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Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 10:13 am
by SciFi Chick

people who use logic.

Re: Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 12:23 pm
by geonuc
You keep posting videos with little explanation as to why. How does this 13 minute video help make whatever point you're trying to make?

Re: Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:26 pm
by SciFi Chick
geonuc wrote:You keep posting videos with little explanation as to why. How does this 13 minute video help make whatever point you're trying to make?

How much explanation would you like? I find videos like this both informative and entertaining. Being that this is a forum where we share things and knowing that I have a differing point of view on a few subjects, this seemed like an easy and effective way to show my point of view. I'm not sure how this is offensive.

Re: Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:46 pm
by SciFi Chick
While we're on the subject, a lot of YouTubers make money with donations so sharing their work gives them the potential for new subscribers that might becin a position to do that.

Also, I thought the subject line was descriptive and people might like to watch and then discuss the content of the video. I'm really curious as to how this is offensive.

Re: Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 2:03 pm
by Thumper
You've now said "offensive" twice. You're the only one who has used this word.
I guess my question would be is it possible to post some sort of statement, or argument or anything helpful before posting links to youtube video after youtube video so that I can have some idea if I would have any interest in watching it?

I know I have been guilty of naked posting youtube links. But it is almost always to Mrs. T and it's almost always music I know (or think) she would like. And she knows this before she clicks.

Re: Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 2:19 pm
by SciFi Chick
And people wonder why FWIS is dying. Somebody please post the rules of communication on this board because I literally feel like you want to keep me around and wish FZ was still around so you have someone to abuse.

Re: Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 2:28 pm
by SciFi Chick
I now know not to post videos that I think might be entertaining. Bloody hell.

Also, let's not pretend that geonuc wasn't offended. His post screamed being offended. Can we at least be honest or is gaslighting an okay thing now? Do not try to tell me he was just curious about me posting videos.

Re: Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 2:31 pm
by SciFi Chick
Thumper wrote:You've now said "offensive" twice. You're the only one who has used this word.
I guess my question would be is it possible to post some sort of statement, or argument or anything helpful before posting links to youtube video after youtube video so that I can have some idea if I would have any interest in watching it?

I know I have been guilty of naked posting youtube links. But it is almost always to Mrs. T and it's almost always music I know (or think) she would like. And she knows this before she clicks.

I thought the subject line was enough explanation.

Re: Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 3:08 pm
by pumpkinpi
SciFi Chick wrote:
Thumper wrote:You've now said "offensive" twice. You're the only one who has used this word.
I guess my question would be is it possible to post some sort of statement, or argument or anything helpful before posting links to youtube video after youtube video so that I can have some idea if I would have any interest in watching it?

I know I have been guilty of naked posting youtube links. But it is almost always to Mrs. T and it's almost always music I know (or think) she would like. And she knows this before she clicks.

I thought the subject line was enough explanation.

I'm not trying to pile on here. You know me, I stay far away from confrontation. Please don't take this in an accusatory tone.

But their request was reasonable. The title does not give a proper explanation. It could be a comedy sketch. It could be a political speech. It could be a non profit making a plea. But yes, before clicking on a youtube link to an unknown long video (dicey for some people depending on where they are posting from--like for me it's at home with my kids around) a short explanation or more detailed reaction is appreciated. No matter who the poster, I never click on youtubes without some introduction.

Re: Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 4:47 pm
by SciFi Chick
pumpkinpi wrote:
SciFi Chick wrote:
Thumper wrote:You've now said "offensive" twice. You're the only one who has used this word.
I guess my question would be is it possible to post some sort of statement, or argument or anything helpful before posting links to youtube video after youtube video so that I can have some idea if I would have any interest in watching it?

I know I have been guilty of naked posting youtube links. But it is almost always to Mrs. T and it's almost always music I know (or think) she would like. And she knows this before she clicks.

I thought the subject line was enough explanation.

I'm not trying to pile on here. You know me, I stay far away from confrontation. Please don't take this in an accusatory tone.

But their request was reasonable. The title does not give a proper explanation. It could be a comedy sketch. It could be a political speech. It could be a non profit making a plea. But yes, before clicking on a youtube link to an unknown long video (dicey for some people depending on where they are posting from--like for me it's at home with my kids around) a short explanation or more detailed reaction is appreciated. No matter who the poster, I never click on youtubes without some introduction.

