Trump for dictator?

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Re: Trump for dictator?

Postby SciFi Chick » Thu Sep 22, 2016 2:06 am

Swift wrote:The weirdest part of that, but so what if she has Parkinson's (not that I think she does). How does that make her unfit to be President?

My grandmother had Parkinson's, so I'm quite familiar with the disease. One of the little known side effects is hallucinations and extreme paranoia. I'm pretty sure I don't want a President who is prone to hallucinations and paranoia.

However, I don't think Hillary Clinton has Parkinson's, but I definitely think Janet Reno should have been retired as soon as she was diagnosed with it.
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Re: Trump for dictator?

Postby Swift » Fri Sep 23, 2016 1:18 am

SciFi Chick wrote: I'm pretty sure I don't want a President who is prone to hallucinations and paranoia.

Too late. We've certainly had several already, and the orange man might be next.
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Re: Trump for dictator?

Postby SciFi Chick » Fri Sep 23, 2016 2:26 am

Swift wrote:
SciFi Chick wrote: I'm pretty sure I don't want a President who is prone to hallucinations and paranoia.

Too late. We've certainly had several already, and the orange man might be next.

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Re: Trump for dictator?

Postby SciFiFisher » Tue Sep 27, 2016 4:56 am

Have we noticed how all the nice obedient Republicans are lining up to endorse Trump? Even Cruz has finally endorsed him. And this was after Trump said vile things about the man's wife and father. :o

The general run of things seems to be for them to moan about how terrible it is... But they have to endorse Trump. Riiiiiiggght. It's so terrible. But, you did it anyway. :roll:

MEANWHILE: Bush Sr has endorsed Clinton. A number of very prestigious newspapers who have not endorsed a democrat in 40 or more years have all endorsed Clinton. Most of the GOP aligned PAC's are quietly funding elections at the state and local levels. Right now they are funneling it to congressional races.

It's looking like we might have a Clinton white house again. Of course, I don't trust the polls. People are very prone to saying what they think is the thing to say publically while really voting or thinking the opposite quite frequently.
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Re: Trump for dictator?

Postby SciFiFisher » Sat Oct 08, 2016 8:46 pm

Open Mic Night for Trump.

His candidacy is becoming more and more of a circus act. P.T. Barnum could have taken lessons from Uncle Trump. Apparently, he was recorded around 2006 saying "And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything... Grab them by the p***y. You can do anything."

He was speaking about how he views women. The general consensus is that he was describing sexual assault. And his willingness to engage in it.

Most of the Republicans are ducking and covering. If I wanted to come up with a conspiracy that allows the Democrats to win the White House by a landslide I don't think I could have designed a better one if I tried. :P

The scary part is that one of the talking heads today said that they estimate that 80% of Trump's supporters will still support him, defend him, and vote for him on November 7th. :shock: :shock:
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Re: Trump for dictator?

Postby Swift » Sat Oct 08, 2016 10:53 pm

SciFiFisher wrote:The scary part is that one of the talking heads today said that they estimate that 80% of Trump's supporters will still support him, defend him, and vote for him on November 7th. :shock: :shock:

I have no doubt. As I've said a few times, I don't know why anyone is shocked by this.

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Re: Trump for dictator?

Postby Rommie » Mon Oct 10, 2016 2:58 pm

So, I'm just wrapping up a week primarily with my parents, plus one dinner with my dad's side of the family for Canadian Thanksgiving (post Oct surprise bombshell) and one with parents' friends (pre bombshell), all Trump supporters and traditionally Republican. One cousin was even wearing a Trump/Pence cap, which I was kinda surprised about given the cousin in question was not the sort I'd peg as that. (Funnily enough, I'm taking a Trump/Pence cap back to Holland for my boyfriend who thinks it'd be funny- my brother had it spare as he says he got it when it was still an ironic joke!)

Anyway, I didn't press too much, because what's the point, these are all otherwise nice people and I don't see a five minute convo w me changing much. But what struck me is it's not that anyone is a Trump supporter, really, it's just that they all hate Hillary that much. Cousin with the cap insisting she should be in jail, and "who cares about taxes and what he said 11 years ago, it's not like he's actually done anything illegal." Then a really meta conversation with another cousin who insisted Trump is actually not much less qualified than Obama was, as he was "only a Senator two years before he got elected, and before that he was just a community organizer, which is a code for doing nothing- all suburban housewives say the same thing about what they do." I said no, actually he was a state senator from Illinois for many years and a law professor at U of Chicago- and she insisted that wasn't true, that in fact he was only a community organizer and "Oprah got him elected to the senate." It was just so weird and meta.

(At this point, I should point out that my cousins are all more wealthy than I will ever be thanks to their father's businesses, so I confess I'm not quite certain just what they so seriously hate and fear. Pitchforks, perhaps in a vague way, but I really don't see Trump as keeping the pitchforks at bay more than Hillary.)

The parents' friends were kinda the old generation now retired crowd, and I should note that the hostess lost her son two months ago or so and thus I didn't feel right doing anything but holding my tongue. At some point, she decided to break out a chain email she was sent that was "really funny." One of those where it lists all the sins of PC liberals- "I respect cops, so now that means I hate blacks" type stuff (I can't remember the direct quotes anymore, I was kinda seeing red). Two were VERY hard to hold my tongue for, however- the first being "I have been happy in a straight marriage for decades, but now that makes me a homophobe" and "I worked hard through college to pay my tuition and graduate debt free, but when people are too lazy to do the same today that makes me a miser." These are all nice people... but seriously don't seem to get that what was hard to accomplish some decades ago may be impossible now, or that just because people want the same rights does not mean they're taking away from yours. But gee, how can anyone support this stuff and vote for Hillary?!

Then last night, watching the debate, the only time I vocally kinda lost it was the part where Trump said he'd throw Hillary in jail if he won because I was astounded by the precedent of jailing your opponent. Consensus from the Trump crowd though seems to be "but she should be!" without much detail. It's just so bizarre that these people are so willing to overlook so much because they hate the other candidate so much... but then, I guess they say the same for me (though I suspect the family just thinks I'm gonna vote Libertarian, even if they know I hate Trump- can't be voting for the enemy).

I did also finally ask my mom at the end of the debate "you know he's not going to win, right?" She said a weary "yes." So maybe it's like the Brexit protest votes a few months ago in the UK- it's not like you like the guy, you just don't like the direction things are heading and want to be heard (and hang the vehicle that takes you there).

Anyway, maybe a long read, but I've had so many friends lately in Europe ask me if I really and truly know Trump supporters, that I decided to form my thoughts a little on the topic.
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Re: Trump for dictator?

Postby pumpkinpi » Mon Oct 10, 2016 6:47 pm

Please don't compare it to Brexit. :scream: :D
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Re: Trump for dictator?

Postby SciFi Chick » Mon Oct 10, 2016 7:10 pm

SciFiFisher wrote:The scary part is that one of the talking heads today said that they estimate that 80% of Trump's supporters will still support him, defend him, and vote for him on November 7th. :shock: :shock:

It would be incredibly awesome if they all go vote for him on November 7th. :P
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Re: Trump for dictator?

Postby SciFi Chick » Mon Oct 10, 2016 7:19 pm

Rommie wrote:
Anyway, maybe a long read, but I've had so many friends lately in Europe ask me if I really and truly know Trump supporters, that I decided to form my thoughts a little on the topic.

What's odd for me is that everywhere, around here are Trump signs. But every single friend from this area is supporting Clinton.

I'm still not a big fan of Clinton. We all know how much I fell in love with Bernie Sanders. And I actually think some voter fraud occurred (though I don't automatically think she's behind it).

But here's what I don't get. Those of us who supported Sanders over Clinton thought she was a liar and possibly a criminal. Trump is a liar and possibly a criminal, but every single Trump supporter I interact with online defends everything about Trump while insisting the same behavior in Clinton is unacceptable. I thought the sexism card was nonsense early on, but now, I'm not so sure. I can totally understand hating both Clinton and Trump. But defending Trump while hating Clinton makes absolutely no sense to me.

Also, you are totally the black sheep of your family. Or maybe the white sheep. :lol:
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Re: Trump for dictator?

Postby SciFi Chick » Mon Oct 10, 2016 7:23 pm

Rommie wrote:Then last night, watching the debate, the only time I vocally kinda lost it was the part where Trump said he'd throw Hillary in jail if he won because I was astounded by the precedent of jailing your opponent.

You're a stronger woman than I am. I was vocal quite a bit, though I was watching at 4:00 in the morning, so I had to keep it down in order to not wake my mom, but that man makes me lose it!

And his menacing stalking in the background made me think Clinton is pretty courageous. Also, I'm pretty sure Bill wants to kill Trump now. Whatever one wants to say about their marriage, he was very unimpressed with how Trump was treating her.
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Re: Trump for dictator?

Postby geonuc » Mon Oct 10, 2016 10:02 pm

SciFi Chick wrote:
SciFiFisher wrote:The scary part is that one of the talking heads today said that they estimate that 80% of Trump's supporters will still support him, defend him, and vote for him on November 7th. :shock: :shock:

It would be incredibly awesome if they all go vote for him on November 7th. :P

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Re: Trump for dictator?

Postby geonuc » Mon Oct 10, 2016 10:03 pm

SciFi Chick wrote:
Rommie wrote:Then last night, watching the debate, the only time I vocally kinda lost it was the part where Trump said he'd throw Hillary in jail if he won because I was astounded by the precedent of jailing your opponent.

You're a stronger woman than I am. I was vocal quite a bit, though I was watching at 4:00 in the morning, so I had to keep it down in order to not wake my mom, but that man makes me lose it!

I heard you screaming through the computer.
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Re: Trump for dictator?

Postby SciFi Chick » Tue Oct 11, 2016 12:00 am

geonuc wrote:
SciFi Chick wrote:
Rommie wrote:Then last night, watching the debate, the only time I vocally kinda lost it was the part where Trump said he'd throw Hillary in jail if he won because I was astounded by the precedent of jailing your opponent.

You're a stronger woman than I am. I was vocal quite a bit, though I was watching at 4:00 in the morning, so I had to keep it down in order to not wake my mom, but that man makes me lose it!

I heard you screaming through the computer.

Yes. Yes, you did. That motherfucker. I finally could not take it and had to fast forward through his responses towards the end, as I knew he wasn't saying anything worth listening to. Very relieved he didn't physically attack Hillary Clinton.
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Re: Trump for dictator?

Postby Rommie » Tue Oct 11, 2016 1:57 pm

pumpkinpi wrote:Please don't compare it to Brexit. :scream: :D

Well, what is hopefully our saving grace here is Brexit was actually listed as a close vote. This one, not so much. At least, that's what I keep telling myself. :?
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