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Clinton's health, blah blah blah etc.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 9:07 pm
by Cyborg Girl
I'm weirded out by how fixated the newspaper's are on Clinton's health today, after this: ... memoration

a) It's 80 degrees and humid, and she's 70 years old and wearing a full suit.
b) Presidential candidates aren't immune to the flu by fiat.
c) She has chronic hypothyroidism, which I can personally tell you plays hell with heat/cold tolerance, often in spite of "normal" thyroid levels.
d) Incidentally, that last item is known because doctors examined her last summer after the blood clot incident. And they gave her a clean bill of health.

I also can't help but point out: Clinton is old. Trump is old, overweight, gluttonous, and talks like he's on drugs every time he opens his mouth.

And, if it comes to that: Time Kaine literally calls himself boring. Mike Pence is an ambitious religious fanatic with a gay sex fixation.

Come on, people. Recall the 2008 election? All the comments from Democrats about McCain's droopy eyelid? Well guess what, McCain is still around (even if he's sold most of his principles).

Re: Clinton's health, blah blah blah etc.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 1:21 am
by Cyborg Girl
Well, actually they were on to something, because she has pneumonia. Seriously. ... ge%2Fstory

Fucking hell.

(Hey God, is that you at work there? Are you, like, trying to destroy my country for its hubris or something? You're scarin' me, man.)

Re: Clinton's health, blah blah blah etc.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 2:37 am
by SciFi Chick
Much as I don't like the woman (though I'm going to vote for her), I don't want her to die. However, I am curious how the election would work if she did die... does anyone here know?

Re: Clinton's health, blah blah blah etc.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 3:29 am
by Swift
SciFi Chick wrote:Much as I don't like the woman (though I'm going to vote for her), I don't want her to die. However, I am curious how the election would work if she did die... does anyone here know?

It is a very detailed article, but I think this is the key bit:
Since the time of Andrew Jackson's run for the presidency in 1828, individual political parties have had the job of filling any vacancy on their national ticket, either that of their presidential or vice-presidential candidate. If one of their candidates vacates the ticket after they are nominated, either because of death or withdrawal, the party selects a replacement.

Both the Republican and the Democratic parties have rules in their bylaws governing how to fill the vacancy. The Party Chair calls a meeting of the National Committee, and the Committee members at the meeting vote to fill the vacancy on the ticket. A candidate must receive a majority of the votes to win the party's nod.

The same process would happen if the vacancy were to occur after the general election but before the Electoral College voting. If a vacancy should occur on the winning ticket, it would then be the party's responsibility to fill it and provide a candidate for whom their electors could vote.

Re: Clinton's health, blah blah blah etc.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 11:34 am
by Rommie
I think it's basically because it's a slow news day, happened in public, and there haven't been many vulnerabilities to pounce on. I mean, I can totally understand why you'd risk going to the 9/11 memorial even if quite ill- how could you not as a presidential candidate?- but I already know I'm going to be dead tired hearing about this.

Like seriously. I am probably hyper sensitive to this stuff right now, but so far in my life I remember George W Bush fainting when he choked on a pretzel, Bob Dole falling off the stage, and elder Bush throwing up on the Japanese PM. There are probably a few others I can't remember. I can 100% guarantee you right now that you're going to hear about this far more than those combined, for years even if Hillary gets elected, and the double standard pisses me off. In that "we can't attack her on policy, so let's pretend she's weaker than that other 70 year old candidate" kind of way.

Re: Clinton's health, blah blah blah etc.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:46 pm
by SciFi Chick
Rommie wrote:I think it's basically because it's a slow news day, happened in public, and there haven't been many vulnerabilities to pounce on. I mean, I can totally understand why you'd risk going to the 9/11 memorial even if quite ill- how could you not as a presidential candidate?- but I already know I'm going to be dead tired hearing about this.

Like seriously. I am probably hyper sensitive to this stuff right now, but so far in my life I remember George W Bush fainting when he choked on a pretzel, Bob Dole falling off the stage, and elder Bush throwing up on the Japanese PM. There are probably a few others I can't remember. I can 100% guarantee you right now that you're going to hear about this far more than those combined, for years even if Hillary gets elected, and the double standard pisses me off. In that "we can't attack her on policy, so let's pretend she's weaker than that other 70 year old candidate" kind of way.

I know! :scream: But also, I hope that's all we have to put up with. Pneumonia, at her age, is nothing to ignore. Luckily, she will receive the best care because of her status, so again, I hope what you fear is the worst case scenario.

Re: Clinton's health, blah blah blah etc.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:46 pm
by SciFi Chick
Swift wrote:
SciFi Chick wrote:Much as I don't like the woman (though I'm going to vote for her), I don't want her to die. However, I am curious how the election would work if she did die... does anyone here know?

It is a very detailed article, but I think this is the key bit:
Since the time of Andrew Jackson's run for the presidency in 1828, individual political parties have had the job of filling any vacancy on their national ticket, either that of their presidential or vice-presidential candidate. If one of their candidates vacates the ticket after they are nominated, either because of death or withdrawal, the party selects a replacement.

Both the Republican and the Democratic parties have rules in their bylaws governing how to fill the vacancy. The Party Chair calls a meeting of the National Committee, and the Committee members at the meeting vote to fill the vacancy on the ticket. A candidate must receive a majority of the votes to win the party's nod.

The same process would happen if the vacancy were to occur after the general election but before the Electoral College voting. If a vacancy should occur on the winning ticket, it would then be the party's responsibility to fill it and provide a candidate for whom their electors could vote.

Thank you. That answered my question exactly.

Re: Clinton's health, blah blah blah etc.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:48 pm
by SciFi Chick
P.S. - My mom and Hillary Clinton are close to the same age. I never wanted to think 70 (my mom's age) was that old. It is. I truly hope both my mom and Hillary have decades ahead of them, and I am inspired to get much fitter before I reach that age, because it makes a difference. Also, hoping I reach that age at all. Knock on wood.

Re: Clinton's health, blah blah blah etc.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 2:29 pm
by pumpkinpi
SciFi Chick wrote:P.S. - My mom and Hillary Clinton are close to the same age. I never wanted to think 70 (my mom's age) was that old. It is. I truly hope both my mom and Hillary have decades ahead of them, and I am inspired to get much fitter before I reach that age, because it makes a difference. Also, hoping I reach that age at all. Knock on wood.

I'm the same way. My mom is 73 now, and she started seeming to get old to me around 70. But her parents both lived into their 90s.... I guess since I always knew them as "old" it didn't seem like a big deal.

Re: Clinton's health, blah blah blah etc.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 7:09 pm
by SciFiFisher
SciFi Chick wrote:P.S. - My mom and Hillary Clinton are close to the same age. I never wanted to think 70 (my mom's age) was that old. It is. I truly hope both my mom and Hillary have decades ahead of them, and I am inspired to get much fitter before I reach that age, because it makes a difference. Also, hoping I reach that age at all. Knock on wood.

We only need Hilary to last for 4.5 years. ;)

Re: Clinton's health, blah blah blah etc.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 7:58 pm
by SciFi Chick
SciFiFisher wrote:We only need Hilary to last for 4.5 years. ;)

Unless you like who she picked for VP. :twisted: