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Re: The Coming Wars?

PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2017 3:57 am
by Tarragon
Tarragon wrote:So, what are the bookies putting on a war with North Korea?

The election in South Korea is May 9th, so I'm guessing there'll be a shooting war by then. That's less than 8 weeks away. I don't know if Trump will start it or if he has people smart enough to get Kim Jong-un to throw the first punch. It's not like the north hasn't fired missiles or torpedoes at South Korean boats or shelled one of their islands.

How quickly do you think it will go nuclear? I'd give it a week, maybe two. The question is how many might they have smuggled into the US?

How fast can you build a fallout shelter?

How should I call it? The war of words went nuclear on both sides, but no shots fired yet. I suppose that could still change.