"These aren't people. These are animals."

Poli-meaning many
Tics-blood sucking insects

Yep... that about sums up the Government...

Re: "These aren't people. These are animals."

Postby SciFiFisher » Thu May 24, 2018 6:30 pm

SciFi Chick wrote:
Thumper wrote:This thread was about a person making hideous, racist, bigoted, un-presidential statements. Bringing in some policies from 8, 12, 18 years ago and trying to say, "look they did it too" is not only misleading, it has nothing to do with the discussion at hand. Immigration policy is a legislative matter, involving the votes of hundreds of lawmakers. Saying, "Clinton did it too," means basically nothing if we're talking about immigration, and less than nothing if we're talking about appalling statements recently made by the current president.

One - this is FWIS where threads evolve.
Two - if you want to bitch about the President without argument, go to BMR.
Three - It has not been proven that he made "hideous, racist, bigoted" comments. If you want to get your knickers in a twist because he called a violent gang that tortures, rapes and murders people including children animals, go for it, but do not expect me to defend a violent gang made up of illegal immigrants just because everyone here thinks Trump is the next Hitler.

I'm not buying into the fear or the hypocrisy.

I think there is some disagreement about whether he was actually talking only about MS-13 members OR if he was generalizing to all illegal immigrants. And the fact is that Trump as of April 30, 2018 has made over 3,000 false or misleading statements since he became president. I use that wording because the Washington Post didn't choose to use the word LIE.

We know that he lies or over generalizes every time he opens his mouth. Or tweets. Or does anything. So, you will pardon me if I refuse to believe that he ONLY was referring to MS-13 members. On principle, I disagree with calling anyone animals. But, If he had clearly stated "MS-13 members and violent criminals who come to our country illegally are animals and they don't deserve mercy or humane treatment" I probably would have to grudgingly admit that I understand where he is coming from.

But, he did not say that. He mumbled and obfuscated and made a very generalized remark that probably played well to his base and the racist white supremacists and the evangelicals.

As for considering him the next Hitler I don't recall ever calling him anything but what he is. A racist, kleptocrat who believes he is above the law. And a treasonous thug. Those are labels I definitely have probably used.

Hitler was a lot smoother than he was. :P
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Re: "These aren't people. These are animals."

Postby Sigma_Orionis » Thu May 24, 2018 6:52 pm

SciFi Chick wrote:
Sigma_Orionis wrote:Don't want to be more of an ass than usual. But, based on what I've seen I think I can consider my point proven :)

If you are implying that I'm a Trump supporter or that I have no problem with racism, you are most definitely being more of an ass than usual. :P

Nope. I know you don't particularly like him nor support him. Nor I think that you're racist. I do know that you have major issues with "political correctness" running amok the way it is.

My point continues to be that arguing on whether Trump is racist or not is a waste of time. I DO think that way too many of his supporters ARE racists, and those who aren't seem to think that it's OK as long as those damned liberals don't take over. Which I find very alarming, because IMHO he's a bumbling ignorant incompetent fool that behaves like a feudal overlord and whose only apparent talent is making vague "tough sounding" sound bytes through twitter to please a certain segment of your population. If it affected the US only, it'd be your own business. HOWEVER, the consequences of his foreign policy (and mind you, foreign policy is one area where your president can basically do whatever he wants) have world wide effects.
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