Interracial vs. same sex marraige

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Re: Interracial vs. same sex marraige

Postby Sigma_Orionis » Fri Oct 10, 2014 1:19 am

I just stumbled onto this

How much of it (if any) is true I don't know though.

ETA: Sorry I posted it in the wrong thread, i should have posted it in "Banana Republic Newsflash".
Last edited by Sigma_Orionis on Fri Oct 10, 2014 2:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Interracial vs. same sex marraige

Postby Cyborg Girl » Fri Oct 10, 2014 1:51 am

No idea. I will say that the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" meme is one of the things that most disturbs me on my side of the political arena.

OTOH, I don't see that as an acceptable excuse for supporting a status quo that sucks needlessly for lots of people. That bit about the stability of the US is sadly applicable only to part of the population, c.f. pretty much the entire history of blacks in America. Stability has only ever been consistent for white people.

Edit: and only for well-off white people at that. Seriously, look how many freaking homeless people there are in any major city.
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Re: Interracial vs. same sex marraige

Postby Rommie » Fri Oct 10, 2014 11:19 am

geonuc wrote:
Rommie wrote:
Gullible Jones wrote:It might come from a surprising quarter. I've seen occasional arguments from some people on the left, supposedly on my side, that interracial marriages cannot be healthy due to issues of social privilege. Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. :mad:

I have literally never heard this in my life. And if I did I would just call them out on being racist bigots.

Really, you haven't heard this before? I have, many times. And although I'd say the vast majority of those who might express such a sentiment are, in fact, bigots, a few might not be. Those few might just be looking at thing realistically and selfishly - i.e., what is best for my child here and now in order that they live a happy, prosperous life. Marrying out of your race will (ok, probably) have negative implications. The children of the bi-racial couple may well suffer abuses on the school playground from other kids and possibly be ostracized. These are realities of a society that contains a fair proportion of true bigots.

It's much like the arguments against appointing Madeline Albright, and later Hillary Clinton (although less so with her), as Secretary of State. Sure, she's well-qualified, smart, articulate and politically savvy, but she'll be dealing with foreign leaders that don't consider women as their equals and might be offended if the US sent a woman as an envoy. Those were realities then and still remain so. The people that made that argument weren't all misogynists. Some just wanted the most effective person to deal with an imperfect world.

And, because this is the internet, I will add that I endorse/endorsed neither sentiment. Just making the argument that not all endorsers are bigots/misogynists.

Yep, I have definitely never heard this before.

But then, maybe this is my age and the area of the country I grew up in showing: in the 90s in my suburb of Pittsburgh the only people with any pigment in their skin in my elementary school were some Indians (dot not feather). Middle/high school was much more diverse and there were several biracial students, but why the hell would you make fun of them for that? You certainly wouldn't any more than you would make fun of the Jewish kids.

I'm not saying there wasn't any bullying at my school, but kids can do that pretty well on their own for inane reasons no adult would even think of.
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Re: Interracial vs. same sex marraige

Postby code monkey » Sat Oct 11, 2014 3:11 am

SciFi Chick wrote:(The fact that I'm able to view the world in the decades that I've lived still freaks the fuck out of me. I should still be 25!)

i was once told that age is just a number. from that i concluded that one should pick a number that one liked. so you're 25. 24?
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Re: Interracial vs. same sex marraige

Postby SciFiFisher » Sat Oct 11, 2014 3:26 am

I guess it does depend on where you grew up and what decade you primarily came of age in. I recall that "liberal couples" were advised that before they ran pell-mell to the alter and/or started having inter-racial children that they should give serious consideration to the social and cultural challenges those children would face. And it wasn't just white people suggesting that losing their sense of racial identity could be a problem for children of inter-racial marriages. I don't think they realized how quickly society would change. Of course, 20 years ago if you had told me that a large number of states would pass gay rights laws and/or legalize gay marriage I would have seriously told you to lay off the hallucinogenic drugs. :P
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