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Re: Election 2020

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 5:55 pm
by SciFiFisher
And the hits just keep coming.

Texas filed a lawsuit asking the SC to invalidate the 4 swing states elections. 17 other states have joined them. And 109 Republican House fascists endorsed the lawsuit.

There is a ray of hope. A similar lawsuit that managed to get presented to the SC from the GOP in Pennsylvania was shot down by all 9 justices. All. nine. justices. I still think at least 3 of them should probably be retired early from the court but at least we can say they aren't ready to openly support a total fascist take over this week. :wave:

An additional ray of hope. 90 House GOP Representatives refused to endorse the Texas lawsuit. Sadly, I think some of them just didn't want to piss off their voters. I have no illusions about anyone in the GOP at the moment.

Re: Election 2020

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 5:59 pm
by SciFiFisher
Rommie wrote:I confess I'll believe it when I see it if the Republicans say they're not going to vote. I'm sure they'll talk the talk but show up anyway- you think that giant crowd in Georgia at the rally this weekend wasn't going to vote?! (Well, the ones not too sick with covid, I guess...)

That said, I suppose the trick is turnout is always harder in not a general election, and especially in a special election, and this will be so close any little factor can be the tipping point. Though from what my friends in Georgia tell me, you really would have a hard time not knowing about the special election with all the calls and texts!

I'm also kind of fascinated by how some speculate the Dems might win one election, and Republicans the other. Who's actually going to vote split ticket when the stakes are so high on Democrats getting both?! Then I remember it's probably a fraction of one percent of all voters who'd do it... and that's probably enough to sway this election either way.

Yes, it still kind of confuses me that the voters seemed to reject Trump but endorsed everything he stood for by voting for the R team on the down ballot choices. It's almost as if they think the best answer is to deadlock Congress and the Executive branch so that they can't do much. Or maybe they think the local version of the R team is not really a racist fascist piece of crap. Which is probably more likely.

Re: Election 2020

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 5:16 pm
by Rommie
It was pointed out to me this week that probably a large reason so much of the GOP has remained silent on this bad coup attempt is because they have a convenient excuse to have more gridlock in Congress and not work with the new president, which is IMO the real answer here. This is gonna be the new Tea Party movement- fascism FTW!

Re: Election 2020

PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2020 7:11 pm
by lady_*nix
"Donald Trump names owner of conversion therapy practice to disabilities advisory post" ... sory-post/

Merry Christmas. :scream:

Re: Election 2020

PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 4:59 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
Fucking Sociopath

Re: Election 2020

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:34 pm
by Rommie
Fucking amazing news out of Georgia. I honestly didn't think they'd pull it off! :wave:

(Alternate joke, I knew it was safe to go to bed when my dad started texting me stories about how coronavirus is from a lab in Wuhan, aka he wants to ignore reality.)

Honestly my main feeling is pride for all my friends in Georgia, who worked so hard to have this happen and have their hard work pay off. I have a buddy who's high enough in Dem circles that she was at the Clinton victory party in 2016, and has been working for over a dozen years in Georgia to turn it blue. I have another who wrote thousands of letters to remind people to vote, then affidavits to tell people to cure their ballots. And Stacy Abrams, wow. Worst thing the Republicans could have done two years ago is rig things against her, and I hope people can apply her model to other states (pretty sure she will be asked to spearhead, but has earned the right to do whatever she wants, and I suspect that'll mean another governor run). Combined with a new Voting Rights act, I think we could see a lot of people getting their voices heard who have been disenfranchised, which would be wonderful.

Crazy thing btw, I learned this morning that Ossoff was born in 1987, so if that thin margin holds (looking likely but not official yet) he'll be the first US Senator younger than me, and the first millennial Senator. I read a lot of "but he hasn't done anything!" hand wringing about him, but if I've learned anything it's that you can be a geriatric who's done nothing and be president, so I for one am happy to at least have someone my age in there.

Re: Election 2020

PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2021 1:29 am
by code monkey
lady_*nix wrote:"Donald Trump names owner of conversion therapy practice to disabilities advisory post" ... sory-post/

Merry Christmas. :scream:

and he's michele Bachmann's husband! it just keeps getting better and better.

Re: Election 2020

PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 11:34 pm
by Sigma_Orionis

Re: Election 2020

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 4:59 pm
by SciFiFisher
In a few more days we will have an almost majority in the Senate. :wave: