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More scummery, but hardly unexpected, no?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 1:12 am
by Cyborg Girl
Donald Trump has a new lawsuit against him. For allegedly raping a thirteen year old girl, in 1994. ... 19944.html

Okay, not to presume guilt, etc. But the only thing surprising to me about this, is that not enough people were sufficiently bribed to keep the lawsuit from going forward.

(And I bet you there will soon be allegations of Trump's people trying to bribe jurists. I mean come on, how could the bastard resist?)

Oh. Also maybe of consequence: Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire pederast - and Jesus, just think for a moment about the naked singularity of privilege that entails - was also a friend of Bill Clinton back when. When you consider all the allegations against Bill... Well. It's not a pretty picture, is it?

Finally, note that hardly any mainstream news sources are covering this. I know that Clinton's pneumonia case is a big deal, but come on! :scream: