"I'm not racist"

Poli-meaning many
Tics-blood sucking insects

Yep... that about sums up the Government...

"I'm not racist"

Postby Cyborg Girl » Tue Aug 22, 2017 1:22 am

Racists almost never call themselves racist. They usually take great pains to deny that they are racist, even while spouting obviously racist crap.



Black journalist interviews a Klansman. Check out around 1:16.

Klansman: "I'm what I am. You're what you are."
Ilia Calderon: "Are you racist?"
Klansman: "No."

This dude is literally in the KKK. He is the most obvious racist ever. He talks to Calderon like she's not even human. And he will deny he is racist, and probably doesn't acknowledge it in his own head.

Don't believe the words, believe the actions.
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Re: "I'm not racist"

Postby vendic » Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:32 am

damned racists

There lies the problem with extremism. A person can become a victim of social justice for no logical reason at all.
Guilt by association. In this case for having the same name as someone they don't like.
Not the first time either. At least he wasn't attacked like others have been.

Years ago on fwis, the board was pretty much outraged that the government could simply accuse a person of being a terrorist and then strip away their rights. Yet now it seems acceptable to do the same simply by calling someone racist, a Nazi or a conservative, skeptic or even if one looks at extreme feminism and doesn't completely swallow the narrative.
There was a time invoking the word nazi meant one lost the argument. Now its the word that removes all sense and reason allowing the accused to be stripped of any humanity and judged and sentenced by mob rule.
No actual proof required. Only justifications.

But don't think about what I wrote or it might rot your brain. Better yet, let's not read what I wrote and just call me a low life misogynist Nazi scumbag. Its the socially acceptable thing to do when disagreeing with someone.

The lack of universal condemnation, indeed, the overall support of such tactics in much of the "left" is to me ironic when a bit over a decade ago doing the same thing with a different label was considered an abuse of human rights.

The sweet smell of progress.
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