Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:42 pm

So far, you've implied that I'm stupid, and now you're calling me disingenuous. It's like you don't even know me. I certainly don't know you anymore. And I'm happy to post sources, but I doubt you'll take them seriously because it would require you to leave your echo chamber for a few minutes and actually have a discussion. If you are truly willing to discuss this with the idea that you just might not know every goddamn thing, let me know, but I am fucking sick of being called names every time someone disagrees with me. I've lost respect for a number of people from FWIS. I've been called right wing, it's been implied that my husband and I are misogynists, racists, and Nazi sympathizers.

And most of these are people we've met in person. We are not strangers on the Internet. But, clearly, if we disagree with the narrative from the left on any point, we will be insulted and dismissed. Fine.

If that's the level of discourse online, I'm not interested.

And before you go down the path of this somehow meaning I don't have evidence, don't kid yourself. vendic posted reams of evidence about the illegal activities of the DNC during the election. When he finally convinced a couple of people that he was correct, their response after all that arguing was that they just didn't care.

He posted reams of evidence about the The Red Pill. You refused to even look at it because it might brainwash you.

So don't sit here and tell me I need evidence and that your eyewitness account trumps all the recorded evidence to the contrary. And don't fucking call me a liar again. I am being nothing but up front here and I am damn sick of having my character maligned just because you disagree.
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Re: 1A

Postby vendic » Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:52 pm


Video of the pavilion that you apparently didn't see.
Remember, eye witness testimony is highly unreliable. If you personally didn't see it, you can't claim it didn't happen. The above video taken at the event, posted by the speaker himself says you are wrong in your claim.

Now you can turn a blind eye if you want. That's your call. The reality is that video exists and wasn't photoshopped.
There exists a probability that you are wrong. Maybe you should be open to the concept that you might be.
Just pointing out the obvious.
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Re: 1A

Postby SciFi Chick » Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:10 pm

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Re: 1A

Postby SciFi Chick » Tue Aug 29, 2017 5:48 pm

"Do not speak badly of yourself, for the warrior that is inside you hears your words and is lessened by them." -David Gemmel
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Re: 1A

Postby vendic » Fri Oct 06, 2017 1:46 pm

For anyone that still believes antifa is a good organisation and punching Nazi's is a great thing to do: https://youtu.be/RmNz2jGzsDA

Antifa was infiltrated, at least one small part of a bigger wing, the police were aware of it and used the footage to make arrests. The media even though offered the footage declined to use it then made no mention of the violence that was being planned came to fruition the very next day.
The problem with punch a Nazi is when the definition of Nazi is anyone you disagree with. Even Jewish people. Yes, punch a Jew, because they are Nazi's too.
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Re: 1A

Postby SciFiFisher » Fri Oct 06, 2017 2:56 pm

vendic wrote:For anyone that still believes antifa is a good organisation and punching Nazi's is a great thing to do: https://youtu.be/RmNz2jGzsDA

Antifa was infiltrated, at least one small part of a bigger wing, the police were aware of it and used the footage to make arrests. The media even though offered the footage declined to use it then made no mention of the violence that was being planned came to fruition the very next day.
The problem with punch a Nazi is when the definition of Nazi is anyone you disagree with. Even Jewish people. Yes, punch a Jew, because they are Nazi's too.

Collaborators. Not Nazi. Just sayin. :P
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