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Idaho attempting to outdo Texas on anti-trans legislation

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2022 4:39 pm
by lady_*nix ... 2992467975

Idaho's house just passed HB 675.

It passed by a vote of 55-13.

It would make providing gender affirming care to trans teens a felony with a life sentence..

Worse... it makes leaving the state with your trans teen to move elsewhere and provide them with care a felony as well.

This is horrible enough on its own, but it's also noteworthy that Missouri is trying to do the same thing with abortion, making it a felony to go out of state to get one. Which underscores what we've been trying to tell liberal/leftist transphobes for decades, but not been heard: trans rights and abortion rights are part of the same fight. It's literally all about policing women/non-men/AFAB people's bodies, all of it, including stuff vs. trans women and other women/non-men who don't have uteri.

(Edit: awkward language but yeah I do have to include nonbinary people in this.)

Re: Idaho attempting to outdo Texas on anti-trans legislatio

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2022 5:35 pm
by lady_*nix
Someone in the thread points out that the bill's language may also make circumcision a felony, which... if so I'd like to assume that wasn't intentional, but honestly nothing would surprise me at this point. And I'm sure the legislature would see banning "that weird Jewish penis thing" as a bonus regardless.

Re: Idaho attempting to outdo Texas on anti-trans legislatio

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2022 8:36 pm
by Rommie
Actually, the majority of men in the USA are circumcised, not just Jewish people, in stark contrast to say Europe where it's not common at all. Pretty sure most people just do it because their dad did, but it's like 60-80%! In part because it's thought to just be a routine and default neonatal care thing, I've heard weird stories from friends about how sometimes you need to be explicit if you don't want your baby circumcised at the hospital when they're born. :?

So I mean by that logic for these people that might be what sinks it, not the parts relating to women? But I'd have to see why exactly they think circumcision would sink such a bill.

Either way, it obviously is an awful pair of bills and I hate that this is a thing now.

Re: Idaho attempting to outdo Texas on anti-trans legislatio

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:37 am
by SciFiFisher
Rommie wrote:Actually, the majority of men in the USA are circumcised, not just Jewish people, in stark contrast to say Europe where it's not common at all. Pretty sure most people just do it because their dad did, but it's like 60-80%! In part because it's thought to just be a routine and default neonatal care thing, I've heard weird stories from friends about how sometimes you need to be explicit if you don't want your baby circumcised at the hospital when they're born. :?

So I mean by that logic for these people that might be what sinks it, not the parts relating to women? But I'd have to see why exactly they think circumcision would sink such a bill.

Either way, it obviously is an awful pair of bills and I hate that this is a thing now.

The popular medical wisdom is that circumcision is more hygienic and can save males a lot of issues later in life. I have seen a few uncircumcised men who did have some issues with cellulitis and other yucky problems due to poor personal hygiene. It is usually older men with obvious decline in cognitive and physical abilities.

Re: Idaho attempting to outdo Texas on anti-trans legislatio

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:04 pm
by Rommie
Yes, but my understanding from those with the right equipment (and got circumcised later in life due to medical issues) is there are other tradeoffs in quality of life in the bedroom, and if it's done as a baby you don't know what you're missing. :P

I mean, I don't have the right equipment to know all the ins and outs myself, but it is interesting that it's so different in the USA vs Europe on this one.

Re: Idaho attempting to outdo Texas on anti-trans legislatio

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:40 am
by lady_*nix
Re circumcision: interesting. I knew it was common in the US, as a result of early 20th century prudishness (same reason US doctors used to do FGM, though the levels of harm involved are not remotely comparable). Didn't know that such a large majority of goyisch AMAB folks here were circumcised though. As for the cost/benefit side of it... IDK, I just steer clear of "intactivists" because they're mostly MRA scumbags.

And as far as the original topic... I'm just gonna leave this here: