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Call your Reps please

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 7:07 pm
by Cyborg Girl ... y-council#

And ask them to support this bill. Keeping partisan appointees (including Dems) out of the NSC is probably a good idea, keeping white supremacists like Bannon out is *fucking imperative*. The NSC among other things deals with assassinating people who are deemed threats.

Note BTW, some Democrats are going to be utterly stupid about this. I called my Rep's office (that's Stephen Lynch, D - MA) and was told he planned to oppose the bill (no particular reason). I was also told people had been calling him in favor of it all morning. Beginning to seriously think that Dems have some kind of masochistic death wish.

Anyway yeah, please get those fucking calls in. We are not going to have a lot of time here.

Re: Call your Reps please

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:13 pm
by vendic
There is definitely an element of both Democrats as well as Republicans losing the plot and going extreme.