geonuc wrote:...... until we break the grip of gerrymandering and the electoral college, only moderate Republicans can save us.
The article is well thought off. I do disagree with some stuff though.
I think
this article by politico describes Trump voters pretty well
What this piece calls the Nationalists will stick to Trump no matter what
The "Exasperated" however, are another matter altogether. I presume that a lot of them are these folks in the Rust Belt that tipped the Electoral College in Trump's favor
Right now, despite that almost all the Republicans are simply following Trump's lead, (with the pathetic inclusion of McCain and Rubio) some (as seen in the DeVos vote) are not so eager. Apparently because of public pressure in their respective states ( Which is actually understandable in Maine, but in ALASKA? that's about as red as it can get). I suspect that Trump's erratic behavior will sooner or later piss off enough Republicans in the Senate (and helped by the fact that the Koch Brothers don't care much for Trump, if by now they haven't been able to work out any "deal" with him, tells me it won't happen in the near future, Of course the Dems can't rely much on them. but maybe they can negotiate a temporary arrangement).
My point is that Mr. Frum used my country (among others) as an example of how Trump could undermine institutions in the US. And I have often compared Trump to Chavez, but there ARE some differences:
A) I think that "The Exasperated" will not be content with symbolic gestures like that of the Carrier deal. And you gringos have a much lower bar for incompetence than, say, US.
B) Institutions here in Venezuela have ALWAYS been rather weak. Politician and Institution Credibility has been very low for much longer here than in the US.
C) Although the House of Representatives has plenty of members who rely on gerrymandered districts. The Senate is not subject to that. So, despite that according to what I've read the 2018 elections do not favor the Dems. A lot can happen in two years.
D) Trump's team is understaffed, unskilled and demoralized. If not why are so many leaks from the White House?
E) There's an obvious power struggle between Steve Bannon and Rince Priebus. THAT is going to gum up the works a lot on anything Trump will be able to do effectively. As I have said several times. I HAVE worked in environments like that and while they can last for a long time, they seldom get anything worthwhile (from their objectives point of view) done. Trump's management style works with stuff that goes around Marketing, but not with stuff that is concrete. And I strongly suspect that the "Exasperated" will demand concrete results. I am not talking about the ambiguous, ill thought Executive Orders Trump issued (and I am talking about the process, not about how crazy or dangerous those EOs can be). I'm talking about actually getting things through Congress that will conflict with the Pubs' position (entitlements, the ACA, Infrastructure Spending). Already the Pubs are in a bind with the ACA, and by confirming Trump's Secretary of Health, Trump and the Pubs tightened the noose around their necks. The ACA had some issues since they could not be attended to at the time (due to Pubs blocking anything to do with it) that could bring it down. Hell just all the talk about repealing scares insurers away. The Pubs have been boxed in by Trump's promises of replacing it with something much much better and in a couple of months pressure is going to mount. Then we'll see how far the Pubs will be willing to cave in. Right now, it's the easy stuff, confirming the nominees to Trump's Cabinet. But when it comes to raising the money to build Trump's fabled Wall or infrastructure or replacing the ACA We'll see.
F) At one point (particularly in the early days) Chavez's government was seen as less corrupt than past government. There was a particularly good litmus test on that for ordinary people like me. Getting any government service (National ID Cards, Passports, Driver's Licenses, Vehicle permits, old age pensions, hell even when he put the exchange controls in place it was easy to get a permit to get foreign currency for traveling or internet commerce) was a nightmare before Chavez. After he came to power that worked considerably better (till recently that it has become just as bad or worse than in the Pre-Chavez days). I don't think Trump will get that advantage easily.
G) All the examples he used (including us) are of countries where populations HAVE been subject to autocratic governments before.
H) The opposition here shot itself in the foot MANY MANY TIMES, to the point that they actually made the Chavez Government seem reasonable in comparison. PARTICULARLY at the international level.
Now if an incident of the Terrorist kind, particularly if the terrorists are proven to be foreign nationals from mid-east countries THAT could counter much of the above. I think it's reasonable to assume that George W. Bush lasted more than one term precisely because of 9/11.
Barring that. I'd say that there are two litmus tests to see if Trump will be able to undermine US institutions and normalize his "caudillo" status:
A) the Republicans (particularly in the House) cave in regarding all the spending Trump pretends to do and his erratic foreign policy, So far I think that the Pubs think they can handle Trump, his ego and his erratic behavior and get their dear entitlement cuts. That should become clear within the year.
B) Rince Priebus gets booted out of the White House, in which case Steve Bannon and his clique have sole access to handle Trump (whom despite it all WILL be difficult to steer, the man's ego and erratic behavior will always get in the way).
Finally, IF Trump's foreign policy gaffes become so difficult to hide (and if the White House leaks are correct, Republicans are having to routinely scramble to reassure foreign leaders about their relationship with the US) that enough Republicans in the Senate (including those two invertebrates McCain and Rubio) turn on him (remember. the edge the Republicans have in the Senate is only 2 votes) You could end up in another pretty gridlock like the one you had during most of the Obama years. And the Pubs won't have anyone to shift the blame to.
Public pressure on "moderate republicans" could help do that.