I posted it in politics. I posted a subject. I posted the title of the video. Should I describe the entire thing? I'm confused. I'm happy to post if it's inappropriate for children but it's not. Should I say it's family safe?

Re: Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 4:53 pm
by Thumper
Sorry for upsetting you. I know your life sucks and you're currently sick. I should not have tried to get clarification and just ignored this thread.

Re: Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 6:31 pm
by geonuc
SciFi Chick wrote:
geonuc wrote:You keep posting videos with little explanation as to why. How does this 13 minute video help make whatever point you're trying to make?

How much explanation would you like? I find videos like this both informative and entertaining. Being that this is a forum where we share things and knowing that I have a differing point of view on a few subjects, this seemed like an easy and effective way to show my point of view. I'm not sure how this is offensive.

I said nothing about it being offensive. I'd just like to know what I'm looking for, the reason you shared it.

Re: Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 6:34 pm
by geonuc
SciFi Chick wrote:Also, let's not pretend that geonuc wasn't offended. His post screamed being offended. Can we at least be honest or is gaslighting an okay thing now? Do not try to tell me he was just curious about me posting videos.

In fact, you're wrong. I was in no way offended by this or any of the recent videos you've posted. I seriously just wanted to know why you posted it. In other words, I am curious.

Re: Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 6:54 pm
by SciFi Chick
geonuc wrote:
SciFi Chick wrote:Also, let's not pretend that geonuc wasn't offended. His post screamed being offended. Can we at least be honest or is gaslighting an okay thing now? Do not try to tell me he was just curious about me posting videos.

In fact, you're wrong. I was in no way offended by this or any of the recent videos you've posted. I seriously just wanted to know why you posted it. In other words, I am curious.

Sorry I misinterpreted you. Thumper is right. I'm so damn sick it's not funny. Coughed until I puked last night. Z can't move o r speak at the moment.

I posted this because I really really enjoy this guy's series which is called "P e ople Who UseLogic." This one happens to be about being a man in the U.S. and how some feminists (not all) don't like men. I found it entertaining and informative and I believed my subject lin e was enough explanation.

Perhaps when I'm not coughing up a lung and have less scotch in my system, I'll do better.

Re: Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 10:29 pm
by SciFi Chick
On another note, the latest update on my phone causes it to put random spaces in words. Very aggravating.

Re: Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 1:19 pm
by Loresinger
True confessions - I too hate "title-link" posts with little explanation as to what made it interesting or valuable (or frustrating) to the poster. I think this reaction comes from several times of having opened something only to be very upset by what was waiting for me. The tactic is often used in click bait pieces (note: SFC - this does not apply to your situation, obviously).

I know FWISers wouldn't do this, but internet shorthand is IMO sometimes a real problem.

Re: Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 1:24 pm
by geonuc
OK, I watched the video. It seems like a compilation of anti-feminist opinions.

Re: Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 5:23 pm
by SciFi Chick
geonuc wrote:OK, I watched the video. It seems like a compilation of anti-feminist opinions.

Considering Christina Hoff Summers identifies as a feminist, you'd be incorrect in your assessment.

Re: Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 5:49 pm
by SciFi Chick
Loresinger wrote:True confessions - I too hate "title-link" posts with little explanation as to what made it interesting or valuable (or frustrating) to the poster. I think this reaction comes from several times of having opened something only to be very upset by what was waiting for me. The tactic is often used in click bait pieces (note: SFC - this does not apply to your situation, obviously).

I know FWISers wouldn't do this, but internet shorthand is IMO sometimes a real problem.

Hi. My name is SciFi Chick. You and pumpkinpi obviously wake up to a brand new day every day because in over a decade of posting, I have never given you a reason for concern which you both admit while still claiming to be concerned. WTF is going on here? It's like y'all got some koolaid I wasn't privy to.

I get that I'm sick and not quite in my right mind but this happens when I'm not sick too.

This whole tiptoing around thing is EXACTLY why I HATE political correctness. When did we become so fucking fragile?

Re: Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 5:51 pm
by Cyborg Girl
Christina Hoff Sommers can call herself whatever she wants, but she writes for the American Enterprise Institute, along with the likes of Dinesh D'Souza and Jonah Goldberg. Given that she surrounds herself with people like D'Souza, I think having doubts about who exactly she's advocating for is pretty reasonable.

Re: Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 6:00 pm
by SciFi Chick
geonuc wrote:OK, I watched the video. It seems like a compilation of anti-feminist opinions.

