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Pod Save America

PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 3:34 pm
by Rommie
Was tempted to put this under lights, camera, comments, but it's really a political show, so... anyone else ever listen to this one? I've gotten pretty into it lately.

Short explanation, Pod Save America is a podcast run by a few of Obama's former speechwriters, where they talk about primarily the politics of the day. Firstly it's just really entertaining, and second they're guys who were as insider as it can get until recently, so they know very well how a lot of things work which I didn't appreciate. So yesterday's for example was of course the first bit on the latest indictments, then an update on the Virginia race for governor (which I legit did not know much about), then talking to Steve Kerr (coach of the Golden State Warriors) about sports and politics. Confess I skipped the last one but still, the first two well made up for it IMO.

I will say though the only thing that's weird about it is listening to an episode even a few weeks ago seems like ancient history. :?

Re: Pod Save America

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 2:43 am
by SciFiFisher
I have not heard it. I will have to suggest it to Brite. We don't listen to podcasts much though. We have other distractions. :P

Re: Pod Save America

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 11:35 am
by geonuc
I'll suggest it to my wife, as well. She listens to podcasts a lot.