Turkey and Russia

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Turkey and Russia

Postby Parrothead » Tue Nov 24, 2015 9:04 pm

I haven't heard the latest, but things should ratchet up some, after Turkey shot down a Russian fighter jet this am. Both nations have been suspect in their actions, so don't know where this can head. Turkey has complained before about it's airspace being violated by Russia. Turkey has also been accused of targeting Kurds while attacking Syria.

Russia has been suspect in it's choice of aerial bombing targets, while conducting raids over Syria. Lately coming on side, after what happened in Egypt. Questions are to what extent can Russia be trusted, seeing as it has previously disputed claims (wasn't one of their missles used in Ukraine, wasn't a bomb that brought down the passenger plane in Egypt) that have been true. The initial reaction from Russia is troubling in it's wording. The NATO meeting and Turkey's response should be interesting. Russia is already telling citizens not to vacation in Turkey.

This could be end up being a very short joint venture with Russia. Hollande is putting in some serious mileage trying to shore up support for continued pressure in the campaign in Syria.

I'm already leery about Russia using the Egypt incident to have some incursion, further into former soviet regions. Call me skeptical. ;)
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Re: Turkey and Russia

Postby geonuc » Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:09 pm

OK, you're skeptical.
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Re: Turkey and Russia

Postby SciFiFisher » Mon Nov 30, 2015 12:56 am

One report I heard was that the Russians were bombing elements of Syrian rebels who are fighting Assad. The Russians were providing close air support to Assad regime troops attacking those rebels who are supported by the Turks. So, it's possible the Turkey military and government was provoked at the time.
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Re: Turkey and Russia

Postby geonuc » Mon Nov 30, 2015 11:16 am

Yeah, pretty much every map I've seen showing the location of the airstrikes indicates the Russians are really just supporting the Syrian government against the rebels, not fighting ISIS.
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