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States banning methotrexate after Roe v Wade overturning

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 10:45 am
by lady_*nix
Because it's potentially an abortificant. This is one of the most proven and widely used drugs for autoimmune disorders, and also used for ectopic pregnancies and cancer treatment. ... ate-access

For a lot of people with autoimmune disorders it's the only drug that works. Ectopic pregnancies are invariably fatal without treatment. And we all know about cancer.

And this is one of many widely used drugs that red states are banning, and that doctors and institutions in blue states are preemptively cutting off just in case, like absolute cowards.

Re: States banning methotrexate after Roe v Wade overturning

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 2:15 pm
by SciFiFisher
We can hope that judges will still realize the need for methotrexate for people who really need it.

Re: States banning methotrexate after Roe v Wade overturning

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 3:27 pm
by lady_*nix

I hope, but I don't expect.

Also in a lot of cases this happening in blue states, where medical institutions are capitulating ahead of time. So no judges involved, just hospital management or whatever. Illegal? Technically yes, but no consequences, so it won't stop.

This will extend to other medications too. AFAIK the vast majority of chemo drugs are unsafe for pregnancy, and the Republicans really are playing for keeps now.

Re: States banning methotrexate after Roe v Wade overturning

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 1:44 pm
by lady_*nix
Latest case of this was with a 14 year old girl in Tucson: ... r-AA12sGPn

The article says they did approve it eventually, but holy fuck y'all. My own case of RA is considered so mild/early on that it's been a chore to get doctors to even keep me on a DMARD, and the pain when it flares up is indescribable, like all my joints are literally on fire. I wouldn't be able to keep a job without the meds. A literal child with a more advanced case, just starting high school? Can't even fucking imagine.