by pumpkinpi » Thu May 15, 2014 8:33 pm
MN is poised to make Marijuana legal in very limited medical cases. The good news: I qualify two times over!I have epilepsy and Crohn's Disease, which are two of the conditions it covers. Whoo--hooo.
But seriously....I don't have any intention of using it. I've actually never taken a puff of anything in my life and I never intend to. But I am glad this will be made legal in my state, at the very least to help those in need. There have not been many studies done, but there are reports of children having seizure activity significantly reduced by using marijuana.
And for the broader story of legality, I fully support it. But that's a discussion for another year in MN. It was hard enough to get this limited use bill passed.
Too bad ignorance isn't painful.
"Standing at the forefront of human ignorance." Daniel and Jorge Explain the Universe