Also, I'm unclear when caring about masculinity became anti-feminist.

Re: Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 1:30 pm
by Loresinger
ouch not sure what I said wrong but it was NOT a remark about you or your posts.

As for the way I posted my reply - It was simply my truth. I'm not worried about what you share here, but I do not like conflict. I HATE anger and most of the time unless it is something I am very passionate about I am 100% chicken shit and write accordingly.

I wasn't trying to be a butt head. Psychologically speaking the reaction is simply built into me after years of hating plain links (Started when I moderated for MSNBCi for four years - you would not believe the shit I had to look at as part of the job). As a result, I don't like them. I never will. It doesn't matter where they are posted or by whom - YMMV, but this isn't a YOU thing-- its a ME thing.

Maybe in my case its because I don't post a lot here because I often feel as if I have nothing of value to bring to the table. So when I do say something it sticks out like a sore thumb.

I should stick to recipes (soft smile)

Re: Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 6:59 pm
by SciFi Chick
Loresinger wrote:ouch not sure what I said wrong but it was NOT a remark about you or your posts.

As for the way I posted my reply - It was simply my truth. I'm not worried about what you share here, but I do not like conflict. I HATE anger and most of the time unless it is something I am very passionate about I am 100% chicken shit and write accordingly.

I wasn't trying to be a butt head. Psychologically speaking the reaction is simply built into me after years of hating plain links (Started when I moderated for MSNBCi for four years - you would not believe the shit I had to look at as part of the job). As a result, I don't like them. I never will. It doesn't matter where they are posted or by whom - YMMV, but this isn't a YOU thing-- its a ME thing.

Maybe in my case its because I don't post a lot here because I often feel as if I have nothing of value to bring to the table. So when I do say something it sticks out like a sore thumb.

I should stick to recipes (soft smile)

Sorry. You and pumpkinpi are probably the gentlest souls on FWIS. I am reacting very badly to this flu. I literally want to roll around on the floor and kick and scream. It's made me very bitchy and whiny. I think I'll stop posting until I'm over it. It's just I told everyone I woul d post so I was trying to keep that up. Dumb move. I'm blaming EVERYTHING on this fucking flu.

Re: Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 1:46 am
by code monkey
SciFi Chick wrote:
Loresinger wrote:ouch not sure what I said wrong but it was NOT a remark about you or your posts.

As for the way I posted my reply - It was simply my truth. I'm not worried about what you share here, but I do not like conflict. I HATE anger and most of the time unless it is something I am very passionate about I am 100% chicken shit and write accordingly.

I wasn't trying to be a butt head. Psychologically speaking the reaction is simply built into me after years of hating plain links (Started when I moderated for MSNBCi for four years - you would not believe the shit I had to look at as part of the job). As a result, I don't like them. I never will. It doesn't matter where they are posted or by whom - YMMV, but this isn't a YOU thing-- its a ME thing.

Maybe in my case its because I don't post a lot here because I often feel as if I have nothing of value to bring to the table. So when I do say something it sticks out like a sore thumb.

I should stick to recipes (soft smile)

Sorry. You and pumpkinpi are probably the gentlest souls on FWIS. I am reacting very badly to this flu. I literally want to roll around on the floor and kick and scream. It's made me very bitchy and whiny. I think I'll stop posting until I'm over it. It's just I told everyone I woul d post so I was trying to keep that up. Dumb move. I'm blaming EVERYTHING on this fucking flu.

i'm not a gentle soul? sniff. you can hurt a guy even more than geonuc. sniffle.

ok, if you want to roll around on the floor kicking and screaming then do so. well, not on the floor as that would hurt and the kicking probably wouldn't be a good idea either - the odds are pretty good that you'd break something but sometimes the anger and frustration builds up so that it really does help to do something physical. curse the fates. punch pillows. find some place where you can yell without attracting attention and do so. yell, I mean. Michael's group in grad school used to save things that were broken or otherwise unfit for use. every so often someone would take something from the stockpile and hurl it down the hall. usually accompanied by a scream or a shouted vulgarity. (this was at night and the person would always sweep up the pieces afterwards.) one of those inflatable clown figures that right themselves after being hit was a favorite in another group.

Re: Men - even white men - aren't inherently evil.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 5:52 am
by grapes
For the record, I believe I am inherently evil. Yep, white male catholic with an advanced university degree, also BWGWGB