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Just a thought...

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 8:33 pm
by The Supreme Canuck
There are a couple of legal trends in the US that I'm not so on-board with. The first is the utter lack of gun control, especially regarding assault weapons and open-carry. The second is the recent USSC decision that "protest" free buffer zones around abortion clinics (designed to assure the safety of patients and staff) are unconstitutional. I'm not happy with either of those things, but hey - what are you going to do? That's the law, now.

So, fine. If that's the law, let's play with the fucking law, shall we?

I'm going to bet that there's a lot of overlap between these "protesters" and second amendment activists. What do we think these people would say to fifty burly dudes with assault rifles standing outside of an abortion clinic to protect it and the people going in and out of it?

"These guys with guns are threatening to me!"

Deal with it - they're exercising their second amendment rights.

"But their very presence is a chilling effect on my right to protest!"

Second amendment. No arguments. Suck it up. What are you, afraid of citizens exercising their rights?

"But why do they need guns, here?"

They don't need a reason. Second amendment. But if you want a reason, it's to protect themselves and others from bad people.

"But there are no bad people here! We're not going to get violent with our protest."

Someone might. They've done it in the past. That's what the buffer was for, but now that's gone. So now we need a different way to keep people safe. The only solution to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.

"But this is crazy and unfair! It makes me feel unsafe!"

Deal with it. Second amendment. The only person who would complain about a law-abiding citizen exercising his right to bear arms is a bad guy. Are you a bad guy? Well? Let's have a word with that nice fellow holding a rifle, shall we?

"This is fucked up."

Yes it is. But you made this bed - now lie in it.

Ideally, of course, this isn't how it would be. But, fuck... this is what the law is, now. Might as well follow the law, right?

(Yes, maybe I'm a little bitter today at the US. Did you notice?)

Re: Just a thought...

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 9:14 pm
You bitter. Nah.

Now I wanted to learn about locks so I can fix the lock from England on our boat.
Turns out that I can own handguns, assault rifles, stock pile myself with ammunition, but, if I have lock picking tools, which you need to learn about locks gets you this:

The possession of such burglarious tools, implements or outfit by any person other than a licensed dealer, shall be prima facie evidence of an intent to commit burglary, robbery or larceny.

But driving around town with a bunch of guns, handcuffs and stockings in the back seat is perfectly legitimate and legal.

Re: Just a thought...

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 9:19 pm
by The Supreme Canuck
Yeah, the lock pick laws are idiotic.

Re: Just a thought...

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:18 pm
Actually I think they are more sensible than the gun laws since they only affect a minor portion of the population compared to the ridiculous gaun laws that affect everyone at significant levels.
Doesn't however mean I don't think they are idiotic.
just that we need a more apt term for gun laws. lol

Re: Just a thought...

PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 5:43 am
by code monkey
tsc, try it from here.

some people have expressed the opinion that the buffer laws helped to make the antichoice protesters (sidewalk counselors, my eye) seem reasonable and non-threatening.

years ago a true believer stationed himself outside my son's middle school at dismissal time with a huge sign informing the kids that they would burn in hell forever unless they accepted jesus christ as their personal saviour. i didn't think that should have been allowed either.

Re: Just a thought...

PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 3:17 pm
code monkey wrote:tsc, try it from here.

some people have expressed the opinion that the buffer laws helped to make the antichoice protesters (sidewalk counselors, my eye) seem reasonable and non-threatening.

years ago a true believer stationed himself outside my son's middle school at dismissal time with a huge sign informing the kids that they would burn in hell forever unless they accepted jesus christ as their personal saviour. i didn't think that should have been allowed either.

Yet a skimpy dressed woman walking by can be arrested for being indecent!

Re: Just a thought...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 3:10 am
by code monkey
FZR1KG wrote:
code monkey wrote:tsc, try it from here.

some people have expressed the opinion that the buffer laws helped to make the antichoice protesters (sidewalk counselors, my eye) seem reasonable and non-threatening.

years ago a true believer stationed himself outside my son's middle school at dismissal time with a huge sign informing the kids that they would burn in hell forever unless they accepted jesus christ as their personal saviour. i didn't think that should have been allowed either.

Yet a skimpy dressed woman walking by can be arrested for being indecent!

the city attorney said that since the creep was on public property (the sidewalk) there was nothing to be done. i was relieved that elliot wasn't bothered by it; he thought that it was a riot.

gee, it's been years since i've heard of anyone being arrested or indecent exposure.

Re: Just a thought...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:26 pm
by SciFi Chick
code monkey wrote:gee, it's been years since i've heard of anyone being arrested or indecent exposure.

Looks like it's mostly men nowadays, that get arrested, but here's one of a woman.

Re: Just a thought...

PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 1:30 am
According to the incident report, Jonas said she was hot, tried giving up walking around with barely anything on and wants to live in a nudist colony.

She's anything but hot. Just sayin!