Australia Budget Cuts

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Australia Budget Cuts

Postby Rommie » Wed May 14, 2014 10:58 am

Could go under either BMR for reasons that will become clear, science, or politics, but I think politics win- the latest Australian budget cuts $70 million in basic research science, meaning 400 scientists will lose their jobs (and other things like all fellowships are now only open to Australian citizens). In particular, radio astronomy is a major area for "reduction or exit," and my friend just posted this message the CEO of CSIRO (the national science foundation over there),

CSIRO will continue to manage the radio astronomy facilities on behalf of the nation and our investment in the pre-construction technologies for the Square Kilometre Array project. We will reduce our investment in radio astronomy science.

So basically, the reason I'm getting all upset about this is it looks like I'm not joining the Australian FWIS colony anytime soon, as the money to hire has literally dried up overnight. :( Because basically they are no longer going to be hiring postdocs to do science, just to build telescopes no one can use, and y'all know how non-interested I am in that... this of course assumes the Square Kilometer Array guys don't just pull out altogether and decide to build it all in South Africa, which I've also heard as a distinct possibility when you gut years of experience in a science program. And with the USA in a shambles funding-wise, guess the options just got further limited if I want to stay in science- Europe and South Africa still have money, but it's going to be tight competition now that there are so few jobs.

Good job guys!
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Re: Australia Budget Cuts

Postby SciFi Chick » Wed May 14, 2014 2:10 pm

Maybe it will be temporary. :( It's soooo damn short sighted!
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Re: Australia Budget Cuts

Postby Rommie » Wed May 14, 2014 3:21 pm

Well I just got reassured by the head of a radio astronomy institute in Sydney that they're funded through to 2018. Which is obviously reassuring not just money-wise but also hey, nice to hear the head of an institute thought to reassure you there was still money to hire. ;)

Still, pretty awful stuff for Australian science- apparently all the folks in neuroscience at CSIRO just got an email that the organization is ending all research in neuroscience. Because not like society needs that!

(Yeah it's kind of weird to care so much about a budget of a country I do not live in. I think I have just so many Australian friends that I've gotten roped into it.)
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Re: Australia Budget Cuts

Postby The Supreme Canuck » Wed May 14, 2014 3:29 pm

Rommie wrote:Yeah it's kind of weird to care so much about a budget of a country I do not live in.

I don't think it's strange at all; both science and bone-headed policy ideas know no borders.
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Re: Australia Budget Cuts

Postby Rommie » Fri May 16, 2014 10:59 am

Latest word on the street right now is my frenemy at work (hey, all women have one) who was supposed to go to Australia at the end of June may well not have a job. Or even if she does she probably doesn't have the travel money she thought she would along with other perks, so she'll be applying for new ones.

On the one hand I think she didn't negotiate her current position well at all (long story) but on the other I'm the first to tell you she's a very competent astronomer and it would suck to be so screwed over- I'm in a field where getting a job takes a long amount of time, and this is not the part of the cycle to suddenly learn you need to search for one.
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Re: Australia Budget Cuts

Postby Rommie » Fri May 23, 2014 1:20 pm

A good article explaining the cuts

Slightly misleading is the entire SKA budget thing though in the future, as pre-funding stages run out all over the world for obvious reasons- so factually true, but misleading.
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Re: Australia Budget Cuts

Postby SciFi Chick » Fri May 23, 2014 5:31 pm

That article requires a log in.
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Re: Australia Budget Cuts

Postby squ1d » Sun May 25, 2014 10:46 am

There WILL be another election on or before January 2017, so hopefully things will change ... eventually.
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Re: Australia Budget Cuts

Postby FZR1KG » Mon May 26, 2014 11:21 pm

Well, the Australian budget cuts is one of the things that have totally screwed our plans.

