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Politics up here

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 5:49 am
by Parrothead
isn't always boring. Our PM went on a week long visit to India last week. At first there was fun being poked at the PM for many photo ops with the PM and family wearing traditional Indian garb. A more serious issue came up. As in other cases with our PM, it's the follow up explanations of events that cause more questions.

Re: Politics up here

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:41 am
by SciFi Chick
Yeah. He seems to do better when he doesn't talk. ;)

Re: Politics up here

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 5:16 pm
by Rommie
Indeed. I’m not that into Canadian politics but damn he is the most attractive PM in history!

Re: Politics up here

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 4:31 pm
by Parrothead
Many are just hoping this thing doesn't blow up into more of an international incident, over their handling of the issue of how one individual (convicted of attempted assassination of an Indian gov't minister visiting Canada in the '80's) got invited to two diplomatic functions,attending one, second invite withdrawn, getting removed from India's no-fly list, etc.

The Liberals' handling of this is a boon to the opposition. A federal election is just over a year away.

Re: Politics up here

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 5:35 pm
by geonuc
Wait, what? What exactly did Trudeau say that has people upset? I understand that his national security advisor said some things, but Trudeau seems to be walking those comments back.

Frankly, if there were a way to have Canada annex the US, I'd happily go along with it. I'll take Trudeau as a leader any day.

Re: Politics up here

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 3:32 am
by Rommie
My favorite thing that's happened so far in Canadian politics was just before Christmas it turned out Trudeau was found by some committee to be in violation of ethics because some billionaire was his dad's friend gave his family a vacation to a private island in the Bahamas. So Trudeau had to apologize, and then on the TV news that night where I learned all this the anchor asked the reporter what consequences Trudeau would face, and the reporter said "well there is no punishment, making him apologize is considered punishment enough."

This all actually happened. Canada is awesome.

Re: Politics up here

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 8:10 pm
by Parrothead
geonuc: Basically, it's the handling and multiple, at times conflicting, explanations to questions asked of the PM. When the issue first broke, PM answered, not enough time for every guest to be vetted. His invite for the second event was rescinded. Conservatives pointed out, it doesn't take much for vetting, especially in this case. Also stating under Harper, the Prime Minister's Office (PMO), routinely handed guest lists over to the RCMP to be vetted, beforehand. Next explanation, Trudeau responds it was the fault of B.C. MP who invited him and he will be dealt with. At this point, it should have been, "We goofed, it's dealt with." The questions then came about the no-fly list. I'll give this a pass, as apparently, it was rescinded over a year ago. After all this, as more questions are being asked, that the conspiracy theory gets floated, about factions in the Indian gov't had something to do with it. For that to be true, it gets pointed out that the B.C. MP, would have to have known about it. Indian gov't denies, the Indian PM had stated at some point during the trip, that he had mentioned to Trudeau, when they briefly met in Davos, a few weeks before the trip, that Trudeau would be asked, by the Indian Press, about gov't members appearing at events (in Canada) where Indian separatists, also appear. Trudeau's response was along the lines of freedom of expression in Canada, but the gov't backs the idea of a united India. The cdn. press points out, obviously for political purposes (votes), this view doesn't seem to be spoken of, at those events. Finally came the respected bureaucrat and the presser about conspiracies. After his press conference, the bureaucrat is no longer available. When the press asks the Cdn. Minister of Public Safety, about the comments by the bureaucrat, press is told he can't answer due to "issues of national security". Conservatives move a motion, asking for the bureaucrat to be made available to a parliamentary committee, to answer some questions. Liberal majority block the motion. It is stated, if members want to ask questions of this bureaucrat, they can ask for meeting, but those attending would be sworn to secrecy over what is stated. Since returning, Trudeau has stood in the House of Commons and stated, he stands behind what information he is given by hard working bureaucrats. It can be inferred from this that Trudeau believes the conspiracy theories. India has since raised tarriffs on some canadian imports (including chickpeas). This trip was supposed to be about improving trade and relations. ETA 2: I recall Trudeau also making a comment at somepoint be it before or during the trip, stating he has more Sikhs in his government than India. Comments like that don't help matters. Prior to this trip, his trips to signing the TPP and a trade trip to China didn't go over well either. Showing up late for a signing ceremony at TPP and coming home from China without a deal.

Rommie: Yeah, that dates back to Trudeau's family Christmas vacation, 2016/17, they visited the Aga Khan at Bell Island. He did not clear the itinerary with the Ethics Commissioner beforehand. He said, he was given advice, he didn't have to as the Aga Khan is a family friend, it was ruled Aga Khan was a friend of Trudeau's father, making that family friend claim tenuous. On the trip, PM and family were flown to Bell Island aboard the Aga Khan's private helicopter, going against gov't security protocol. The investigation took a year to complete, findings were he broke four sections of the "Conflict of Interest Act" , breaches only carry a minor monetary penalty and public apology. ETA: It also provides fodder for the opposition to question the competence of that person's decision making.

Re: Politics up here

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 12:51 pm
by Thumper
Oh no! Not chick peas.