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PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 6:01 pm
by The Supreme Canuck
Canada's very conservative, er, Conservative Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird has been attacked for promoting a liberal pro-gay agenda by a women's group:

A conservative women’s group took aim at Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird on Wednesday for opposing international anti-gay laws, calling his stance “highly offensive to conservative taxpayers.”

REAL Women of Canada, a vocal supporter of “traditional family and marriage” released a statement on its website Wednesday condemning the cabinet minister’s recent lobbying actions.

“Just who does John Baird think he is?” the group’s national vice-president, Gwendolyn Landolt, said in the statement.

“He argues that homosexual rights are a ‘Canadian value’, but this applies only to himself and his fellow activists and the left-wing elitists.”


Huh? That's... odd, right?

Some context: that Minister Baird is gay is the most well-known "secret" on the Hill, and has been for years. No one cares. No one brings it up, since that's deemed to be part of his personal life and not up for public discussion... even though he is a very high-level member of the Conservative Party of Canada. And REAL Women is a very socially conservative organization of the "Christian family values" type. And it looks like they've decided to speak up against Minister Baird's (and the government's) stance on this issue, with innuendo referring to his homosexuality, which is a big no-no.

So even though the situation seems odd, it makes sense if you know what's going on. Still, the sentence I opened the post with is amusingly puzzling, I think.

Re: Surreal

PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 9:49 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
Repeat after me boys and girls:

"Ideology is a guideline, NOT a PROCEDURE."