Re: Australia Budget Cuts

Postby SciFiFisher » Wed May 28, 2014 2:17 pm

Based on the elections results in Britain and the EU the next thing you can expect is the Australian home grown Mad Hatter Tea Party extremists to start running for office. It seems that austerity brings out the angry irrational people to the polls. :o
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Re: Australia Budget Cuts

Postby FZR1KG » Fri May 30, 2014 11:48 pm

SciFiFisher wrote:Based on the elections results in Britain and the EU the next thing you can expect is the Australian home grown Mad Hatter Tea Party extremists to start running for office. It seems that austerity brings out the angry irrational people to the polls. :o

Look up, "Please explain"

Re: Australia Budget Cuts

Postby SciFiFisher » Sat May 31, 2014 4:55 am

FZR1KG wrote:
SciFiFisher wrote:Based on the elections results in Britain and the EU the next thing you can expect is the Australian home grown Mad Hatter Tea Party extremists to start running for office. It seems that austerity brings out the angry irrational people to the polls. :o

Look up, "Please explain"

Apparently, the latest elections in GB and parts of the EU there have been representatives from the far whacked out right winning seats.
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Re: Australia Budget Cuts

Postby Rommie » Sat May 31, 2014 10:00 am

SciFiFisher wrote:
FZR1KG wrote:
SciFiFisher wrote:Based on the elections results in Britain and the EU the next thing you can expect is the Australian home grown Mad Hatter Tea Party extremists to start running for office. It seems that austerity brings out the angry irrational people to the polls. :o

Look up, "Please explain"

Apparently, the latest elections in GB and parts of the EU there have been representatives from the far whacked out right winning seats.

That was quite inevitable, as voting is something like 40% turnout for those elections. And a lot of economies are going to shit, so no one's feeling super warm and fuzzy about the EU project these days...
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Re: Australia Budget Cuts

Postby brite » Sun Jun 01, 2014 3:36 pm

Rommie wrote:
SciFiFisher wrote:
FZR1KG wrote:
SciFiFisher wrote:Based on the elections results in Britain and the EU the next thing you can expect is the Australian home grown Mad Hatter Tea Party extremists to start running for office. It seems that austerity brings out the angry irrational people to the polls. :o

Look up, "Please explain"

Apparently, the latest elections in GB and parts of the EU there have been representatives from the far whacked out right winning seats.

That was quite inevitable, as voting is something like 40% turnout for those elections. And a lot of economies are going to shit, so no one's feeling super warm and fuzzy about the EU project these days...

Yeah... France has places where travel for Jews and Muslims is restricted (sounding familiar??), Germany has Neo-Nazis that gained than a few seats, Facisim is the new right wing... isn't life getting cozy?? Looks almost like we have exported our craziness... but I think what we have done is made it more acceptable, and that's why they came out of the woodwork. (they were always there, hanging out in the fringes...)
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Re: Australia Budget Cuts

Postby Rommie » Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:09 pm

brite wrote:
Rommie wrote:
SciFiFisher wrote:
FZR1KG wrote:
SciFiFisher wrote:Based on the elections results in Britain and the EU the next thing you can expect is the Australian home grown Mad Hatter Tea Party extremists to start running for office. It seems that austerity brings out the angry irrational people to the polls. :o

Look up, "Please explain"

Apparently, the latest elections in GB and parts of the EU there have been representatives from the far whacked out right winning seats.

That was quite inevitable, as voting is something like 40% turnout for those elections. And a lot of economies are going to shit, so no one's feeling super warm and fuzzy about the EU project these days...

Yeah... France has places where travel for Jews and Muslims is restricted (sounding familiar??), Germany has Neo-Nazis that gained than a few seats, Facisim is the new right wing... isn't life getting cozy?? Looks almost like we have exported our craziness... but I think what we have done is made it more acceptable, and that's why they came out of the woodwork. (they were always there, hanging out in the fringes...)

Ummm, what? Do you have a link for the travel restrictions in France? Cause it's the first I've heard of it.
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Re: Australia Budget Cuts

Postby squ1d » Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:00 pm

Yeah ... that can't be right .. it would jeopardize their place in the EU for starters.

They have a "no concealment of the bare face in public" law that pisses off some Muslims though.
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Re: Australia Budget Cuts

Postby FZR1KG » Wed Jun 04, 2014 6:40 pm

I always though Nazi types were banned in Germany?

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