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Impeachment motion

PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 2:38 pm
by Cyborg Girl ... n-democrat

Call your reps. Nag them to vote yes for impeachment. We need to get these rat bastards out of the White House as soon as possible, the damage is already great.

Re: Impeachment motion

PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 3:26 pm
by geonuc
Waste of time. Impeachment won't happen and even if by some miracle the Democrats took the House in the 2018 election, the Senate will not convict (need 67 senators to convict).

We need to get the rat bastards out of Congress first. I'd concentrate on that, hopeless as even that seems right now.

Re: Impeachment motion

PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 5:43 pm
by Rommie
Yeah, I hate to say it, but I genuinely think that the impeachment fairy is not where people should be pinning their hopes. It feels like the several dozen times the Republicans in the House voted to repeal Obamacare, and won't even pass.

I will however send money to Doug Jones, and call my one Democrat rep in Congress (ah, Florida) to make sure DACA is a priority for any debt ceiling discussions that have to happen before the end of the month which it looks like they might have to lean on Democrats for.

Re: Impeachment motion

PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 11:26 pm
by Loresinger
Honestly I wish Democrats would focus on Republicans who have a clue or two and start working on across the isle legislation

As much as I wish 45 gone... fight the fight you can RIGHT NOW

Re: Impeachment motion

PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 1:06 am
by SciFiFisher
Loresinger wrote:Honestly I wish Democrats would focus on Republicans who have a clue or two and start working on across the isle legislation

As much as I wish 45 gone... fight the fight you can RIGHT NOW

Sadly, with very few exceptions there don't seem to be any Republicans willing to work on bipartisan legislation. Over the last 13 years the so called conservative voters have tarred and feathered any conservative politicians who look like they are "compromising". Most of them who are or would be willing to be bipartisan face being replaced by more radical conservatives. It's anyone's guess as to how long this will continue. The short term outlook doesn't look too rosy.

Re: Impeachment motion

PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 2:39 am
by Swift
geonuc wrote:Waste of time. Impeachment won't happen and even if by some miracle the Democrats took the House in the 2018 election, the Senate will not convict (need 67 senators to convict).

We need to get the rat bastards out of Congress first. I'd concentrate on that, hopeless as even that seems right now.


And don't be so excited about President Pence; he is probably even more conservative than Trump, but won't have the blatant toddler behavior and self-promotion. He'll seem mature and statesman like after Trump, which means he'll get even more of his conservative agenda done.

Re: Impeachment motion

PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 1:38 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
Swift wrote:And don't be so excited about President Pence; he is probably even more conservative than Trump, but won't have the blatant toddler behavior and self-promotion. He'll seem mature and statesman like after Trump, which means he'll get even more of his conservative agenda done.

Speaking from the Third World Peanut Gallery, As unpalatable as Pence is (I think he's a hypocritical bootlicker, and he smells like a Dominionist, even when smelled from down here) there's a least a glimmer of hope that he won't set the world on fire like that nutjob currently sitting on the White House. Of course, he (Pence) could turn out to be like the President from "Escape from LA", however it's not all that likely

Re: Impeachment motion

PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 2:51 pm
by Rommie
Sigma_Orionis wrote:
Swift wrote:And don't be so excited about President Pence; he is probably even more conservative than Trump, but won't have the blatant toddler behavior and self-promotion. He'll seem mature and statesman like after Trump, which means he'll get even more of his conservative agenda done.

Speaking from the Third World Peanut Gallery, As unpalatable as Pence is (I think he's a hypocritical bootlicker, and he smells like a Dominionist, even when smelled from down here) there's a least a glimmer of hope that he won't set the world on fire like that nutjob currently seating on the White House. Of course he could turn out to be like the President from "Escape from LA"

Yes. The country has survived right wing nutjobs before even if some knocks happened (see: George W). I would feel a hell of a lot better about President Pence in terms of stuff like North Korea, and at least he won’t be Tweeting inane comments.

Frankly though as long as we’re talking hypotheticals, if Trump gets impeached it’s clear it would be on Muller’s investigation, and there is high probability Pence would be implicated. In which case, say hi to President Ryan! :P

Re: Impeachment motion

PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 3:44 pm
by Thumper
Pence is scary. His under the table fundraising efforts with horrible right wing organizations leave him all but bought and paid for by powerful people who stand against virtually every right and freedom I believe in. His obsessive anti LGBTQ stances alone are a non starter for me. Will he moderate some and actually bring some semblance of functionality to the federal government if given the chance? I don't know.

Re: Impeachment motion

PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 4:01 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
Rommie wrote:
Sigma_Orionis wrote:Frankly though as long as we’re talking hypotheticals, if Trump gets impeached it’s clear it would be on Muller’s investigation, and there is high probability Pence would be implicated. In which case, say hi to President Ryan! :P

IF Pence is good enough to play the bumbling bootlicker while biding his time to take over Trump's post (as it has been speculated). He must have been smart enough to shield himself from that mess. Of course, after watching Trump methodically polishing off his 16 competitors in the Republican primaries I have to wonder if he WAS smart enough to do so, cause your Republicans demonstrated to be pretty much paper tigers

One thing those that in power who think "Games of Thrones" is a great way to manage an organization forget is that there is ALWAYS (or almost always anyways. Castro was an exception. So was Franco, I'm not counting Chavez because the SOB died at a relatively young age) very little margin for error. Look at the bumbling fool we had as President of PDVSA till recently: Pleas to flee, a desperate video: Inside Venezuela's oil industry purge

Re: Impeachment motion

PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 5:14 pm
by Swift
Thumper wrote:Pence is scary. His under the table fundraising efforts with horrible right wing organizations leave him all but bought and paid for by powerful people who stand against virtually every right and freedom I believe in. His obsessive anti LGBTQ stances alone are a non starter for me. Will he moderate some and actually bring some semblance of functionality to the federal government if given the chance? I don't know.


Yes, he won't call other leaders "Rocket man" and get into tweet battles. He won't make his kids his staff members and won't pad his pockets with government money, at least till he is out of office. But he makes George W seem like a liberal when it comes to policy.

Re: Impeachment motion

PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 5:40 pm
by Rommie
Swift wrote:
Thumper wrote:Pence is scary. His under the table fundraising efforts with horrible right wing organizations leave him all but bought and paid for by powerful people who stand against virtually every right and freedom I believe in. His obsessive anti LGBTQ stances alone are a non starter for me. Will he moderate some and actually bring some semblance of functionality to the federal government if given the chance? I don't know.


Yes, he won't call other leaders "Rocket man" and get into tweet battles. He won't make his kids his staff members and won't pad his pockets with government money, at least till he is out of office. But he makes George W seem like a liberal when it comes to policy.

I 100% agree, don't get me wrong. But right now I feel like policy we can deal with, but authoritarianism run rampant and a war estimated to cost a million lives are more serious concerns when it comes to the long-term existence of our nation as we know it.

I also think focusing on 2018 to take the House is also a waaaaay better and more probable to make happen kind of thing, but obviously not as fun a political parlor discussion.